Chapter 5: The Christmas Holidays

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Christmas holidays were finally here. I had decided to stay at school over break so that I could explore the school a little more.

Harry Potter and the Weasleys had also decided to stay. George told me that their parents decided to visit their brother Charlie in Romania.

"You're Ron, right?" I asked the youngest Weasley brother. "The twins' brother?"

"Yeah. What's your name?" He asked me.

"Noah, Noah Luna. Nice to meet you." I responded. "And you must be Harry? Hermione's told me all about the both of you."

"You know Hermione?" Harry asked me.
"Yeah, she was my first friend at Hogwarts." I started. "I mean other than Cedric."

After awhile of the three of us talking, I decided I was going to go back to reading my book. That was until I saw my owl outside the common room window with a letter attached to its leg.

I quickly got up from the chair I was sitting in and went to open the window. I let the owl inside and untied the piece of parchment from its leg and sent it on its way the owlery.

I unrolled the piece of parchment and read.

Dearest Noah,
I have very exciting news. Amos and I have gotten engaged and plan to marry this summer. I did not wish to tell you like this. But considering it just happened it was the only way.
Love, Mom.

I was overjoyed but I needed to know of Cedric was told yet, so I stuffed the letter into my pocket and made my way towards the Hufflepuff common room.

Their common room didn't have a password so I was able to walk right in and find who I was looking for.
He was sitting on one of the couches talking to some of his friends who also stayed behind. He had a look of shock on his face when he saw me but then it quickly turned to a look of confusion when he saw the smile on my face.
"Noah what are you-" He started but I quickly cut him off. "Look at this." I demanded and practically shoved the letter into his hands. It took him a moment before he actually started reading it but his look of confusion soon turned into one of joy and excitement.

After briefly celebrating we decided to write back to our parents.


It was Christmas Day, finally.

When I woke up the first thing I saw was a pile of presents at the foot of my bed. I was the only person in my dorm since everyone else had decided to go home.

I couldn't wait any longer. I quickly grabbed the gift that was from my mom. She had gotten me a handmade blanket. I had received one every Christmas for as long as I could remember. After unfolding the blanket I noticed that a small package had fallen out with a note attached. I decided to open to small box first. The second I saw what was inside, I burst into tears. It was the locket that my father had given me on my birthday before the accident. I haven't worn it since he passed. I didn't even want to read the note but felt I had to.

Dear Noah,
I know how much you miss your father and thought that you should have this. It has been so long since I have seen you wear something he gave to you and thought that it was time.

Love, Mom

My grief was short lived when I realized that my friends would be waiting for me and I opened the rest of my gifts.

Hermione had gotten me a copy of Hogwarts: A History.
Cedric had gotten me Fizzing Whizzbees.
Fred and George had gotten me a box of Chocolate Frogs, my favorite sweet.
And to my surprise there was a package from Mrs. Weasley, it was a handmade, navy blue, sweater with a light gray 'N' on it.

As soon as I was done opening my gifts I got up and put on my clothes including the sweater Mrs. Weasley had sent me and grabbed three pieces of parchment, a quill, and some ink, to write back to everyone thanking them for the gifts, and went down to the common room.

I found the twins, Ron, Percy, and Harry in the common room when I arrived they too were wearing sweaters with there initial on them.

"Oh hey, Noah. I see you got one too." Harry said when he saw me coming down the stairs. Everyone had turned around when Harry had finished talking.

"Yeah. I don't know why though." I told him. "Anyway, should we go to breakfast or are we gonna go hungry until lunch?"

I began to walk towards the portrait hole and they all followed behind making our way to the Great Hall.

After breakfast we decided that we were just going to hang out in the common room for the rest of the day and invited Cedric to hang out with us.

For two hours all we did was watch Percy chase the twins around because they had taken his Prefect badge. That's all they ever did around Percy, taunt him about being a school prefect. I had to admit it is actually really funny.

Finally dinner had come around and the tables in the hall were covered with Christmas turkeys and different foods and Christmas crackers.

After dinner I was stuffed and almost too tired to stand. The second my head hit the pillow I was out and didn't wake up until just before lunch the next day.

The Weasley Twin's Best Friend (George Weasley x OC)Where stories live. Discover now