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I felt a sense of tranquility in the shower; a different feeling I had when I was alone in the kitchen. It was like I had finally gotten something off my chest, something that had been eating away at my happiness for weeks.

I didn't take too long, but the few minutes I had in the bathroom was.. peaceful. Before heading out I put my hair into a hairstyle that I wouldn't see myself using much. The clothing I chose also wasn't my norm, after all, we are trying to hide from those psychos. Wearing something other than what you usually wear makes it harder for them to find you.

At least, I hope it does.

Before leaving, I swepted the crumbs from my sandwich into the sink and smoothed out my top.

When I entered the main area, Wheatley was sat at the very end of the couch closest to the door, sat up straight and everything. The two backpacks, one that held snacks and the other that held my clothes and hygiene utilities, leaned their weight on his legs. I turned to the plate in the kitchen; two sandwiches were gone, leaving just one. "Is it okay if I eat this?" I said after taking it, holding it up to him who turned their head to me and nodded.

I sat next to him on the couch as we sat in silence. It was kinda like when the power went out, before everything that's happened. This time, only the kitchen light was on. Leaving the rest of the living room that wasn't as close to it in darkness. I turned to Wheatley; the half of his face bring illuminated by the faint light. I stared, unsure of what to say. Thankfully though, I didn't have to figure that out for long; "I thought about what you said." He said. After a second of contemplation, I nodded for him to continue right before taking a bite out of my sandwich. "..And I have to admit, you're right. Completely right-" he started; "-and I'm.. I'm sorry for acting up like that, (Y/N). I really am." He turned to me, but then noticed how much food was packed into my mouth.

His eyes widen slightly at what he sees, which again I would assume is the closest to what him laughing would've been.

I swallowed everything quickly to reply; "It's okay, Wheatley. I understand how you feel about all this, you know I do. We all just.." my attention drifted down to his hand that rested on his lap. Without thinking I took it in my free one, holding onto it while it remained on his thigh. "..cope differently." I said, looking back up at him. I stared into his bright light blue eyes, how they would faintly glow in the darkness like a fading glow stick. I've been looking into them for quite some time, and every time I did I always wondered the same thing over and over.

What was going on in that fascinating mind of his?

I smiled faintly at the thought, hoping he was okay. Even just a bit. "(Y/N)." He said, placing a hand ontop of mine. Wheatley adjusted the way I had been holding his other hand, so that both were covering mine like how a clam holds its pearl. I hummed in response, again asking for him to continue. "With that been said, I need to ask something of you.." he said. My brows furrowed at how odd he was acting. "Go on?" I said with uncertainty. "Well, I was thinking I could.. try coping the way you do." He said, averting his gaze from mine.

"You.. want to turn off your protocol?" I asked, trying to understand what he meant. "Yes, I think it would be for the best-" He paused looking back up at me; "-after all, you did say you liked seeing me smile." He said. Hearing those words made me smile sheepishly, and once again, get a feeling I hadn't known in a while. Even without emotions, during a stressful and dark time, somehow, Wheatley still manages to make me happy.

I guess he always did, didn't he?

"So what are you asking of me? Do you need permission from me, is that it?" I joked, cocking my head to the side with a smirk. "" with that blunt statement, the palms of his hands glowed as he shut his eyes. I watched as the light seeped out from the small openings, then fading out into nothing. Bringing back that familiar low illumination upon us once more. He let go of my hand as I took it from him, holding it closer to my face to examine it. "I've just given you access to the main controls of my emotions protocol. All that I need from you now is you to scan any part of your hands on my temples, and I'll be able to, well.. emote." He explained as I looked back up to him.

In Reality || Wheatley x Reader (PORTAL 2 FANFIC) By LeisugarWhere stories live. Discover now