Miss Jackson

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This is the first time I heard this song great song and the story's based off it on a way. Even though it didn't match the song in a way. Thank You AylaBennetSlytherin for requesting. I'm happy I actually started to write on a Normal basis hopefully this is the new normal. It didn't let me add a video so Panic at the Disco Miss Jackson if you wanna hear it during.

Warning: SHORT!

You were looking at the ceiling thinking about anything. You heard the guards walking up to your cell you quickly sat up. You looked at the guards with no emotion.

"Meet your new cell mate." They threw a boy in your cell he glared but left it at that. You walked over to the boy and helped him up. He looked at you and looked slightly shocked.

He didn't expect someone his age here and especially not someone like you. He thought you were beautiful but didn't let it show. His face quickly hardens.

"Welcome to your new home." You lay back down on your bed. You decided to be kinda bold "what are you in here for?" He looks at you quickly raising an eyebrow.

"Why should I tell you?" You sat up "we'll be here together for a while may as well get to know one another right?" He thinks for a second you didn't do anything to him so he has no reason to treat you badly.

"I stole an important object, I Kidnapped the queen and attacked Corona." Your eyes widen "What got you in that position?" He looks slightly confused " Isn't that enough for you to sum it up on me." You sat next to him.

"Everyone in here did something bad but depending on why is what can make you so much worse." And that's how he got into his story on why he did it.

You understood his point and could see the person he really was. "You're not bad at all you're the opposite." He chuckled "not after what I've done." You held his hand "but you had a decent reason." He looks at you and both of your eyes stayed connected.

"What about you? How'd you get in?" You looked down "oh I um killed someone." He seemed shocked again he didn't expect someone like you to be capable of doing things like that. "Why?"

"He was horrible he'd torture me but everyone else only saw his nice side. Any time I told them about it they'd say things like "he'd never do that." I was scared he was about to kill me so I had a choice him or me and so I did it I killed him. But people still thought he was a nice person when it happened so when they found out I killed him. They said I was a monster and now I'm here."

You still had nightmares from that night he beat you to the ground ,threw glass bottles ,and when he drew the knife you couldn't let it happen. You were so focused on the memory you didn't notice your tears.

"You had a good reason you don't deserve to be here." Varian said as he wipes away the tears that had fallen. "Thanks for listening." He smiled "always."

That day you met a person. A friend. An escape. Your future. The person you'd be closest to the only one with you behind the bars. Maybe even beyond you didn't know the future. But in that moment you were happy.

"For the future I promise to be there for you good reasons of course." You smile at him "of course." In the future it could've something bad they were doing but the other would be there if there were a good reason.

They sealed that promise in a way that was special. They kissed and the promise was sealed. And no they never broke the promise.

I love her anyway.
I know it was short and wasn't really a songfic. Also it didn't really go with the song. But I tried I hope you enjoyed it even. Again thanks AylaBennetSlytherin for requesting. Hope you Enjoyed!

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