Chapter 10: The Last Week

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"Hey, George?"

"Yeah, Noah?"

"I need to tell you something."

"Okay, go on."

"I-I like you."

"Well of course you do. I've been your best friend for over two years."

"You don't get it. I fancy you, George."

"Oh. I-I fancy you too Noah."



He started to lean in for a kiss, but before he could kiss me, I woke up.

"Damn it!" I've had that dream almost every day for the last three months and I always wake up at the same time.

"For Merlin's sake Noah, what's the matter with you? It's six in the morning." Angelina said sleepily.

"Yeah, I know, I meant to um...get up at five so I could study a little more. You do realize we start to end of the year exams today, right?" I lied.

"Whatever." She rolled over and went back to sleep.

I knew that I wasn't going to be able to go back to sleep. I got up and got ready for the day and went down to the common room. I was going to wait for other people to start waking up because I don't like to roam the halls alone.

When I got there George was already there.

"Hey, George. What are you doing up so early?" I questioned.

"Just couldn't go back to sleep that's all. What are you doing up so early?"

"Same as you."
Thank Merlin! We were finally done with exams and had the rest of the week to ourselves.

"What are your plans for this summer?" I asked the twins.

"Mum and Dad are taking us to Egypt to visit Bill. What about you?" Fred answered.

"That sounds like fun. I don't know what I'm doing this summer. It would be nice to just stay at home and spend time with my mom and Amos."

It was time for dinner so we went inside to the Great Hall.

"We have three days until we go home for the summer. What do you say we do until then?" George asked us.

"Well I suppose since we won't be spending the summer together this year we should just hangout." I answered.

"Yeah sounds good." Fred agreed.
"Guys I swear you better be packing your trunks. We leave tomorrow morning." I told the twins when I entered their dorm.

"We are. Can you hand me that box of fireworks over there please." Fred said while pointing to the left of me.

I picked up the box and handed it to Fred. He put the box in his trunk and shut the lid. "Finished."

"George are you done yet?"

"Yes Noah, I've been done since before dinner. Now let's go." He said walking out of the room.

We went down to the common room to spend as much time together as we possibly could before we had to go home. All of our friends that we wouldn't see all summer were there. Lee, Abby, Alicia, Angelina, Fred, George, and I were playing a game of exploding snap.

"Night guys." Abby said leaving the room.

"It's nearly midnight." Fred said pointing out the obvious.

"Yeah, well goodnight." I said getting up to leave.

"Goodnight." They said in unison.
"Hey Noah."

"Hey Cedric."

"Are you excited to go home?"

"Yeah. Are you?"


I saw the twins waiting for me up by the train. "Well they're waiting for me. I'll see you later."

"Noah. Noah!"

"What do you want Fred?"

"To tell you that we're nearly there."

He said that just as we were pulling into the station. We quickly got off the train excited to see our families again.

I caught up with Cedric as we spotted our parents.

"Bye guys. I'll be sure to write sometime this summer."

"Bye Noah." They said in unison as they waved goodbye.

"Come on. I'm sure you're excited to get home." My mom said as she ushered us through the wall of the platform. I took one last look at the red-headed twin, not knowing that the next time I saw him, we wouldn't just be bestfriends anymore, that things between us would be different.

The Weasley Twin's Best Friend (George Weasley x OC)Where stories live. Discover now