Chapter 23: A Rude Awakening

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Rogue came in first. Lector greeted him and they jumped onto the living room couch. Carla was sitting next to Wendy on the other couch, enjoying the pets Wendy gave her. I was holding Nevaeh in my lap, sitting next to Wendy on the other side.

Frosh greeted Carla, and sat down with Lector. Lector didn't sit down for long because Sting came back almost directly after Rogue, with Natsu behind him. Lector ran to him and Sting picked him up and hugged him, then set him back down and closed the door behind Natsu, who was holding something blue. Natsu came over and the blue thing popped it's head out of his arm and meowed.

"Hey guys! This is Happy," he introduced as he set him down next to me. Happy immediately rubbed against my arm and purred.

"Looks like he likes you, Luce." Natsu laughed. I laughed too and scratched the side of Happy's head. He leaned into my hand and purred more. He stopped and sniffed Nevaeh. Nevaeh let out a soft and quiet meow. Happy licked her head.

"Aw, he made a friend!" Levy said, coming downstairs in her pajamas.

"That's so cute!" Yukino agreed.

Happy leapt off the couch onto the floor, then jumped back up next to Carla, sitting down next to her. He meowed a lot, and Carla laid down and turned her head away, laying on her paws.

"Carla, don't be so mean!" Wendy told her. She meowed in response.

Happy meowed, and I laughed. Natsu looked confused.

"Looks like Happy has a crush!" I pointed out.

Natsu's facial expression switched from confusion to happiness, and he smiled goofily.

"That's great lil buddy!" He told Happy and he pet him.

Let's go have our sleepovers now!" Yukino said.

"Separate!" I added, eyeing Sting, who pouted.

Wendy, Levy, and Yukino went upstairs to my room, and I followed carrying Nevaeh. I closed the door after making sure Carla came in as well. Yukino dug around in her bag, which I just now realized she brought, and took out Pockys, soda, and movies.

"Well it's a good thing I'm not tired anymore," Wendy said, looking at me hopefully. I laughed and agreed.

I spread out the movie choices and we voted on which one to watch. We settled on the movie Legally Blondes. I didn't even know Yukino had this movie. Wendy and I haven't watched it in a while, and Levy said she's never seen it. At that point we just had to put it on so she could see it.

Yukino spread out the sodas and pockys, letting us choose which ones we wanted. I took strawberry, Wendy and Levy took chocolate, and Yukino had cookies and cream. Yukino and Wendy grabbed root beers, Levy got a coke, and I got myself a brisk ice tea. You can't go wrong with Brisk. I made some more wool seats for Yukino and Levy, while Wendy and I laid on my bed. I put on the movie on my TV, and we watched, drank, and ate, enjoying the movie and looking at Levy for her reactions because we've seen it before.

The Next Morning:

Mmm, pocky trees and pink wool clouds-





"What the hell you two?!"

"You scared Carla!"

I untangled myself from my blanket and got up off the floor, seeing Sting and Natsu cackling and slapping each other on the back laughing. Sting was holding his phone, in which I could barely see an air horn app on it.

I gave them a glare, but they didn't notice because they were laughing. A deadly aura surrounded me as I walked slowly over to them, stopping in front of them. They stopped laughing as they looked at me. They gulped as the girls smirked at them. We all knew their fate. They did this to themselves. The boys bolted.

"AHH I'M SORRY LUCY!!" Sting shouted as I ran after them.

"Too late!!" I yelled as I chased them downstairs. Rogue came out of Sting's room looking like he just woke up. He laughed and had an amused look on his face as we ran past him.

"LUCY I'M SORRY DON'T HURT ME!!" Natsu shouted as they ran around the house trying to escape my wrath.

"Accept your fate, Dragneel!" I shouted in reply.

Timeskip brought to you by Sting and Natsu dying at the hands of the Lucy Kick:

I sat on the living room couch, wearing a proud smile on my face as Wendy and Yukino were bandaging the grumbling boys. Levy and Rogue were just laughing at them.

"You guys are pathetic," I told them.

"It's not my fault you're so strong!" Natsu argued.

"I didn't even hurt you that bad!" I retorted, "I caught you, beat you up a little, then you escaped and ran into a wall! How are you that dense?!" I asked, laughing. He grumbled some more.

"Sting was the one who got beat up by Lucy more. You should be grateful, Natsu-san." Wendy told him as she finished wrapping his injuries for the second time this week.

"Lucy I'm you're brother! Why didn't you go easy on me?!" Sting asked me.

"Well since you're my brother, you should know best not to do that! Sleep is very important to me and I only get to sleep in on the weekend. Plus you woke up Levy-chan! Not to mention you're girlfriend, and don't forget Wendy!! You had it coming!" I said, shutting him up.

Levy agreed with me, "you're lucky I didn't help her. I once beat up Gajeel for picking on me. He had a really bad bruise on his arm that was there for 2 weeks." She said.

"N-Noted." They both said.

Hahaha, they just got hit with some good old girl power! Never mess with my sleep. Or Levy's temper. She has a short temper when you pick on her size. Gajeel found that out the hard way.

"I say we change and go get Erza and Mira so we can hang out and introduce them to the cats," I suggested.

"Please, not Erza! She's nuts!" Natsu pleaded.

I got up, leaned down, and knocked him on the head.

"Shut up Natsu, or we won't take you with us when we get food," I threatened.

"Gah! Luce is scary too!" Natsu said while shivering.

"You want food or not, Ashtray?" I asked, annoyed.

"Hell yeah! Food!" He shouted.

"Quiet! Don't say that around Wendy!" Sting and I scolded him.

"But you said it when-"


"Just go with Sting so he can give you some clothes!" I said, blushing a little when I realized he had slept without a shirt on.

"Fine, fine!" He mumbled as Sting took him upstairs.

"Okay, come on girls, I have to get you two some clothes as well," I told Yukino and Levy as Wendy went to her room.

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