Chapter 34

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28 June 1996

It was the last day of classes, we were going back home the tomorrow morning.

"George, wake up! We're late!" I jumped out of his bed and began running around the room looking for my clothes, which were scattered all over the floor. After I found my clothes and put them on, I ran out of George's room and went into mine. I got undressed and rushed to get in the shower. I didn't wash my hair because I didn't have time, but I finished my shower in about five minutes. We weren't running that late, we were just going to miss breakfast. I put on my robes, grabbed my backpack, and went downstairs to the common room. George was already down there when I arrived. 

"You ready to go?" I asked.

"Yes, let's go." We went out of the portrait hole and started walking hand in hand to Potions. George had a free period, so he kissed my forehead, and went to go find Fred. I walked into the potions classroom and sat at my desk, next to Cedric. 

"Hi, Ced!"

"Hello, Noah." We talked about our plans for the summer until Professor Snape came in. Everyone got up and turned in their final essays of the year, and sat back down. Today we were going over the results of our N.E.W.T.s. When Snape gave me my N.E.W.T. back, he looked a little disappointed. I didn't know why seeing as I got a perfect score.

"I'd like to see you after class." He told me before he finished passing back exams. I stayed back after class, and Snape came over to talk to me.

"I'm disappointed in you," He said in his monotone voice.

"Why, sir? I got a perfect score. Didn't I?"

"I'm not disappointed about your score. I expect more from you. I've heard about your little plan, to run a joke shop with the Weasley twins. I expected you to do something great."

"I believe that running a business, with my best friend and fiancé, is doing something great. Proving that I can live without financial support from my mother or grandparents is important to me, sir."

"I understand, but you could do so much more."

"I don't want to do more, this, the business, is my calling, I know it is."

"Okay, if you say so, you may leave. I've already alerted Professor Lupin that you would be late."

"Goodbye." I walked out of the classroom and made my way to the DADA room. I arrived, walked in quietly, and sat down in the space next to George. Professor Lupin handed me my exam and began going over the questions. I wasn't paying attention, I didn't need to, because again, I got a perfect score. We had lunch, then DADA again, History of Magic, and we had a break before dinner. I had gotten a perfect scores on all of my exams so far. George, Fred, Ginny, Ron, Harry, Hermione, Lee Jordan, and I were all hanging out in the common room. We were talking, read, and playing chess. 

We were at the Gryffindor table and we all listened as Dumbledore, gave his end-of-the-year speech. He announced the house cup winner. It was Gryffindor of course. We talked through dinner and celebrated the win. After dinner, we went straight to our dorms and started packing away our things. I took all of my clothes out of my wardrobe and dresser and folded them neatly before packing them away in my trunk. I grabbed all of my books and school things along with all of the yarn I had bought this year and packed it all away. I grabbed my toiletries, packed them away, and began packing a bag for the train ride. After I was done, I went to George's room to see if he was packed. Of course, he wasn't. 

I didn't say anything, I just helped him finish packing. After we were done packing away his things, we went to Fred's dorm to check on him, we knocked on the door, no answer, we knocked again, and again no answer. I put my ear up to the door and that's when I heard it. Moaning coming from the other side. My face went red and I turned to George.

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