Chapter 35:

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Author's Note:

Thank you so much alloftaekook26 and denisejenelle for voting on my story! I hope you enjoy the chapter!

"Finally!" I yelled to no one in particular.

"We should be the one saying that! Training with you is basically torture!" Natsu argued.

"I had to deal with your idiocy, so I have a right to say that too!" I shot back.

The others snickered. Everyone else has finished their training yesterday, so they came to watch us train instead. My father came to see how it went as well. It took a week, but I've successfully made the other dragonslayers stronger. We've been able to train all day for the whole week because Ms. Mavis canceled school to avoid any other kidnappings. It was also so we could train in peace without risking any other students finding out because they're still on campus, where the others trained. I'm still the strongest, since their top speed is not even half mine, and they can only control one thing each with their element while my element allows me to control basically anything space related, and not limited to the stars or summoning spirits like my celestial magic. With the exception of Natsu having control over a small amount of lightning and Gajeel being able to turn into a shadow.

Meanwhile, Ms. Mavis and Mokarav have been developing plans and finding more information of Levy's kidnapping. I've proofread some of their plans and I've got to say, I see the reason Ms. Mavis is known as the Fairy Tactician. I can tell she's incredibly intelligent just by looking at the rough drafts of their plans. She's definitely earned her nickname.

Erza and Juvia were definitely surprised at how powerful I was. My father and Yukino just smiled proudly when they saw their shocked faces.

"Okay, now that the slayers are properly trained, we can go to Ms. Mavis and Mr. Dreyar to see if they have a plan!" I said.

"No need, Lucy. We're already here."

We all turned out heads to see Ms. Mavis and Mokarav walking out onto the battlefield from inside the stadium.

The others, with the exception of my father, hopped down from their seats in the stadium with their magic. My father walked out too and joined everyone.

"Have you come up with a plan yet?" I asked. Mokarav nodded.

"Okay, here's what you need to do."

The Next Day:

"Okay, dragonslayers do your part," Mokarav instructed. We nodded. We sniffed around Levy's and Juvia's house, which Juvia brought us to a few minutes ago.

We had first gone to the park where Yukino and I were attacked to see if we could get any lingering scents, but of course, it had disappeared by then. Now the slayers who haven't sniffed the scent before have to look out for any unusual scents. We already knew their parents' scents so that it wouldn't interfere because we didn't know it was them.

"Oi, I got somethin'," Gajeel called, "Haven't smelled anything like this before."

We went over to him and I immediately caught the scent as well.

"It's different from before, but still similar. They must be wearing the same type of clothes, but it was a different person. We can follow this," I said.

The others followed me and the other dragonslayers as we tracked the scent. Geez, saying that makes us sound like dogs.

I then caught another scent. I coughed like crazy. The others looked at me and asked if I was okay. I ran about 5 meters to the left. I could finally breathe.

"Damn," I hissed.

"What is it Luce?" Natsu asked.

"Star Scent. It's a horrible and disgusting scent that zodiac dragons can't stand. It smells normal to other dragons and slayers though. It comes from the pollen of a rare flower that's said to bloom only when the moon shines directly on it. Must have gone through a lot of trouble to get this stuff. I can't be of help anymore when it comes to tracking the scent, sorry," I explained while holding my nose.

"So they were idiotic enough to attack you and Yukino in broad daylight, but smart enough to get something that keeps you from tracking them. Does their brain switch on and off everytime or what?" Sting grumbled.

"Someone have something I can plug my nose with? The Star Scent is absolutely disgusting," I gagged, ignoring Sting's comment.

"Here," Erza said as she handed me a face mask. I didn't expect anyone to actually have them. How prepared is she? I would have thought her bag was full of cake.

"Thanks, but why exactly do you have this?" I wondered.

"I am always prepared," she said proudly.

"It's better if you don't question Erza-san," Juvia whispered. I nodded.

We kept tracking for awhile, but finally arrived at the destination.

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