Chapter 2: The McGarden Twins

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Levy showed us the school. I have to admit, it's way bigger that Sabertooth or the other 2 schools. I also found out that we have a lot in common. We both love books. We talked about our favorites while Sting just looked at us, confused. "Well, at least Lucy has a friend who's also a major bookworm. Now she doesn't have to tell me about every single book she reads right after she finishes it."

I looked back at him. "Well at least I introduced myself, you lightbulb." Wendy laughed. She understood the joke. I whispered to Levy, loud enough for all 4 of them to hear. "With a nickname like that, you'd think he'd be smart, but he can barely do his homework without asking me or Wendy."

Levy just laughed. "Ah, sibling rivalry. I wish I had as many siblings as you."

I looked at her with reassurance. "Trust me, unless it's a little sister, you don't want a sibling." Sting started babbling, trying to come up with a comeback that was good enough and didn't make him look stupid. As if he didn't already look stupid. Especially in front of Yuki.

Levy took us to our first period classes and left to get to her own. Everyone was already inside. The teacher came out. "Hey, you must be the new students. I'm Gildarts. Just call me that, no formalities. When I go in, wait five seconds then come in. Then introduce yourselves I'll tell you what to do next."

We nodded and he went back in. 5 seconds later we filed into the room. And of course, Sting made me go last. Now I REALLY think this is cliche. Yuki went first, then Sting, and Wendy and I were last. I guess it was so I could translate for her. Gildarts nodded towards us. We began. One by one we introduced ourselves. I spoke for Wendy, then introduced myself, and then we sat down. Class went by quickly, and the bell rang. Levy met us outside. She had girl next to her. Long blue hair, put in pigtails. She had a white shirt and blue skirt, and eyes like the ocean, but a little darker. Levy introduced her as Juvia McGarden, her twin sister. Wendy shrunk back, but I pushed her in front of me. Dang, for such a shy person that girl can give a death stare. Juvia notices it, then sees what's going on. She looked at Levy. Levy spoke, she sounded disappointed. "Really, Juvia? I thought you would get along with Wendy. She's just as shy as you. Maybe this was a bad idea..." She trailed off.

I looked at Wendy, who's no longer giving me that death stare. She smiled. She...she smiled. She's never smiled when meeting a person for the first time. I looked at her, and whispered something under my breath. Since she is a dragon slayer too, she heard me. So did Sting. No one else did. Sting looked at Yukino and she immediately understood. She then looked at me. "Well, I think we should head to our next class now." I turned to Wendy. "This is one of the classes that we don't have together. So I won't be there to translate for you. You have to be louder so they can hear you. Understand?" She nodded.

Levy spoke up. "I think Juvia has the same class as Wendy. Let's let them walk there together. Bye Juvia and Wendy!" She walked a few feet then told Yukino, Sting and I to follow. I like her style, hehe.

We left the two of them and headed to our classes. Levy, Yuki and I had the same class. Sting started mumbling about how it wasn't fair he couldn't have a class with just Yukino and him. Yukino turned around and kissed him on the cheek, and said, "Don't worry, I'll see you at lunch! Bye." He blushed a little and whispered a goodbye to her. Then turned down the right hall to his next class. Yukino ran back to us, as we had walked ahead when she and Sting stopped.

Levy looked at me and I knew what she was thinking. I smiled at her, and we began. Me first, "Oh Yuki~. What was that about?" Levy added on, "Was he your boyfriend? I bet you were going to go crazy if you didn't kiss him. You would have missed him in class wouldn't you have?"

Yukino groaned. "Oh God, why another Lucy?! You guys are basically best friends now. And you've only met today! I can't deal with this!" She ran down the hall to her next class. Now for the big finish. "We saw you blushing Yukino!!!" yelled the both of us. We laughed. Levy turned to me and said, "Mission completed! She was right by the way, we basically are best friends now! How funny is that?" I laughed and agreed with her. We went to our class.

Author's Note: Poor Yukino! Lmao. Anyways, I made a mistake. I meant to say that the mystery character would be in the next chapter, or the part after it. Sorry. And again, thanks for reading if you made it this far. I really appreciate it. The next chapter will be longer I promise. I also forgot to mention that this story is my original. I will not allow any copying or stealing of this story unless you get my permission. Once again, I do not own any pictures in this story so far. I might draw some for a later chapter, but I'm not sure yet. I really hope you are enjoying this story. It's my first one and I know it's really bad I'm sorry. It will get better.

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