Chapter 9: All Hallow's Prank

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We just got back to the house after our run. Yukino collapsed onto the sofa in the living room. She looked really tired. I can't blame her actually. Having to run in school then run a few minutes later is hard.

"How do you do this everyday Lucy?!" She asked, panting. I laughed and assured her that it would get easier.

I got her some water and we went up to my room to talk about this year's prank for Sting. It's Halloween in two days and we always prank Sting near Halloween. Wendy always helps us but we haven't seen her for a while. I think I remember her saying that she was going to distract Sting while we come up with something. Best sister ever, I'm telling you.

I think Juvia was saying at school that Wendy was dragging Sting around tasting food at every cafe to figure out her favorite. It's a good distraction since we are new here, and not just to the school.

We heard knocking at the door so Yukino went to answer. It might have been the pizza we ordered. I told her where the money was and continued fine-tuning our plan. She came back up with Levy and Erza. "Aw I thought it was the food. Well nevermind welcome to my house! We have pizza coming so you guys can stay for food."

Levy laughed. "Yeah sure we'd love to stay. What are you guys doing?" We told them about the plan. Erza had that mischievous look on her face. Levy looked excited. I remember how much Erza loved pranks. The prank we did to Natsu and Gray came back to me.

"Hey Erza, I have one of your favorite things here. You want it?" Erza's eyes lit up. "Gimme the cake!" She demanded. "It's not cake, Erza." She put on a disappointed face.

I pulled my key out and Summoned Aries. She immediately figured out what I was talking about. Levy soon figured it out as well. "Get me some too please! It looked so soft!" I smiled. Aries made 4 wool chairs and disappeared again back to her world.

Erza immediately plopped into a chair and visibly relaxed. Levy sat in one and immediately fell asleep. Yukino and I sat down and started talking more about our prank. The doorbell rang and we got the money and traded for the pizzas. Erza came down carrying a sleeping Levy. I think she smelled the free piece of cake that came with the pizza. Typical. I thought. She looked at us and I slid the cake container over. She thanked me and dug in. She didn't even touch the pizza. I laughed.

Levy woke up in her chair and grabbed a couple slices.

She thanked us and started eating. Yukino and I grabbed our own slices and began our dinner as well. Wendy came in and grabbed a piece. She must've been pretty full because usually she'd take like, 3 pieces each time. I slapped Sting's hand away and told him girls only since Yukino and I payed for it. Yukino nodded in agreement and he went and took some left over chicken from last night's dinner and heated it up. He took it up to his room and ate.

We all laughed and continued the prank planning. 

Two Days Later:

Today was Halloween and the plan was set. Sting almost always remembers what we do, so he's probably on guard for the whole day. We are gonna hit him when he least expects it. Literally hit him. The plan is to go through the whole school day without doing anything to him. Then we are going to have Erza ask us and Levy to come to a Halloween themed sleepover. She is going to ask us while we are talking to the boys. So while we are at the "sleepover" we are going to get a two costumes for Wendy and I to represent the two things Sting is scared of; spiders and clowns. We picked out a big black creepy spider costume for me. We got a Pennywise costume for Wendy. She got to be Pennywise because she is small and a small Pennywise would be creepier because she can hide in many different places. Also, I look the best in black. (sorry I just think that its something Lucy would say. If you watched the shop scene in the first episode of the anime, you would probably understand better.) 

Sting had Rogue over for a boys' night since us girls were supposed to have a sleepover. Rogue was obviously in on the plan. Sting left to pick up their food that they ordered. Rogue let us in and we scouted out the best hiding places to jump out at him. Wendy was placed in a closet in his bedroom. Which is extremely small so he would think that nothing bad would happen when he is near it. I was placed behind a door in the kitchen to scare him up to his bedroom, where Wendy would do her part. We would seriously owe him after this. Guess me and Wendy aren't eating out anytime soon.

Wendy's POV:

We heard the front door open and we scattered to out places. Luckily Lucy was already in place. Rogue was on the bed reading something on his phone after he helped me into my hiding place. Sting came into the room and told him that the food was here. They went downstairs to eat. Let the pranks begin. I heard a girly shriek that could only belong to my brother. I chuckled but stayed quiet as he ran up here into the room and double locked his door. I honestly don't remember why he has two locks. Maybe it was because Lucy and I felt bad the first few times we started doing this tradition. After a while he let out a sigh of relief and let Rogue in as soon as it was confirmed that the spider was gone. Looks like Lucy ran back to base, I thought. "Base" was Erza's house. It was a long way off from here so Erza agreed to meet us by the first block to the left of our house. 

After a few minutes Sting loosened up and they played some games. I finally figured out what boys talked about when they hung out. Sting mostly talked about Yukino, and Rogue talked about some girl named Kagura. I believe there was a girl named Kagura at one of our old schools. I don't know how he would have met her though so I'm probably thinking of a different person. The world is small though. Rogue talked about some date that was happening tomorrow. I think he forgot that I was here and was definitely gonna tell Lucy about any juicy details that I find out. He is dense sometimes. Lucy was definitely going to be happy to hear this. 

Apparently it was really late so Sting went to the closet to get some clothes for him and Rogue. I got ready and jumped up when the door opened. 

Author's Note:

Ya I'm ending it here folks. I published the next chapter already but it's really short. I just didn't have any more ideas. I put my final decision on the story at the end of the next chapter, so make sure to read it. Also, this is published a little early because I have to attend a wedding tomorrow. I'm probably not gonna be there long because of covid, but I just wanted to make sure I don't forget about this. If I have enough time, I will publish the first chapter of my GaLe story tomorrow instead of the original date. It is going to be titled, A GaLe Story: The Summer We Met. Work with me here, the title and description is not the best but I tried. All of my stories don't begin very strongly but if you read the first few chapters then there is more of a chance you will be into it. This doesn't mean that I'm gonna post the first two chapters, because I'm gonna post the first and the first only. It will either be published tomorrow or the original due date. I'm not saying when that is because I already said it in the next chapter. Happy reading.

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