Chapter 13

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The Christmas holidays were coming up fast. I decided to go home this year. But first I had to get through another birthday at Hogwarts. I told my friends that I didn't want to do anything this year, but I knew that wouldn't stop them from doing something.

I had detention again this week for enchanting a creature in DADA. I was reorganizing the books when Professor Lupin came in to dismiss me. Instead of taking me to the Great Hall, he leads me to the Hufflepuff common room.

"What are we doing down here?" I asked him. Instead of responding the portrait flew open to reveal all of my friends yelling "surprise". The twins were to blame for this one, again. They know I hate surprises. I remember that this is what happens when your best friends are the best pranksters in the school.

I spent the entire party with George on the couch watching everything going on around me.

After a couple of hours, I was ready to go to bed.

"Happy Birthday, love," George said after kissing me goodnight.

"Goodnight, my love," I said before heading to my dorm and falling asleep.
I woke up just before breakfast getting ready, saying my goodbyes, and taking my trunk to the train station with Cedric by my side excited to see our parents for the first time since July.


A/N: Short chapter today.

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