Chapter 8: The Dream

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The last few weeks have been a little awkward between me and George. Nonetheless, we pulled off our prank and managed to stay out of detention.

"I'm hungry, are you?" I asked them. We were in the common room working on our Astronomy homework.

"Yeah, but there's nothing to eat in here," Fred replied.

"Are you serious?" I asked. "Is there not a fully stocked kitchen down in the basement, or have I been imagining it since I started school here?"

"Go get the map, Freddie," George said.

"Okay, okay, I'm going," Fred said while walking away.

We were almost to the kitchens when we heard footsteps behind us. Fred quickly pulled out the map and saw that Professor Snape was not far from where we were standing.

"Well if it isn't the Weasley twins and Ms. Luna." He said in his monotone voice. "Tell me, why are the three of you out of bed, wandering the halls of this school at two in the morning?"

"Well, we were just going to" I started before he cut me off.

"Ten points from Gryffindor each and a week's detention cleaning my classroom before dinner. Starting on Monday." He told us. "Now go to bed before I alert your head of the house."

We hurried back up to Gryffindor tower to go to bed. We still weren't finished with our assignment, but we didn't have Astronomy again until next Wednesday, so we had time.

Tomorrow was the first quidditch game of the season and the twins, Harry, Alicia, and Angelina had practice today. Ron and Hermione were going to watch and Abby was hanging out with her new boyfriend, Aiden Miller. So I was by myself, considering that during the quidditch season, Cedric is always hanging around his team.

I was sitting in the common room, reading a book, when Hermione came in, crying, with the entire quidditch team behind her.

"Hermione, what's the matter?" I asked her.

Harry answered, "Malfoy called her a... What was the word again?" He asked Ron. I ignored him.

"Did he call you a" I didn't want to finish that sentence. She nodded. "Come here. There are a lot of nasty people in this world and Malfoy is only one of them. He was raised to believe that saying things like that was okay. You wanna know what I would do?" She looked up at me. "I would do anything in my power to make sure he knows that just because his family is rich and is purely pureblood, it doesn't make him any better than me. Or I would make him fall in love with me and then shatter his heart into a million pieces. Whichever works best for you." She gave a small smile. Then she went up to her room.
We were in the stands cheering on the team. We were ahead by thirty points and all Harry had to do was catch the snitch while we were ahead of the Slytherin team.

"And Harry Potter has caught the snitch! Gryffindor wins!" Lee announced while cheering.

All of the Gryffindors filed quickly out of the stands on to the field to congratulate the team.
It was Monday. Our first day of many in detention with Snape.

"You will have two hours to clean this classroom. It will be spotless when I return. And no magic will be used." He said while issuing us mops and buckets.

We had been cleaning for over an hour when Fred had knocked a vile off of one of the shelves. We were almost done too.

Just as we had finished cleaning up the glass, Snape walked into the classroom. "You are dismissed. You may go to dinner with the rest of your classmates now."

With that we left. We ran straight to the Great Hall and began filling our plates with food.

"Detention wasn't that bad. This time." George said.

"Yeah. At least we didn't end up having detention with Filch again. Now that was terrible." I told them while thinking back to when we had to scrub every single trophy and plaque in the trophy case last year for a month.

As I was lying in bed that night, I couldn't stop thinking about the conversation I had heard a few weeks back. And when I was asleep it was like I was reliving it in my dreams.

"You have to tell her mate." I could hear Fred's voice.

"Tell her what exactly?" George was yelling.

"Tell Noah that you fancy her. If you don't you'll never get another chance." Fred answered him.

"Are you stupid? You known that I cannot tell her, and neither can you. If I do we may never be able to be friends again. She doesn't fancy me anyway. So what's the point?" He sounded sad again.

I stayed longer hoping to hear more of the conversation, but I couldn't hear anything. Then everything around dissolved and I was back in my bed.

And then it hit me. I needed to tell George, but when and how? Also should I really even tell him. I mean we've been bestfriends for over a year and I can't just throw that out the window.

The Weasley Twin's Best Friend (George Weasley x OC)Where stories live. Discover now