Chapter 21

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It was the day of the first task. The twins and Ron told me that the first task was dragons.

"Bets! Places your bets!" Fred yelled.

"Bets taken! Bets taken here!" George exclaimed. I was walking with the twins up to the stadium where the first task was taking place. They continued trying to get people to place bets on the contest before they settled in George beside me, and Fred on the other side of George. Dumbledore started talking telling everyone to stay in their seats.

A cannon fired and everyone began cheering again. Cedric came out of the tent and everyone started cheering louder. After a little while, Cedric got his egg and left the arena. Then Fleur came out and got her egg, then Viktor, and now it was Harry's turn.

He came out of the tent and everyone cheered and he tried to get his egg. He wasn't very successful for a while. Eventually, we saw his broom flying toward him, he hopped on it and took off to try and get the egg. He flew out of the arena and the dragon chased after him and broke the chain it was on. The dragon chased him and tore through one of the tents that they had set up.

"Well done, dragon!" Fred yelled.

Eventually, harry made it back to the arena and got his golden egg. The dragon was gone. After announcing the places, Harry tied for first with Krum, there was a huge party in the Gryffindor common room. Everyone clapped and cheered for Harry. Fred and George hoisted him on their shoulders.

"Yes, Harry!"

"Knew you wouldn't die, Harry!"

"Lose a leg. Or an arm."

"Pack it in altogether?"

"Never!" They said in unison.

"Shush!" Seamus yelled to the group. "Go on, Harry. What's the clue?"

"Who wants me to open it?" He asked.

"Yeah!" The group yelled.

"Do you want me to open it?"

"Yes!" Harry opened the egg and all that could be heard was screeching. Fred and George leaned over clutching their ears, dropping Harry. Harry quickly closed the egg. I wasn't paying much attention, as I hadn't noticed Ron enter the room. I still had my face buried in George's chest.

"All right, everyone, go back to your knitting," Fred said to the large group of people. "This is gonna be uncomfortable enough without all you nosy sods listening in."

Fred, George, and I turned around, and they led me to Fred's dorm. Once we were there Fred shut the door and went to sit on his bed.

"Why are we in here?" I asked.

"Because, Noah, I didn't want to sit on a bed where you've most likely shagged my brother."

"I haven't done anything and you know it," I argued. "What have you told him?"

"Hey, I haven't told him anything, he just assumed and I didn't correct him."

"Whatever. I'm going to bed. It's been a long day." I kissed George good night, while Fred pretended to throw up. "Good night, love."

"Good night, darling."

"Good night, Freddie."

"Night, Noah."

A few days later we were in the Great Hall having breakfast and Hermione was going on a rant about Rita Skeeter. I was sitting next to George and Angelina Johnson was in between Fred and George.

A few hours later all of the Gryffindors were gathered in the Great Hall the tables had disappeared and only risers remained up against the walls.

"The Yule Ball has been a tradition of the Triwizard Tournament since its inception. On Christmas Eve night, we and our guests gather in the Great Hall for a night of well-mannered frivolity. As representatives of the host school, I expect each and every one of you to put your best foot forward. And I mean this literally, because the Yule Ball is, first and foremost, a dance."

All of the girls around me started talking excitedly and the boys, you could tell, were not as excited as the girls were.

"Silence! The house of Godric Gryffindor has commanded the respect of the wizarding world for nearly ten centuries. I will not have you, in the course of a single evening, besmirching that name by behaving like a babbling, bumbling band of baboons."

I noticed that George had leaned over and whispered something in Fred's ear it was something about what McGonagall said. I stopped paying attention to what McGonagall was saying and started paying attention to what the twins were doing. That's when I noticed Ron get up and started dancing with McGonagall. I looked at George who was smiling his perfect smile.

"Everyone come together!" All of the girls including me stood up. "Boys on your feet!"

The only boy to stand up was Neville. Once George saw that I was standing, he too moved from his seat and walked over to me. He took my waist and began dancing with me. He leaned down until his lips were level with my ear.

"Will you go to the Yule Ball with me?" He whispered.


We were in study hall and George and I were doing our Potions essay. I flinched when I saw a wad of paper that was thrown passed by my face, I watched as it hit Angelina Johnson on the shoulder.

"Oi, Angelina?" Fred whispered. I watched in amusement at this interaction.

"What?" She mouthed.

"Do you...wanna the ball with me?" He whispered making movements with his hands that matched his words.

"To the ball? Yeah, all right then."

George and I silently laughed at Ron. Fred and Angelina had always had a thing for each other, so it's no surprise he asked her. George and I went back to our Potions essay.


Friday, 16 December 1994.

It was my 17th birthday today. I made Fred and George promise that they wouldn't throw me a party this year. I never really liked parties, especially surprise parties.

"Can I see your dress, please?' George begged.

"No, I told you. It's a surprise."

I had gotten my dress from a dress store in America. It was the best time to buy one since prom season had just ended, so the dresses were cheaper.

"Fine, then you can't see me in my dress robes." He said crossing his arms over his chest.

"I don't want to see you in your dress robes until next Saturday anyways."

"Fine, anything you wear will be perfect."

"I know," I said pushing him out of my room before giving him a quick kiss and shutting the door so that I could try on my dress one last time. I unzipped the garment bag and pulled the dress out. I pulled in on over my body and tied it in the back. It's perfect. It's this soft lavender color, it has lace flowers on the bodice and they make their way down the dress perfectly. It's floor length and crisscrosses in the back. George is gonna love it. I don't usually wear colors like this but I sure do look good in them. After admiring the dress a little longer, I took it off and put it back in the garment bag before putting my other clothes back on and going to find George.

I found George in the common room playing Exploding Snap with Lee Jordan and Fred.

"You ready, my love?"

"Of course." We walked out of the common room hand in hand and went down to the quidditch pitch where he had a date set up for the two of us. There was a table placed just in the middle of the quidditch pitch and there was a candle right in the middle of the table, next to the table was a picnic basket filled with my favorite snacks and other foods. George was so excited he practically pulled me to the table. He pulled a chair out for me and I sat in it, he pushed my chair in before going to his own.

"What do you think?" He asked me.

"I think it's perfect. Thank you."

"Anything for you, I love you."

"I love you, George."

The Weasley Twin's Best Friend (George Weasley x OC)Where stories live. Discover now