Chapter 33

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Christmas was here. I woke up late this morning, to George kissing my face. 

"Wake up, my love, it's Christmas." He whispered in my ear.

"I am awake," I said with my eyes closed.

"Then why are your eyes still shut? Huh?"

"Fine, I'll get up." I slowly sat up in bed. George got out of bed and pulled me up next to him.

"Come on, everyone is waiting on us." He pulled me down the stairs and into the living room. And as he said, everyone was downstairs. We walked over to the group of people and sat down in the one free space on the floor. 

"Now that everyone is here, we can open presents," Arthur said to the group. The person closest to the tree passed out the presents, in this case, it was Fleur. She gave each person presents with their name on them. Once everybody had all of their presents, we began opening them. Like every other year, Molly had made everyone a sweater with their initial on it. We continued opening our presents until there were none left. After we were done, we ate dinner, a Christmas Roast, I didn't realize how late I had woken up until that moment.

"I'm sorry I woke up so late, I didn't sleep too well last night."

"You're fine, dear," Molly assured me. After dinner, we all talked and enjoyed our new presents. I was wearing my new sweater and crocheting with the new yarn and hooks that Ginny had gotten me, I assume with help from Molly. That was until Fred and George bolted up the stairs with Ron running after them. I laughed and then I heard banging and yelling coming from upstairs. I put my project down and ran up the stairs. Once I was at the top, I saw what the problem was: Fred and George had given Ron one of the new candies we formulated that change the color of your skin to pink, blue, or green. A blue-faced Ron was banging on the door to mine and George's room. Obviously, that's where the twins were hiding.

"Ron! Calm down, it's only temporary, plus we have a reversal candy that'll turn your skin back to normal. Let me go get it." He backed away from the door, still fuming, and I tried to open it, but the twins had their backs against it. "Guys, let me in. It's Noah." They moved away from the door and I was able to open it. I walked inside and shut and locked the door. "Move back against the door so he can't get in."

"Are you going to give him the reversal sweet?" Fred asked me grinning.

"I will, eventually. It's just gonna take me a while to find it." I sat on the bed for a few minutes before I got up and began rummaging through the briefcase that was on the floor. I found the candy and I went back to sit on the bed. "Just a few more minutes." After a few minutes, I opened the door and Ron wasn't on the other side anymore. I went downstairs and there he was, he was bluer than ever, and he was mad. "Sorry Ron, it took me a little while to find it." I lied.

"I'm only eating this because you gave it to me, Noah, I will never trust those gits again." He ate the candy and almost immediately his skin went back to its normal pale and freckled complexion. The twins eventually came out of the room and when they did Molly started in on them.

"If you ever test your products on your little brother again, you can forget about starting your business or moving out!" I decided that at this moment, it was time for bed. I walked up the stairs and went into my room and put on my pajamas before slipping into bed. I was asleep before George was finally in the room but I still felt the bed dip beside me and he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me close to him.

Today was the day we went back to Hogwarts. 

"Wake up, Georgie, we have to leave for the train station soon."

"Hm? Train station? What are you talking about?" He asked sleepily.

"We're going back to school today, you've gotta get up."

"I don't want to go back to school," He whined rolling over and acting like he was sleeping.

"I know, but we have to, my love."

"Why don't we just drop out?" He asked rolling back over and opening his eyes. He was serious.

"You know how important it is to me that we finish school. I want us to be able to have something to fall back on. Or at least I want something that I can fall back on."

"I know, I know. You always were the smartest of the group."

"I wouldn't say the smartest. I've just applied myself in school more. You and Fred are smarter than me. I mean you two are building this business and I just run numbers."

"Believe me, Fred and I both think you're smarter than us. And you don't just run numbers, there'd be no business without you. You've done everything, you run tests, you formulate, you acquire contacts, you have amazing customer service, and you're extremely beautiful, so the customers will be running in just to see you." I smiled and blushed a deep scarlet. I loved when he said things like that. We got out of bed and got dressed in something warm before we finished packing our things. I packed a backpack with a book, a blanket, coloring books, colored pencils, and my wand.

We levitated our trunks down the stairs and then sat at the table for breakfast. After breakfast, we put our trunks in the car and piled in. We drove off and after about an hour or two, I had lost track of time, we arrived at the train station. We went to our platform and got on it, I didn't even see that my mom and Cedric had gotten on the platform after us.

"Noah." I turned around to see Cedric and my mother.

"Hi, Cedric! Mother."

"Why so cold?" My mother asked sarcastically.

"I don't know, maybe it's because you're too selfish to care about me and my wedding. I wanted you there, when we went dress shopping or cake tasting, or how about when we were planning the entire thing. You know I should've known, you always do this. You did it when I was six, during my first dance recital, you did it when I started going to Ilvermorny, and you did it when Dad died. You have never been there when I needed you, so yeah, I'm going to be cold toward you. And you know what I don't even want you at my wedding, so don't bother showing up." Tears began streaming down my face, I was fuming.

Cedric only looked between the two of us before grabbing my arm and taking me back to George. I practically fell into his arms and started sobbing. He picked me up and my legs wrapped around his waist, he carried me on the train, walked us into a compartment, shut the door, and sat us down on the bench, me still in his lap. He rubbed my back up and down and played with my hair until I fell asleep.

I woke up three hours later, or what felt like three hours it was actually nine hours, when we arrived at Hogsmeade Station. Fred, George, Angelina, and I walked to the castle. I was holding George's hand and Angelina was holding Fred's. We all walked into the castle together and then went to our separate dorms to change into our robes. We all met back down in the common room and we walked down to the Great Hall together. Once there, we sat at the Gryffindor table and waited for dinner to begin. After only a few minutes, the food appeared on our plates and we all dug in, starving from the nine-hour train ride up here.

After dinner, I walked with George to the Gryffindor common room, we talked for only a few minutes before he decided it was time for bed. 

The Weasley Twin's Best Friend (George Weasley x OC)Where stories live. Discover now