Chapter 11

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"Noah come on. You don't want to miss the train. You too Cedric." Mom called from downstairs.

"Coming, Mom," I called while dragging my trunk down the stairs.

"Coming." I could hear Cedric behind me.

Once we were downstairs we took our trunks to the taxi that Mom called.

"Ced, your pin," I said giving him the pin off the table. Cedric had been made prefect.

"Right, thanks, Noah." He said pinning the pin to his shirt.

It didn't take us too long to get to King's Cross. Once we were there we loaded our trunks onto a trolley and headed to Platform 9 3/4.

"Bye, kids. Please be sure to write. I love you."

"Bye Mom. I love you. I'll be sure to write every week." I said before walking away to meet up with my friends.

It wasn't long until I could see the twins. They had gotten taller. And they had grown their hair out. I walked up to them and tapped on Fred's shoulder. It looked as though that I was pulling him out of a heated conversation with George. I heard Fred say to George, "tell her" and George said, "I will, soon." Before they turned around to greet me.

"Hey, Noah!" They said pulling me into a group hug.

"Hey, guys!" I said hugging them back. "Answer a question for me. Tell who what?"

"That's not important. Not now anyway." Fred told me taking a sideways glance at George, who sighed a relieved sigh. "C'mon, we need to find a seat."

Once we were on the train, we started walking up and down the halls looking for a compartment. Once we found one we sat down and the train started to move not two minutes later.

"So, how was your summer?" I asked the twins.

"Our summer was great. How was yours?" Fred asked. George was strangely quiet.

"My summer was okay. I mean I did exactly what I wanted to do, and spent time with my family. And I did go to America for a few days to see" I said while playing with my locket.

"Oh. I'm guessing he gave that to you before the uh..."

"Accident? Yeah." I said sadly. "Anyways, do you want to play a game of exploding snap or something?"

"Noah, I was hoping I could talk to you," George spoke up. "Alone."

"Uh. Yeah. Sure."

Fred left the compartment and shut the door behind him.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" I asked.

"Noah, I um I don't know how to um tell you this, but um I-I fancy you. And I have for a while now and I was just wondering if you maybe fancied me too?" He said the last part was kind of fast.

I was shocked at first then I remembered the conversation I overheard last year. I smiled and said, "I know and I fancy you too George. Just never had the guts to tell you."

"Really?" He asked. "Wait a minute. How did you know?"

"Remember last year when me, you, and Fred were supposed to plan a prank in your dorm? Yeah, I kinda overheard that conversation between you and Fred."

"Oh. That makes sense. So um Noah, do you maybe, possibly want to be my um girlfriend?"

"Of course, I want to be your girlfriend George."

Just then Fred knocked on the door. "Can I come in now? People are starting to stare."

I got up and opened the door. He noticed the smile on my and George's faces.

"Did you ask her mate?"

George nodded in response.

"So, Noah, are you or are you not going to be my sister in a matter of years?"

We laughed at this. We don't know what's going to happen in a few years.

George got up to sit beside me and slipped his hand into mine.

Not even halfway back to Hogwarts, I fell asleep but I was still holding his hand when I woke up and he was still holding mine.

We walked hand in hand to the carriages and then into the Great Hall.

I missed this place. I missed my friends. Now we were all in one place together at once.

I sat next to George throughout the sorting. After, Abby noticed how close we were to each other and that we were both beaming.

The Weasley Twin's Best Friend (George Weasley x OC)Where stories live. Discover now