Chapter 24

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1 April 1995

I woke up especially early this morning, as it was Fred and George's birthday and I had to prepare. I wrapped their presents last night. I got them both a new CD of their favorite bands, a new t-shirt and some candy from America. I'm not exactly good at giving gifts so I did my best. We were going to have a party later. I wrote to Mrs. Weasley and got the recipe for her apple pie, which is George's favorite. And I was making their favorite cake, a white cake with sprinkles inside.

"Happy Birthday, Georgie! Happy Birthday, Freddie!" I yelled once I got downstairs to the common room.

"Thank you, Noah!" They said in unison.

"How does it feel to be seventeen?" I asked like a TV interviewer, with my pretend microphone. They laughed at this.

"I don't feel any different though I am excited, because we are going to have a big party later in the Room of Requirement, so be there," Fred said jokingly into the pretend microphone.

"What about you George?"

"Like my brother said: No difference, big party later, really excited I can use magic outside of school now."

"You heard it here, folks. They said they don't feel any different being seventeen. Shocking." We all laughed.

"Here. Open your presents." They both opened their presents. They thanked me for what they had been given and then went straight into eating their candy.

"I got to go, I'll be in the kitchen if you need me," I said kissing George. " I love you."

"I love you, darling." I went out of the portrait hole and down to the kitchen. I tickled the pear on the portrait and it opened. I went inside and said 'hello' to the House Elves. I took the recipes out of my pocket and went to work. The pie took the longest so I started on that first. Once the pie was baking, I started on the cake, and thank Merlin I wasn't wearing nice clothes yet, it was a mess. Eventually, the cake was in the oven and I started on the frosting. I made dark purple, blue, and red. After the cake was done cooling I decorated it. Once done, I levitated both the pie and the cake to the Room of Requirement and set them down on a table in the middle of the room. I decorated the room in the same colors as the cake and put a spell on the pie to make sure it stayed warm.

I went straight to the Hufflepuff common room and saw that Cedric wasn't in there.

"Where's Cedric?" I asked one of his friends.

"In his dorm. Why?"

"Thanks," I said not responding to his question and walking straight up to Cedric's room. I knocked and waited for an answer. Cedric opened the door.

"What's going on? Why are you here so early?"

"I just wanted to make sure you and your friends were coming to the party. All the Gryffindors and Ravenclaws are coming except the first and second years."

"Yes, we're all coming, except the first and second years. Your party will be fine."

"Yeah, I know I just hope I have enough food," I said turning around and walking back down the stairs and out of the Hufflepuff common room. I went back to the Gryffindor common room and up to my dorm and began getting ready for the party. I hopped in the shower and I was washing my hair when I heard my bathroom door open. I looked through the steamed-up shower door and saw George undressing. I watched until the shower door slid open and he walked inside.

"Hello, love," he said looking over my body.

"Hi," I said blushing.

"Almost two years together and I can still make you blush?" He asked grabbing my waist.

"I'm sure you'd find a way to make me blush when we've been together a hundred years."

After we were done in the shower, we got dressed and I did my hair and make-up.

"You look beautiful, Noah." I blushed again.

"So do you, I mean you look very handsome."

"You know you can call me beautiful if you want. I don't mind."

"Then you look beautiful." He smiled at this. "Let's go. It's almost time for your party." We left the common room and made our way to the room of requirement hand in hand. Once we were there, the wall turned into a door for us to walk through. When we walked inside everyone was already there. They all stopped what they were doing and cheered for George. We partied the night away. We had a few drinks and we all sang happy birthday to the twins and had some cake. George still hadn't seen the apple pie I had made for him.

"Georgie, look."

"What is it, love?"

"I made a pie just for you. It's apple, your favorite."

"Really, thank you, darling."

"It's your mom's recipe, I wrote her and asked for the recipe, so I could make it for you today-" I was cut off by George leaning down and kissing me. I could taste the whiskey on his lips. It was two o'clock in the morning by the time George, Fred, and I left. Everyone else had left hours ago so they wouldn't get in trouble. We didn't care we had only gotten detention twice this term, because everyone was so worried about the tournament.

I cleaned up the Room of Requirement with a wave from my wand and me and the twins went on our way back to the common room.

"Georgie, will you stay with me tonight, please?"

"Of course, sweetheart."

We went up to my dorm and Fred went to his. Going inside we locked the door and got into some pajamas before crawling into bed and falling asleep.

The Weasley Twin's Best Friend (George Weasley x OC)Where stories live. Discover now