Chapter 23: Crystal Point

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Minako POV

It's been two weeks since Rubeus was purified by Usagi. Since then, he's told us about the higher members of the Black Moon Clan.

"So the Clan is ruled by Diamond with Sapphire as his advisor."

"Yes, and he has myself and Emerald as his generals. She's pretty angry at the future you." He said to Usagi.

"Why her?" I asked.

"She's jealous. She loves our prince but he's fallen in love with Neo Queen Serenity."

I could see our prince wince at this.

"Then when did wisemen appear?" I asked him.

He had Calaveras by his side, "A few months after the supplies from the Queen stopped."

"Then, maybe he stole them to gain more power for himself. Then he blamed Serenity and Endymion for all your suffering." I said.

Usagi nodded her head, "This wisemen is the one who created that sceptre too. He planned on getting rid of the sister along with us."

Rubeus didn't seem to know this. He looked at Calaveras in shock. She quickly explained everything, and calmed him down.

"I have to tell Sapphire-sama!" He yelled.

"How? What if he doesn't believe you?" Lita asked.

"He'll believe me because he's always been suspicious of wisemen. And even if he doesn't, this is a good chance for him to get rid of that wisemen."

All of the sudden, my love goddess senses rang.
It kept ringing whenever I heard the name Sapphire.

'Someone near me is his soulmate! I have to find her, it's my duty as the daughter of Aphrodite!'

Coughing slightly, I gained everyone's attention.

" Not to delay this important meeting but, I have something to ask you both: Rubeus and Calaveras."

"What is it?" They both asked.

"Any chance, you know who Sapphire loves?"

They both looked at me weirdly. However, Usagi seemed to know what was going on.

"Mina, did your love goddess sense...ring as you call it?"

I nodded my head happily, "I finally get the chance to bring a destined couple together!!"

Calaveras seemed to be thinking so I pushed Rubeus aside.

"Hey! What are you-!"

I shushed him with a simple glare, "Don't get in the way of LOVE!"

I turned to Calaveras, "You seem to know someone this second prince of yours could possibly love. So spill the BEANS...."

She seemed to hesitate.

"Now please."

She looked as way from me so I grabbed her face and zoomed in. Clearly she was scared.

"Back off!" Rubeus shouted.

But my partner in crime: Usagi, held him back. She whispered something into his ear and he stopped protesting.

'Interesting, I wonder what she said.'

Something told me that it was related to love.

I focused my attention back on my target, "Please Calaveras!"

She sighed, "Fine! fine! I give up, you win! It's Petz-oneesama!"

Now that I knew my first target, I rushed to meet her. Kevin was rushing to follow, along with Artemis who was clinging onto his shoulders.

"Hurry up slowpokes! We have a couple who needs help!"

Usagi POV

Once Mina left, I sighed.

"Sorry, she's always wanted to fulfill her duties as the lady of love and beauty. Yet she never had her love senses ring: so she's really excited right now."

Mamoru wrapped his arms around me, "But she helped the two of us, and all the other ladies in our relationship."

"But that was in the past life."


"Now then." I got serious.

"I've heard Koan mention a crystal point. What does that mean?"

"Queen Neo Serenity created a barrier with the help of the Future Ladies and the imperial silver crystal. The barrier consisted of points all around Tokyo. Hence the name crystal point."

He continued to explain the function of the points and how important it was for the clan to not open them.

"I see, so who do you think Diamond will send next?"

"He won't send his brother. So that leaves Emerald."

"Why doesn't he send Wisemen?" Lita asked.

Ami replied, "At this point, we can consider Wisemen the manipulator of Diamond."

She replied, "Oh I see! So he's the final boss."

Just then, we got an alert from Mina, she was already transformed.

"Ladies, and Mamoru. I need back up at the new cake store!"

"We're on our way!"

Time skip: During the battle

I dodged the cake monsters attacks.

'One touch and we're stuck in desserts!'

Above us, an annoying lady with green hair was laughing.

"You don't stand a chance against me!"

She opened her fan and laughed in a high voice.

"That's it! I've had enough!" Venus yelled.

"You're not the only one, Venus! I've found her weakness!"

"What is it?" We all asked.

"Mars! We have to aim at her together!"

"Got it!"

I moved to watch Mercury's back. Jupiter was watching Mar's back. Meanwhile, Tuxedo Mask was stuck in a cake. Rini was behind him.

'Nice save by the way.'

'Thanks, though I didn't know I'd turn into a cake after blocking that attack.'

'Well, you look yummy.'



'I feel like you're doing this on purpose now.'

'Doing what on purpose?' I said as I sent him an innocent look.

Finished charging their attacks, my two ladies stepped onto the stage.

"Mercury/Mars...Aqua Rhapsody/Flame Sniper!"

The cake monster melted and then froze before turning into ashes. Angrily, Emerald left the scene. Thankfully, Tuxedo Mask returned to normal.

Her jade statue, that was crackling with negative energy broke into shards before turning into dust.

The customers, who were unconscious, were starting to wake up. So we left in a hurry.

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