Chapter 31:

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My eyes widened.

"Shit . . ." I said.

I looked at Yukino, Sting, and Rogue, and I could tell they had the same thought as me. They nodded and I took my phone out and called Dad.

"Lucy? What happened, is something wrong?" He asked after picking up immediately. He knows I never call unless it's to schedule a visit, or something is wrong. And we just visited so he knew something was wrong.

"Hunters. Come to Fairy Tail High. Bring them." I ordered, dead serious.

"It's that important?" He asked, making sure. The people I requested were the Heartfilia's personal guards. They have magic that is almost on par with my dragonslayer magic, which is extremely powerful. "You will be exposed if they come."

"They took a student. It's extremely important. I'll deal with the repercussions. Just get them here, please," I said, staying firm on my decision. Levy's safety is way more important than my secret.

"A student? I assume they're one of your friends. They'll be there in 10 minutes at most," he said.

"Thank you," I said and hung up.

Erza, Juvia, and Gajeel looked at me, shocked by my sudden change in mood. I'd be too if I didn't know myself. After all, I did just go from worried to looking like I was so mad I'd kill anyone who touched me. Even Natsu was a little surprised by it, but he's quickly learned to expect the unexpected when it came to me and my siblings.

"What. The. Hell?!" Erza was the first to speak. I kind of knew she'd be the one to say it. Usually she's actually pretty scary, but when I'm like this, not even death itself can scare me.

I turned my attention to her. She froze, not expecting the calm and collected reaction that I gave her, despite the fact I was ready to kill the person who dared touch one of my best friends.

"Erza, I need Miss Mavis, and every dragonslayer on this campus here. Mr. Mokarav as well. As quickly as you can. And I mean EVERY dragonslayer. If one of them fights back, you have every right to drag them by force," I said darkly. It seemed like even Titania herself didn't want to get on my bad side when I was like this. She only nodded and ran away.

A few minutes later, she came back with everyone I had asked for, as well as dragging with her a certain troublemaking exchange student with poison dragonslayer magic.

"Lucy, why have you directly asked for us?" Miss Mavis asked me.

I only needed to say 3 words for her to understand the situation.

"Hunters. Levy McGarden," I said.

She sighed, "I should have known this would happen at some point, considering it's you who registered to this school. Poor Levy. She has absolutely no idea, and she's still involved in this," she said.

"Okay, were missing something here. What the hell is happening and why is Shrimp missing?" Gajeel asked harshly.

Just as he said that, the Heartfilia guards walked up to us. They bowed to us in respect, while everyone's mouth dropped.

"Mira?! What the hell are you doing in that outfit?! Are you some sort of spy or something?" Laxus asked my guard.

"Laxy!" She cheered. He blushed.

"Mira was scouted by my family as a guard a few weeks ago. She's new, but extremely good at what she does. Congrats on juggling this with school life, Mira!" I congratulated her.

"Thanks! I have to say, I was quite shocked when I got a notice from the Heartfilia family about being a guard. And to find out I was guarding you! Imagine my surprise," she teased.

"Wait, Heartfilia?!" Erza yelled.

"Mira, I didn't tell them that part yet," I sweat dropped.

"O-Oh, um . . . sorry then!" She said.

"Once again I ask, HEARTFILIA?!" Erza yelled even louder.

"Shush, Erza!" I whispered harshly.

"Did you just command me?" She asked, a dark aura surrounding her. The others backed up. Everyone but me and Mira.

"Yes, I did. In case you didn't know, just mentioning that name out loud can draw all sorts of unwanted attention. That is not what we need right now," I said, narrowing my eyes as a dark aura surrounded me as well.

"Well if you'd enlighten us on what exactly the Heartfilias have to do with Levy missing, then I wouldn't have felt the need to shout," she said.

"Well if you hadn't of shouted, I would have explained what exactly you wanted to know, Scarlet," I said.

"Lucille, that is enough," Someone suddenly said. I turned around, looking for the person who called me by my full name. I'd know that voice anywhere.

"Father?! I thought only the Heartfilia Guard were coming?" Sting asked.

"Well I wanted to help as much as I could. The student is your friend, after all," he said, walking up. He placed a hand on my shoulder, "Now, that is enough fighting."

I calmed down and so did Erza. We acted like that never happened, and focused on the fact Father was here.

"What's up, Jude!" Natsu said with a goofy smile. My siblings and I sweat dropped as everyone else's mouth dropped at how informal he was.

"Natsu," my father acknowledged with a smile.

"Mr. Heartfilia," Miss Mavis and Mokarav greeted as they bowed in respect. He was a famous business owner, so it was no surprise.

"Mavis. How has Zeref been treating you?" He asked with a small smile.

"He's been very kind. We love each other a lot," she smiled back.

"Huh?" My siblings and I asked.

"Lucy, how do you think I got you into this school for free? Mavis' husband is Zeref Dragneel, Natsu's older brother. Zeref came with Natsu and their father to our meetings multiple times. One time Zeref brought Mavis, and that's how we know each other," he explained to us.

"Any friend of Zeref's is a friend of mine! Plus, I needed someone to reign Natsu in, and you've done just that! Now, onto the real problem. One of my students has been taken, and we need your zodiac dragonslayer magic, Lucy." Mavis said.

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