Chapter 21: Meet the cats!

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It's finally the weekend! I've had to take care of Sting and Natsu for the rest of the week because they got sick from eating so much food. I mean come on, you're not supposed to eat that much for a reason. In fact, today should be the last day I have to take care of them.

I had to take care of Natsu too because his brother and parents were on a business trip or something like that, and they weren't home. Also, Natsu didn't even know how to wrap a bandage correctly, so he obviously couldn't take care of himself when he was sick.

I know this because I actually asked him to disinfect and wrap his arm, full of scratches from apparently tripping over a soccer ball earlier, while I went to the bathroom, and when I came back I saw Wendy with scissors trying to cut the bandages that were tightly wrapped and strung around his whole body messily. I was only gone for three minutes, how in the world did he manage that anyway?! He's so dense but the situations it puts him in are hilarious.

I even heard from Erza that one time he declared war over a tree because its roots tripped him. Long story short he used his roar to burn the tree to a crisp, and had to use his allowance to pay a fine for damaging public property. That baka. He better not mess up this house.

"I'm back with the ginger ale!" I heard Levy tell from the front door as she closed it.

Levy has been helping me take care of them since Wendy was busy with cutting bandages and Sting was in his room. Mom used to tell us that ginger ale helps with stomach pain, so I asked Levy to get some from the store, and handed her some money. She apparently likes to walk which is great because neither of us can drive.

"Thanks Lev, can you set it on the counter?" I asked, coming into the living room and stopping at the foot of the stairs.

"On it!" She said and disappeared into the kitchen.

I went upstairs to give Sting some water. He was stationed in his room, and Natsu was on the couch downstairs. I would have moved him to the guest room but I didn't want him to throw up in there. It's right next to my room after all, and who wants a stinky room?

I opened Sting's door and gave the water to Rogue and Yukino, who were looking after him. I left and went back downstairs.

Wendy had finally gotten the bandages off of Natsu and cleaned and wrapped his cuts correctly. Natsu was asleep, and Rogue and Yukino came down a few minutes later saying Sting was asleep too. Levy came out of the kitchen. The five of us sighed in relief. Taking care of them was hard.

We went to my room and I summoned Aries to make some fluffy seats for the others. Levy immediately jumped on one and relaxed. I'd forgotten how much her and a certain redhead loved them. Yukino was the second to do that. Wendy and I sat on the bed and Rogue took my desk chair.

"Wow Lu-chan, your room is awesome!" Levy said in awe.

"Thanks! Wendy loves it too. She always wanted to have sleepovers in here because it looks like the night sky." I said with a laugh as I saw Wendy with the same look as she stared at my walls like Levy.

"Can we? Have a sleepover I mean." Levy asked.

"Sure! You might wanna call your family to ask though, just in case. I already know Yukino's and Rogue's answers," I suggested. She nodded and went outside the room to call her parents.

She came in a few minutes later. "They said yes, but do you have any spare clothes I could borrow?" She asked.

"Yep! Just look in my closet and find some pajamas and some clothes for tomorrow. You too Yuki." I told them. They got up and went into my closet, carefully searching. Meanwhile Wendy went to her room to get her pajamas ready. She came back with a pink oversized shirt and some shorts.

Yukino came out of the closet with a blue tank top and some black pajama pants, and Levy came back with a white shirt that was too big for her.

"Hehe sorry Levy-chan. I forgot my clothes may be a little too big for you." I said, rubbing the back of my head. My shorts or pants probably didn't fit her either.

"No problem! I have some shorts under my skirt so I can just wear them for tonight. Thanks though," She replied.

The three of them put the clothes in the corner for safe keeping, and sat back down in their spots. My door opened slowly and a white cat came in.

"Carla! Come here, girl," Wendy called.

Carla walked over and jumped on my bed in between me and Wendy. I pet her and she purred, then sat in Wendy's lap, receiving a few strokes on her fur from the girl.

"You have a cat?" Levy asked.

"Yep. Three actually. This is Carla, Wendy's cat. Sting has an orange cat named Lector, and my cat's name is Nevaeh. She has odd but beautiful gold colored fur," I explained.

"Nevaeh? That's heaven spelled backwards! It's a great name for a gold colored cat." Levy said.

"Speaking of Nevaeh, where is she?" Yukino asked.

"I'm surprised you don't know by now, Yukino," I laughed, "she's in the place she always is when unfamiliar people come over."

"Nevaeh? Come on out please!" I called. I heard a slight meow and giggled, knowing it was going to be a little hard. She was a shy little thing.

I got off the bed and kneeled down in front of it, reaching under. I pulled out the golden kitten and hugged her close, sitting back on the bed with her in my arms, petting her.

I heard a tiny gasp. "Lucy, she's beautiful!" Levy said.

Author's Note:

I know that Lector is red, but I made him more of a reddish orange color in this story. Sort of like an orange tabby without the stripes.

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