Chapter 19

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"Georgie, wake up, my love."

"What? Why?" He asked in a whiny voice.

"It's the first day of school."

"It's Thursday already?"

"Yes, George. Come on, we have to finish packing."

"What time is it?"

"5:30. We wouldn't have had to wake up this early if we didn't distract each other from packing last night."

"Fine. I'm up. By the way. Happy Anniversary. "

"Happy Anniversary," I said giving him a peck on the lips. I got up from the bed and pulled on the outfit that was sitting on my dresser and threw George his. After we got dressed, we gathered the items that have not yet been packed and threw them in our trunks. It didn't take us long. By the time we were done, it was only 6:30 am and we had one hour before breakfast would be ready.

George grabbed her face and kissed her passionately.

"George. This early in the morning. Not that I'm complaining or anything." She said before going back in for a kiss.

"I want to kiss you like this as much as I can before we go back to school. Every time we try to spend time together our roommates like to spy on us."

"I know, but remember the sixth years get their own dorms."

"Right. I forgot about that." We moved to the bed and continued talking to each other. "Speaking of roommates. Whatever happened to you and Abby, you used to be best friends?"

"You know how she and that Aiden boy are dating. He's toxic and I told her to break up with him. And you know Abby, she thinks that everybody is jealous of her."

"So, you just had a falling out."

"Pretty much, yeah."

We continued talking and we wondered why we would need dress robes or formal dresses. We eventually went down for breakfast where we found the rest of the Luna-Diggory bunch. We sat down at the table and enjoyed the breakfast that was on their plates. After finishing our breakfast, we went upstairs and grabbed our trunks, before dragging them downstairs and into the car. After piling our trunks in the trunk of the car, the five of us filed in me in the middle with Cedric and George on either side of me.

We arrived at King's Cross Station shortly after we left the house. We went straight to Platform 9 3/4. It was only 10:30, but George and I have been up for hours. We said our goodbyes and got on the train, we were on the train kind of early, so, we were able to get a compartment to ourselves. Once we had claimed our seats George went to find Fred, who was, not surprisingly, just now getting on the train.

Fred followed behind George, as he made his way to our compartment. The two of them sat down, George beside me and Fred across from the two of us.

"Hey, Fred! I missed you."

"I missed you too, Noah."

We had important business to discuss. We were all going to be co-owners of a business called 'Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes.' We plan to buy a place as soon as we graduate from Hogwarts. We had already saved enough money for a place with a flat above it. I was going to move in with George after graduation anyways, we had already discussed it.

Today was our first anniversary. One year ago today, he asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes, obviously. He had something planned, he just wouldn't tell me. We sat holding hands and cuddling for most of the train ride while discussing our business. At some point, I fell asleep without realizing it. I woke up, with my head in George's lap, to the sound of the boys laughing. When I opened my eyes, I saw that Lee Jordan had joined us in our compartment.

"How long have I been asleep?" I asked George. He looked at his watch before responding.

"About two hours."

"Okay, I'm going to go change into my robes, you guys should too."

"Fine, we're going," Fred said as if he were annoyed.

I went and changed into my robes before returning to the compartment I was sharing with the boys. We only had about fifteen minutes before we were to arrive at Hogwarts. I sat with the boys until the train came to a stop at Hogsmeade Station. We got up from our seats and left the train making our way toward the castle. Once inside, we went into the Great Hall and sat down at the Gryffindor table. Shortly after we sat down the Sorting Ceremony began. After everyone was sorted, Dumbledore made an announcement.

"I would like to make an announcement," he started. "This castle will not only be your home this year but home to some very special guests as well." He said as Filch ran down the center of the Great Hall. "You see Hogwarts has been chosen," He was interrupted when Filch ran up to where he stood and they began whispering to each other. "So," Dumbledore continued, "Hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event, the Triwizard Tournament." Everyone gasped and the twins and I just looked at each other, knowing exactly what the other was thinking. "Now for those of you who do not know, the Triwizard Tournament brings together three schools for a series of magical contests. For each school, a single student is selected to compete. Let me be clear if chosen you stand alone and trust me when I say these contests are not for the faint-hearted, but more of that later. And now please join me in welcoming the lovely ladies of the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and their headmistress, Madame Maxine."

Just as Dumbledore had said those last five words, the doors to the Great Hall opened and we all watched as the girls walked through. All of the boys were looking, even George. When I noticed I slapped him gently on the chest, yet hard enough to make my point.

"Ow, I'm sorry," he whispered. I just crossed my arms and turned back to the show the girls from Beauxbatons were putting on. Ron seemed to look as if he were in love with the girls. I could tell that Hermione didn't like them all too much, and neither did I. "Bloody Hell." I heard Ron say from across the table. Once their show was over all of the boys began clapping, cheering, and whistling at the girls. Except for George, because he had suspected I was mad enough already.

Dumbledore went back to where he previously stood and welcomed the Durmstrang students. They came in and put on a show as well. This time everyone was interested in the show. After they were all welcomed in and seated the feast began. I ate until I was stuffed. I rested my head on George's shoulder and waited until Dumbledore dismissed us for bed. Once he did, we all followed the prefects. Once we were in the common room I went up to a prefect to get my room assignment.

I was given a key and my room number. Room number 7. I went up the stairs to my room and unlocked the door. Inside was a bed, a wardrobe, a dresser, a desk, and another door. I went to the door and opened it, inside was a private bathroom with a walk-in shower. After I unpacked some of my things, I went down to the common room to find it empty, aside from one person. George. He was standing by the fireplace and he had a bouquet of my favorite flowers, peonies, in his hand. I walked up to him and he handed me the flowers. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him in for a deep, passionate, but loving kiss.

"I love you," I told him breaking away from the kiss.

"Not more than I love you."

"It is impossible for anyone to love someone more than I love you."

"You wanna bet on that."

"No, I'm okay."

"You know I'm right."

"Maybe I do."

They talked for about an hour before George pulled a small box out of his pocket. He opened it and inside there was a silver ring with a small diamond in the middle.

"Georgie, what is that?" I asked beginning to tear up.

"It's a promise ring, love."

"Well, of course. But why?"

"Because I want to marry you someday, and I thought since we're too young to get married, why not start with a promise."

"A promise to marry each other?"

"No, just a promise to love each other." I was sobbing at this point. I was so happy. "Do you accept this promise, Noah?"

"Yes of course I do," I said through sobs. He put the ring on my finger and kissed me passionately. I went to bed, and my only thoughts were about how I couldn't wait to marry George one day.

The Weasley Twin's Best Friend (George Weasley x OC)Where stories live. Discover now