Chapter 33:

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Everyone except my siblings looked at me like I was crazy.

"The speed of light? You can't move that fast, Blondie," Laxus said.

"First off, you're blonde too! Second, yes I can. Try and attack me, and I'll show you," I said.

"Zodiac Dragon: Acceleration!" I chanted again.

"Lightning Dragon: Iron Fist!" He chanted as he ran at me with electricity surrounding his fist.

As soon as his fist was an inch away from me, I moved and then moved back using my acceleration. To everyone else, it looked like he punched right through me.

He looked at me, shocked. All of them did, even my siblings. To be fair, they haven't seen my dragon slaying magic a lot since I barely used it, and I did just use it without lifting the magic seal. Which reminds me . . .

"Sorry, I almost forgot," I said. They looked at me in confusion, "Magic Seal: Lift."

Their eyes widened at the amount of magic power that emitted off of me. Even 15 normal dragons in one place didn't give off this much magic power. This was the true magic level of a zodiac dragon, and it's slayer.

"What the hell?! How are you so powerful?" Gajeel yelled. I shrugged.

"Okay, we believe you about the speed of light thing, but what else can you do?" Natsu asked.

"Um, let's see . . ." I thought for a moment," I can control stars, planets, meteors, black holes, comets, the heat of the sun, moons that belong to the planets, constellations, and basically anything within space or space related. I cannot however control space itself. Oh, and I can use my celestial magic too, of course," I listed.

Their mouths dropped.

"Okay, how the hell is it possible for a human being to be able to kill you, Let alone a zodiac dragon. It's literally impossible!" Natsu yelled.

"I mean, I wouldn't say it's impossible. I have to keep the seal on at all times. I can only use a few dragon slaying spells when I have the seal activated. Otherwise I have to remain solely on my celestial spirits and star dresses," I said.

"Why do you even need the seal?" Natsu asked. All of us face palmed. "What?" He asked.

"Idiot, have you seen the girl's power level? Anyone who senses that will be scared to death. And if that's not intimidating enough, the fact she's being hunted gives her an even better reason to hide," Laxus said.

"Yeah. One person having a power level higher than 100 wizards combined will scare off just about anyone who doesn't want to die. I mean, she can probably kill anyone with just 2 hits if she wanted to," Gajeel pointed out. I nodded, upset at the thought of killing someone now that he put it into my head.

"Yeah, but Luce wouldn't kill someone. So what's there to be scared of? He asked, I smiled at him, and then pushed back a certain memory to the furthest place in my mind. Now was not the time to be remembering that. Sting and Rogue snuck a worried glance at me, and I smiled at them. They nodded slightly and looked away. No one noticed the small silent conversation we had at that moment.

"Okay, well new topic. Once I'm done training you, you'll have half my top speed, and then we can move on to the fighting portion of training. Now, who wants to go first," I smirked at all of them, wanting to see who'd be cocky enough to come at me without a plan. I know that at least 3 of them wanted to. I wasn't surprised when the fire breather himself ran at me with fire engulfed fists.

I moved at medium speed, dodging his attacks. To them it looked like I was someone like the Flash from those comic books, with a bright white light trailing behind me. At full speed it looks like attacks go through me if I run and stop at the same exact spot I was before, but if I for example run to the other side of the colosseum and stay there, it would look like I teleported.

My acceleration can be used to either avoid attacks or trick enemies into thinking I have a different magic ability, like teleporting or regular super speed, depending on how fast I choose to go. The art of surprising someone is always my favorite route to take. It may sound mean to trick people, but it's just teaching them not to judge or underestimate someone by their powers. It's a brutally honest lesson people need.

I knew I should use a different move, or else they would begin to give up, so I avoided his attack with my acceleration and used a different spell.

"Zodiac Dragon: Star Guardians!" I chanted.

I raised my arms and stars appeared on either side of me, each group making a constellation that outlined a figure of a dragon. They came alive, you could say, and the two white dragons let out a roar as a battle cry. They weren't big. In fact they were about the size of a full grown male lion. And they were completely loyal to me.

"Star Guardian 1 Command 1: Claw," I instructed. The dragon on my left pounced on Natsu and swiped at him with glowing white claws. While Natsu was occupied with that one, I issued a command to the other dragon on my right.

"Star Guardian 2 Command 1: Roar."

The one on my right got into position and roared. It wasn't anything like a dragon slayer roar, like some people would think. It's a light wave roar. It awakens the sound waves beneath the ground and in the air, and focused then shoots them up toward the opponent or opponents.

The guardians disappeared and the stars that outlined them in the beginning rose up back into the sky where they belonged. That's the thing about this spell. Notice I said "command 1" for both of them. I can only give them one command each before they disappear. Once the command to the second dragon is carried out, both turn back into stars and disappear until I call upon them next time.

I finished this mini battle off with a Zodiac Dragon Roar and Natsu fainted. Wendy ran over to heal him and he was back up again in no time.

"So, anyone else willing to come at me without a plan like he did? Or can we train now?" I asked.

Everyone shook their heads and I smiled. I clapped my hands together.

"Then let's begin!"

NaLu Highschool: Dragon of the StarsWhere stories live. Discover now