Chapter 6: Summer Holidays

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It was June. Finally the last month of school.

Exams were in one week. I had been trying to study for almost three months any chance I got. The twins and Lee Jordan had only been studying for one month.

"Can you just stop playing around and study or leave so that I can study!" I snapped. The three boys had been joking around and laughing hysterically for the last fifteen minutes nonstop. I tried to ignore it but I finally reached my breaking point.

All I wanted to do was pass these exams and go home. I was excited to watch my mom and Amos get married. Excited to finally have a sibling. But I knew I was going to miss my friends, especially the twins.

"Right, sorry Noah." Came George's voice as he began reading through his notes the others following his actions.

I was still trying to study but like every other time I couldn't. Every time I tried to I started to think about George and only George. And no matter how hard I tried I couldn't get him out of my head.

I think out of everyone else, I was going to miss him the most. But I couldn't let him know that. I couldn't let anyone know that I had a crush on George Weasley, especially since I knew he didn't feel the same way.

George's POV:

'She sure is cute when she's mad' I thought to myself. 'She's cute all the time. Not just cute but beautiful.'

I couldn't help but look up at the girl in front of me reading her notes. She's been one of my bestfriends since the start of the school year. I couldn't tell her how I feel about her, she couldn't possibly feel the same way about me. It would ruin the friendship we have and I don't want that.

I had told Fred at the beginning of the year and made him swear not to tell anyone not even Lee.

I was happy being friends, as long as it meant that I could still be in her life.

Noah's POV:

I was so deep in thought that I didn't even notice that George was trying to get my attention.

"Noah, Madam Pince said the library is closing we need to go." He told me as soon as I looked up.

He was laughing quietly. I loved the way he laughed and how contagious his smile was. When I noticed his smile I couldn't help but smile and laugh to myself.
"C'mon." He told me and signaled for me to follow. I quickly put my things away and followed him up to the common room.

"What's the password again?" He asked as we approached the Fat Lady's portrait.

"Caput Draconis." I declared to the Fat Lady and the portrait sung open revealing the common room. "Well I'm going to bed. I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight." I told them heading towards the stairs. And then it hit me Fred and Lee weren't in the library anymore when we left. Why had George stayed? Maybe he just didn't want me to be by myself, didn't want me to think that everyone had left me.
My final exam was finished. I had just spent three hours in the Divination classroom staring at a ball filled with fog, seeing a face every now and then, but it just flashed by and I couldn't make out who it was.

Me, the twins, Cedric, and Lee were all hanging out in the courtyard talking about their summer plans.

"Hey, Noah, Cedric, we received a letter the other day from Mum. Did you know that when your parents go on their honeymoon that you are going to stay with my family until school starts again?" Fred asked us.

"No." We said in unison. Then as if some sort of signal was sent my owl came swooping down right in between Cedric and I. And sure enough he had a letter in his beak, addressed to both of us. Cedric quickly opened it and read it aloud.

The Weasley Twin's Best Friend (George Weasley x OC)Where stories live. Discover now