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The room the three of us occupied felt dark and gloomy. Although the hurricane of emotions had passed, Everyone was in a bad mood. I'm in my own world looking over the conversation again, looking for the points in my argument I got right. This android got on my nerves and I'm sure I got on his, but I think he's just being dramatic. For all I know, he could probably be born yesterday and has embodied the life of a child that tries to be an adult.

I don't mean to be mean, but it's all I could feel whenever I looked over at him. The man-child sat with Dr. Rattmann who was almost done with his arm, a frown and drawn together eyebrows plastered on his face. He glances at me and glares, I return with a similar stare. I love my little idiot, but this guy, he wasn't the Wheatley I grew to love.

Doug finally finished up Wheatley's arm, now typing something on his computer. Wheatley was fiddling with the buttons of his white button down shirt. I stared inventively at him, trying to read his thoughts or something. But he was as stoic as a rock. Ironic, I thought.

I was currently seated on a big crate was checking the time, when it hit me. "Shit I forgot about Charles-" "Hm?" Doug looked up towards me. Now conscious that I cursed out loud, I lost the ability to speak for a few seconds. "..I uh, have to go." Is all I could say to him, taking out my wallet and checking if I had enough to make it there. I panicked and bit my lip finding out I was 9 dollars short. Like always, there's consequences to everything you do.

I don't regret messing up the fuse box in that tiny shop though.

"You could tag along with us, Wheatley and I are heading over to my nephew's house to relax and work on that giant robot's coding. We can get you dropped off wherever you need to be." he said packing up a bag with equipment and two laptops. "What?!" Wheatley intervened. "No way I'm riding the bus with HER. What if she's going somewhere far?" he said.

"Where are you going (Y/N)?" Doug asked. "I'm heading to a friend's place. They don't live too far from the museum, if it's not too much trouble." I said pocketing my wallet. He would pat my shoulder and give me a small smile. "Take this as a thanks for saving me back there." He said. 

Wheatley sighed, reluctantly following Doug's actions and filled the duffle bag with a few unfinished projects, from the looks of it. As Doug made his way out the door, me and Wheatley in tow, The android and I shared a glare.

"Great it's still pouring out here.. When the bus rolls around again we run over, alright?" Doug said as we were faced with the entrance. I nod to him as Wheatley takes a seat on the floor next to me. In that moment Doug's phone buzzed, prompting him to take his phone out of his lab coat. "Give me a second. If the bus comes get on I'll catch up to you both." he said moving over away to take his private call.

I sighed, unbuttoning my raincoat, feeling rather warm for being in a well-air conditioned area. I admired the outfit I had put together in such a short period of time; I wonder why I take so long sometimes when choosing something to wear back at the apartment. I bet it took me 10 minutes to put this together. While I was staring at my outfit, I felt another pair of eyes watching me. I turn towards Wheatley, who I could've sworn quickly shifted his gaze.

Weird, I thought. I mean this outfit did feel a bit tight, but that didn't feel important when I put it on. I pulled my coat together and buttoned it back up as I saw the bus draw near to the side walk it had stopped at earlier today, Wheatley got up and adjusted his tie. I took a better look at him; noticing he had a white dress-shirt and light blue tie on, matched with a pair of grey pants and light blue sneakers with little white stars, similar to mine.

As we made our way to the bus along with a few other people, I couldn't take my eyes away from him. I raised my gaze to his face; he had light blonde hair and anxious-filled blue eyes, if you studied them closely you could see him processing in his head. Just as much as seeing him made me boil, he looked good..

"What? do I have something on my face?" Wheatley said, snapping me out of my thoughts. I didn't know how long I had been staring nor did I realize we were already seated on the bus. I flushed a bright red in embarrassment and averted my gaze to the back of the seat in front of me. "Nothing. Sorry." I said. I took a glanced at him once more and noticed he turned to the window, resting his head on it.

Doug made his way to the back and took a seat next to me, as the bus started driving to it's next destination.


A few hours later...

Wheatley's POV:

Even though it was about a few minutes past noon, the entire bus was empty excluding me, Doug, and (Y/N). We were on our way to a total ghost town, so it's not a surprise that most people got off already. I have to interrogate this excuse for a person, why did she want to visit her friend who lives in the middle of nowhere?! To be fair, the lab is just as far, but- y'know! We have a proper excuse, she doesn't!

Despite it already being midday, the rain never ceased. The sky was as dark as my colleague's hair and beard! If I didn't know better I would've thought it was night already. I turned to (Y/N) who was barely keeping herself from falling asleep. Now that I think about it, has she always had those eye bags? I never noticed them until now. What was she doing this past week?

What am I thinking? I shouldn't care about this.. this.. human! Human? Really? that's the best slur I can think of??

I groaned and threw myself back into my seat, feeling defeated. I turned to my left and noticed Doug had moved to the other row next to ours, typing away at his computer connected to a weird white oval robot thing. Nothing out of the ordinary. I faced forward once more feeling rather bored that there isn't anything else interesting outside anymore.. Just yellow fields and gloomy skies for Wheatley.

You'd think the world would look better than what it actually presents itself to be.

As I was engulfed in my thoughts, I felt something heavy drop onto my shoulder, startling me. I quickly turned my head to find a sleeping (Y/N), peaceful and calm. Calmest I've seen her all day, to be exact. I was surprised by the sudden feeling, and a bit anxious my arm would fall off again or something- I felt paralyzed under the minimal weight she had laid upon me.

Even though we did share quite a lot of hatred for each other, I didn't feel like pushing her away, brushing her off my arm, waking her up.. There are a lot of things I want to do to this.. Woman. I do hate her but this is leverage that I'll need in the future! Now it's HER that'll need to repay ME.

Brilliant, aren't I? You can't have an IQ higher than a robot's- and that's a fact.

So, I let the girl rest on my shoulder, and even though I felt a bit of happiness graze my face, I shook off the feeling. I'm doing this just so she owes me one. Just for the favour.

Just for the favour.

(Future author here, that favour doesn't mean shit ya hear me?)

In Reality || Wheatley x Reader (PORTAL 2 FANFIC) By LeisugarWhere stories live. Discover now