Chapter 28: Natsu meets Jude (again?)

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"Phew! We're ready with time to spare. I'll start making a quick breakfast. Sting, call him to tell him we have a guest coming with us. Then put me on the phone with him okay?" I said, getting up from the couch and smoothing my dress out.

"Got it!" I heard as I made some quick pancakes. In 10 minutes, I've made some pancakes and Sting gave me the phone to talk to our dad.

"Hello? Yes, hello Father!" I greeted in the kitchen away from everyone.

"So, one of my friends from school found out about us, but he swore to keep the secret. He's coming with us to visit you and Mom, and the others. Since he's coming with us, I will ask you politely to not ask Wendy and I to sing, or even mention that we do sing. You already know why," I requested.

"Of course, Lucy. I won't mention it and neither will the others. I'll make sure of it. I can't wait to meet your friend. Sting also mentioned Yukino and Rogue, so tell them I can't wait to see them as well. See you soon, goodbye." He said as he hung up.

"Goodbye!" I said, and gave Sting his phone back. We walked out of the kitchen back to the others, and we saw Wendy and Yukino putting bows on Nevaeh's and Carla's tails. Rogue and Natsu were putting bowties on Happy, Lector, and Frosch. Before you say anything, Frosch just looks better in a bowtie, don't ask why.

"Okay, we're ready to go- oh my god Natsu hold on!" I said as I walked over and fixed his tie, then fixing his white dragon scale scarf too.

"There we go! Now we can leave. Make sure you guys have your change of clothes, or else you will be stuck in dresses and suits all day," I reminded them. They nodded and we got in the car and left. 15 minutes later, we arrived at the Heartfilia estate, and drove towards the mansion in the middle. Sting stopped the car and we got out.

"Okay Natsu, you got this! No need to be nervous!" I heard Natsu giving himself a pep talk. I laughed and told him to calm down. After a few minutes he did, and we walked towards the entrance to the house.

Just like before, the servants were in lines, with our father in front of them, waiting to greet us.

"Just follow our lead, Natsu. You'll be fine, okay? Oh, and address him as Mr. Heartfilia," I told him. He nodded.

The 6 of us stood in a line. First Wendy, then me, then Natsu, Rogue, Sting, and finally Yukino. We stayed quiet, waiting for him to speak.

"Children, you're back again with another visit! I'm so happy to see you again!" Father smiled happily at us.

"Hi Daddy!" Wendy said, hugging him.

"Father." Me, Rogue, and Sting said, bowing at him. He smiled at us and came over with Wendy behind him.

"Rogue! You've grown a lot! Yukino, it's very nice to see you again. I need to be able to see my soon-to-be daughter-in-law more often, you know," he said while winking to Sting.

Yukino blushed and Father laughed.

Finally, Father came over to Natsu and I. Natsu went stiff. I nudged him and he relaxed a little.

"So this must be our guest! Jude Heartfilia. Pleasure to meet you," he introduced himself as he held out his hand.

"Natsu Dragneel, Mr. Heartfilia. A pleasure to meet your acquaintance," he said as he shook him hand.

The two of them paused for a few seconds before laughing.

"Acquaintance? What era are you living in, boy?!" Father said as he laughed.

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to see Luce's reaction. Nice to see you again Jude!" Natsu said as he laughed.

I just stood there dumbfounded.

"Eh?!" I asked.

"Luce, my family is a friend of the Heartfilias. We are the Dragneels. I didn't recognize the Heartfilia name until I saw your father. My dad used to bring me to meetings with him." Natsu explained.

"Oh, well I guess that makes sense." I said.

"So, where is Layla? Luce said that she'd be here too." Natsu said.

Father's face fell. So did everyone else's.

"She's in her secret garden. We'll go visit her right now if you'd like." Father said.

I knew Natsu could tell something was wrong, but he didn't know what.

We walked to Mom's garden, like always. We entered it and Natsu's eyes widened as they fell on her grave.

"Layla . . ." He whispered, hair covering his eyes.

Father put a hand on his shoulder.

Yukino was hugging Sting, and Wendy was hugging Rogue.

Natsu turned to me and looked me in the eyes.

"How could I not notice," he said.

I looked at him in surprise.

"You look just like Layla, so I really don't know how I couldn't have noticed. Maybe it's because it's been too long since I've seen her." He said quietly, but everyone was still able to hear him.

"Come here, Luce. I know you want to cry, so just cry." He said softly as he held his arms out.

I smiled and hugged him, tears running down my face. I could feel his tears as well.

"Come here, Wendy." Father told her.

She broke her hug with Rogue and came towards him. He picked her up and she hugged him. It was mostly to comfort him more than her. Sure, she felt sad, but you can't exactly mourn who you don't remember. She was sad, because of the words Mom had put on her gravestone.

"Even if she does not remember me, I will take our memories to the grave with me," is what it says.

Wendy is sad, because she would have liked to know Mom. The fact she said she would take the memories they had together with her to Heaven, showed Wendy how kind Mom really was. That's why she was sad. She knew she missed out on knowing a beautiful person, on the inside and out. After letting Natsu talk to Mom, we decided to leave. This was Natsu's time with her. We can always talk with her on our next visit. We said goodbye to her and went back to the mansion. We went to the rooms and got changed into our spare clothes.

We ate the dinner the servants prepared, and talked about the thinks that have happened. Wendy beating Natsu at cards, Erza, Levy, and everyone else, etc. Wendy talked about Juvia and Romeo, while Sting and Rogue sat there silently planning another one of their murder attempts for the poor boy. Rogue actually told Father about Kagura. He encouraged him to ask her to be his girlfriend, and even gave him some tips, which weren't exactly good ones, but they were still tips I guess.

The servants started teasing Sting and Yukino, and then started talking about how cute me and Natsu would be together. Those people are nuts sometimes, but that's what I love about them.

I introduced them to Nevaeh after we ate, and she immediately took a liking to them. Especially Father.  Everyone was petting her, Carla, Happy, and Frosch. We spent so much time and had a lot of fun, but once again, it was almost time to leave. Sting and I looked at each other and took a deep breath. It was now or never.

"Hey Father? _________________."

Author's Note:

I now understand why people write cliffhangers so much. It's really fun!! Anyways, what do you think they said to Jude?

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