Save Me

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Sorry once more for not updating! To be honest the main reason I'm writing this is as a distraction. I apologize to the requests I haven't done I'll be honest I can't quite focus on those.

Note: Modern! And WARNING. To anyone who doesn't like more depressing topics.
A lot was happening to you. You weren't in the worst position in the world. You had a family that took care of you and friends even a boyfriend. But there was still problems. Your parents started talking about divorce which you didn't mind. Heck sometimes you even expected it.

But then you started to hear what your father was being told. People would tell him of your mothers doings with another man. He told you and your sister cause he believed you two had the right to know. You reacted in more of a defense. Everything you heard just worsened but life goes on.

Of course that didn't stop your parents arguments. You heard everything they said and no matter how hard you tried to focus on homework or your dog. You could never ignore those insults. But even then that wasn't the only thing. You started to remember past times all those moments.

You started to notice how you were raised while both parents working. One came home more often but paid you little to no attention. Yes your mother loved you and still does but she doesn't show it. And your father was gone almost the whole week. Who truly raised you well of course it was your sister. The sister who had to mature quicker sometimes you blame yourself for her losing her childhood. But it was truly your parents fault.

You always tried to put your opinion in the recent events even when it was just trying to talk to your mom like a normal person. But she didn't really acknowledge you. And you felt ignored.

She never listened to you and how you felt. She never cared how you felt. Yes she loves and compliments you but did it really matter how you were. You're father had noticed his actions in the past.

He regretted the fact he didn't spend time with you or your sister. So he started staying home more and joking around. Yes it was amazing but you can't help but think he may be manipulating you. So then you'll help him in a way win against your mom.

They both want to get custody of you and your sister. You used to think to go to your dad but now you don't really want either. Your sister is becoming 18 soon she'll be an adult.

Once again your parents were arguing and included you and your sister. But honestly they didn't let you speak at all. You ended up breaking in tears but they didn't notice they were yelling in each other's face. You calm down and start to argue.

You try to get your mother to listen to you for once and sure she says she's listening. But she acts like a five year old making gestures and giving faces. You could tell she wasn't taking you seriously and it
probably had something to do with age. At this point you were getting stressed and texted your boyfriend for emotional support.

Varian was so happy to be dating you. He would always be there for you and always made you happy. You told him what was happening and he quickly tried to cheer you up. Also reminding you that's he's there for you.

But those moments your mother was obviously not listening. You tried to tell her about how you felt and how she barely raised you. But of course she keeps saying she did nothing wrong. You cried and she kept asking why you're crying or why are you putting on a show. She begins to insult you no longer really having an argument.

At that point you lost your mind. You started to lose self control and be dramatic you no longer cared. You even had to hold the temptation to not hit her. You tried to remain calm but then you finally yelled at her. That point your sister a more calm peaceful person and you're father who knew you needed to get outta that stupid house. Both told you to go for a drive maybe even buy something so you did. None of your emotions calmed down in the car at least not immediately.

You put music on and started singing your father tried to say something but you told him you wanted to just listen to music no talking. You texted Varian almost breaking down luckily he reminded you that's he always there for you.

You were a bit happier you had someone to be there for you. You stopped by a shop to get snacks. You didn't quite know what to do at that point you were much calmer. Your eyes were sore from all the crying. But you went back home your mother in her room your sister in her room.

You went to your room eating snacks. Finally able to call your boyfriend. Nothing made you happier than hearing Varian's voice.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" He sounded and looked worried over the FaceTime. You shook your head you didn't want to think about it. So you chatted and laughed trying to distract yourself from everything. You happened to fall asleep on a call with him.

He smiled at your beautiful sleeping face. He felt so lucky to be dating someone like you. He didn't end that call. Varian would always make you happier.

I apologize I know it's not very nice or cute or romantic. But I needed a little release and yes most of the things in the story are true to me. It happened literally like a couple of hours ago. I might make a part two. Hopefully much happier and I'm sorry if that made anyone sad. Hope you enjoyed!

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