Chapter 41:

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Author's Note:

Okay so I'm doing a voice acting thing for a Gachatuber (YouTuber who does gacha videos) and I had to choose either my IRL or my gacha character so she can make a character based off of it to fit the theme of her story, but I couldn't choose so I made a new one that combined both of them.

Anyways, the picture is in the media and even if you don't like gacha club, please go check out her YT channel because it's really good. Although voice acting offers are probably now closed, the voice acting series is gonna be so fun to do and really cool to watch, so please go check it out once it's uploaded. She's really nice and deserves to have more people watch her! And just to make it clear, my character that she made is based off of the one I made, it is not the same character. Her channel is Lyxinal.

Also, I'm really sorry I haven't updated. I got my second covid shot on Thursday, and yesterday was absolute hell for me. Now onto the story!

"Luce, what are we doing here? Are we gonna fight someone?!" Natsu asked excitedly.

"It's not you, is it?" Gajeel asked with a shiver.

"No, you won't be fighting me," I said.

It was now the weekend, and like I promised, we were all in the coliseum to recreate the training session for Levy. Not that Natsu and Gajeel knew that though, hehe.

"Alright, presenting your challenger," I announced so that the others in the stand could hear me. I then smirked.

"Magic Seal: Lift!"

Natsu's and Gajeel's smiles dropped.

"You said we wouldn't be fighting you!" Gajeel said.

"You're not. I just need my seal off so I can bring your opponents here," I said. They looked at me with hesitate.

"Zodiac Dragon: Star Guardians!" I chanted, "THESE, are your opponents," I said as they appeared.

Natsu and Gajeel ran towards the exit. I had already planned for this.

"Zodiac Dragon: Acceleration!"

I appeared in front of them with my arms crossed, smiling.

"What? Yu wanted a fight, didn't you?" I asked innocently.

I dragged them back towards the dragons, who were still awaiting my commands. I let the boys go and jumped up into the stands next to Levy.

"Wow Lucy, you're awesome! Did you just teleport back there?!" She asked excitedly.

"I'll explain later. You wanted to see Gajeel shriek, didn't you? Then let's start," I said.

"It was Shrimp's idea?!" Gajeel yelled.

"Star Guardian 1 Command 1: Dragneel, Roar," I said.

The first dragon started to move.

"Star Guardian Command 2: Redfox, Claw," I told the other.

It moved as well.

The first one ran after Natsu, making him go all different directions to avoid the dragon roars it aimed at him. He screamed when a roar landed right in front of him.

Gajeel was being chased by the other dragon, being swiped at with claws, each coming way too close to him for his comfort. The dragons won't kill them. Only immobilize or knock them out for a few minutes.

Meanwhile we're all just waiting for that shriek of Gajeel's to come. That is what this is about anyway. Levy had her phone recording on. The phone was set down on the balcony since having a recording of the dragons would reveal me. But it was still able to record Gajeel's shriek. There was no way she was going to miss this opportunity, apparently.


Aaaand there it is.

"Come on Natsu, just beat em up already!" I yelled.

"Man Lucy you really are heartless," Erza sweat dropped.

"Me? I'm not the one who scares the living daylights out of them whenever they even bicker," I retorted.

"Yeah, but I'm not the one who sent dragons after them," she said back.

"They're dragonslayers. If they can't defeat my Star Guardians, what chance do they have against a real dragon?" I asked.

Everyone except Natsu and Gajeel looked at me.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Aww you care about him!" Mira said.

"Well duh, BOTH of them are my friends," I said. She pouted.

"Fire Dragon: Roar!"

We turned back to see one of my Star Guardians fade away. I smiled. Levy asked what that meant.

"1 down, another to go. He's finally gotten it through his thick head that it's actually quite easy to defeat them. Well, for dragonslayers that is," I said.


"Yeah. For dragonslayers, fighting dragons is easier than it is for normal people, obviously. My Guardians are dragons," I said.

"So it's a bluff?" Erza asked.

"Of course. Dragons are intimidating creatures. Rare and mythical, and extremely powerful. And very huge. If a person sees a dragon, it's natural that they'd get scared and their fearlessness would either away. For dragonslayers, it take about 4 hits to defeat one of my Star Guardians," I said.

"And for a regular person?" Juvia asked.

"20 hits. Dragonslayers are 5 times stronger than normal people because they have a dragon's senses and power. People like Mokarav however, are an exception. For them, it would probably take 12 hits. For Erza it would be 8," I said.

"What do you mean people like Mr. Mokarav?" Mira asked.

"People who have exceptional magic power. Those who are extremely strong, however they don't have dragonslayer abilities," i explained as I kept watching the fight.

"Why would it only be 8 for me?" Erza asked.

"I think that's rather obvious," I said.

"It really isn't," she replied.

"Well, you are half dragon, are you not?"

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