Chapter 3: Celestial Wizardry

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Levy and I arrived at class. Yukino was waiting outside. "I met with the teacher out here and said that Levy was showing you to the room, so that's why you both are a few minutes late. Levy, you have to go inside, tell him that we are both ready." Levy went inside. A few minutes later we heard the teacher saying to come in. We walked in. Yukino introduced herself first. "Hi! My name is Yukino Agria. I'm 17 and I'm a celestial wizard. Nice to meet you." She sat down in the second row next to Levy. I went next. "Hey! I'm Lucy Heart, nice to meet you all. I'm 17 and I'm also a celestial wizard." I sat down in between a red haired girl and a black haired boy with red eyes I immediately recognized. "All right class." We looked up. "Since I don't have anything planned for today, the first half of this period you can talk and get to know each other more. Then for the second half, the new students will showcase their power, if it's okay with them?" He looked at us and we nodded. "Okay, you may began talking to each other."

Before I could get a word in, Yukino appeared behind us and hugged the black haired boy. "Rogue! You actually came! Thank you! Sting is gonna be so happy when he finds out."

I panicked. "Yuki! Sting isn't gonna find out, if you squeeze him to death! Let go!" She jumped back, "Sorry! I'm sorry Rogue." He laughed, "It's fine. But I think Lucy is a bit confused on what's happening." I smiled. "Actually no. By what Yuki said, I bet she asked you to come here so Sting wouldn't get lonely. Isn't that right Yukino?" I had a smug look on my face. Then my new best friend joined in. "You know Yukino, it's not nice to run away from a friend, but if it's for your boyfriend, I'm good with it." She had the same smug look on her face. On the other hand, Yukino's face looked like the hair of the girl next to me. "Eh?! Levyyyy! I can be nice to my boyfriend sometimes can't I?!" Me and Levy looked at each other. "Your version of "nice to him" is on a whole 'nother level. You looove him!" Rogue just laughed. "Okay girls, you can stop now. I see Lucy has a new best friend too. She reminds me of Minerva, their personalities are basically the same if we are talking about Sting and Yukino." He laughed again.

Levy looked like she just remembered something. "Oh, guys! Have you met Erza?" She looked at the red haired girl I was sitting next to. Erza looked like she was trying not to laugh. I don't blame her, this whole scene with Yuki is hilarious if you ask me. 

"Nice to meet you Erza! As you can see, we are all very close and looove to play  jokes on each other," I said. She laughed. "I noticed." The teacher told us that time was up. He then called Yukino and I to the front of the classroom. I'd forgotten we'd have to show our powers to the class. 

Yukino said she'd go first, but we'd have to go outside. My eyes widened. "You're not gonna summon THAT spirit, are you?!" She looked at me. "Of course not. That would be stupid. I'm summoning the other." We walk outside to a big open space. Yukino started. "Open, the gate of the two fish. Pisces!" I relaxed. It was stupid of me to think that she'd open that gate for such a trivial matter like this. Pisces appeared. The class looked shocked. "Since Pisces is so big in this form, now I think you see why we had to move outside." Levy, on the other hand. "Wow! So cool and big! I read about Pisces! You really have a zodiac spirit!" She looked at Yukino, excited. 

Levy is really something. She's the only one that wasn't shocked or scared. I could tell Yukino was taken aback. "Y-you're not at least a little scared?! Normally when people see Pisces in this form for the first time, they get nervous! Well, to answer your question, yes. Pisces is a zodiac spirit. In fact, hold on." Yukino had Pisces turn to human form. She also summoned Libra. "Open, the gate of the balance. Libra." Levy looked like this was the best day of her life. "You have TWO gates open at once! And they are both ZODIAC spirits! You're awesome!" Yukino looked embarrassed. "T-thanks. I didn't know there was someone who knew so much about celestial magic, when they are not a celestial wizard. Well Lucy, it's your turn." 

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