On Your Own

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Hey I finally got to someone's request. This was requested by KailaWren01st I don't know why that came out so weird I tried to fix it. But it wouldn't let me so I'm incredibly sorry. By the way if the story didn't come out to your liking please tell me I will edit this as much as you'd want honestly .But let's get on with the story. Also sorry for taking literally a forever I have had to deal with things and I've been stressed still that shouldn't be an excuse for me I am truly sorry and I'll try my best to make sure it won't happen again.

Ps: I found Season 3 song with Varian and I LOVE it

Warning includes :Bullying and Low Self Esteem and one not best word (pls tell me if you're bothered by it)
Modern Au
You were incredibly intelligent and in high school but no one really noticed you. Being honest though you kinda preferred that. You liked keeping to yourself but of course that won't stop you from having a crush.

Your crush's name is Varian and he is quite popular because he has everything(personality wise) but doesn't really date. Surprisingly people don't often fall in love with him or something. Everyone just likes him because he's an amazing friend smart and always there for people.

And those were only some of the things that attracted you to him. But then again you could make a whole list and still think of things you like about him. Even though you like him so much you haven't really talked too much. You've had your fair share of interactions but nothing to big.

But you know that he'd never see you that way. (Btw if you're reading this never think about yourself like this if he don't like you that probably means you're too good for him) So you just went on with your normal life. Which included a little bit of bullying much to your dismay.

Yeah you were bullied by two kids honestly you really couldn't do anything about it. Plus nobody else would do anything about it. So you just dealt with it all on your own.

————————Time Skip————————

Varian's POV
Okay today's the day I'm finally gonna go up to my long time crush. Sure we haven't talked much but (Y/N) is everything I'd ever want. Just because someone's not popular doesn't make them any less special. Especially (Y/N) all I want to do is be able to hold a good conversation and continue you know be friends then maybe more.

————————Time Skip————————
Oh my gosh someone pinch me to make sure I'm not dreaming...actually don't.You've been talking to Varian for a while and have become quite close. And it has only made my feelings for him grow into more.

You were walking down the hallway when you get shoved against the lockers. "Looks like the little girl has finally done something with herself." You turn to see the bully's right next to you. Looking down with amusement at you're vulnerability.

"She's probably only hanging out with him for attention and she's probably just gonna be his little slut just because she's so miserable and sad she needs to be desperate enough to go for someone completely out of reach." "How dare you think you can just bother someone like Varian you think he wants to be friends with you you're nothing but a little slut wanting attention." (Pls never think of yourself as such your beautiful and amazing)

You look down and start to really think then again who'd really wanna be your friend. Just then you hear someone call out "THATS ENOUGH!" You turn to see the one and only Varian.

You've never been more embarrassed looking like an idiot and letting people get to you all in front of you're crush what a nightmare. You notice Varian talking to them saying something that got them to scurry off. Thank goodness but now I gotta deal with his questions.

He turned to me and I got ready for him to start asking things like why they do it or why he was apart of the conversation. "Are you okay?" Well that's a slight surprise you look up at him "thanks for helping me out."

He smiled and helped you get up and gave you a hug. That was a surprise since you just started becoming closer friends. It felt comforting and warm like nothing could hurt you. Maybe that's what broke you finally knowing you don't have to seem so strong

Because you started crying well more like sobbing. But Varian didn't say anything he stayed with you and made sure you felt okay said some comforting words. You two weren't even that close and he still helped you. You kinda knew things would change after but you didn't know just how much.

————————Time Skip————————

It's been a a couple of weeks after Varian found out about those two. And it's been some of the best weeks of your life. You met his friends and they're all so kind even his best friend/pet Ruddiger (who took a great liking to you).

Your new friends knew about the two kids and were still there for you. They helped you be more positive and talk a little more. And Varian has been the most helpful. You two were incredibly close now and you wouldn't have it any other way.

You still liked him if anything you liked him a lot more. But you'd be happy as long as he stood by you that was enough. You and Varian were gonna meet up at his house.

You went in after greeting Quirin you went and knocked on Varian's door. "Hey Im here now." You heard someone run then trip . They quickly get up then you look up to see the door open. " You good." Trying your best not to laugh.

"Yeah completely fine." You went in and started to talk about random things as usual then he got a little nervous. " So um you like anybody or." That was surprising "oh um yeah why." "Oh I just need to tell you that I um (breathe) really like you."

  ————————Time Skip————————

It was the day after and surprise surprise y'all are dating. You made sure before you left to grab one of his hoodie because why not. All your friends were so happy and Eugene lost a bet to Cassandra. Since he thought it'd take longer since you both can be quite shy.

You were walking down the hall before you were shoved into a couple of lockers (deja vu much). You looked up and as expected it was the two kids. "Look at her so lonely he's probably noticed how useless she is and stopped being friends with her." "Obviously who wouldn't ."

Oh great they're starting this again "HEY didn't I tell you to leave her alone." We all turn and see Varian again "also I don't appreciate you people messing with my girlfriend." They both looked shocked which made you want to laugh.

"G-girlfriend." Thats seemed to get them to shut up. "Yeah so I would like it if you left her alone." They knew they couldn't say anything against him. Varian was friends with Cassandra and Eugene. Eugene used to have a bad reputation and nobody messes with Cass.

So they left Varian helps you get up. "You okay?" You nod and smile at him "thanks again." You hug and he whispers in your ear " I'll always be here for you."

Well maybe you wouldn't have to deal with things alone because now.

You're no longer all on your own

Once again I'm so sorry it took so long I'll try to make story's sooner I'm most likely not updating again this week since I got testing. But other than that I'll have to get it done. Also I know it's not the best or the longest but it's what I got. And remember if it didn't come to your expectations I'm more than happy to either make another one or edit this one.

Hope you enjoyed!!!

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