New Year (Short)

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Just a short story for New Years hope you enjoy also thank you for actually reading this and thank you so much for the people voting and commenting I'm always so close to crying. Also sorry if this comes out a little late I get really busy it being New Years with family.
You were preparing everything for the New Year Party just a get together with Rapunzel and some other friends. But the person you wanted to see the most was your best friend and boyfriend Varian.

You were bringing some snacks specifically ham sandwiches you all planned it except for Varian you all wanted to surprise him. You put them down on the table and looked around trying to find him.

You quickly found him in the corner messing with some kind of chemical. You decided to surprise him so you waited till he put it down then. "Hey!!!" You said loudly while putting your hands on his shoulders.

He jumped and quickly turned around only to see it was you. "Don't scare me like that (Y/N)" he scolded you pouted which caused him to chuckle. He hugged you and kissed your forehead.

"Oh by the way guess what I brought!!!" He looked at you with curiosity. "So all of us decided to surprise you and I brought... Ham sandwiches." He quickly started smiling and quickly hugged you. "You know you're amazing right." You laughed "I know." Which caused him to laugh with you.

You both went to grab a sandwich "So what were you working on back there?" He turns to you "Well I wanted to create something using gunpowder and other combustible compounds which should cause a spectacular explosion when ignited." (I had to search this up btw if it's not obvious it's fireworks)

"Are they dangerous?" It's not that you don't trust Varian it's just that you don't want him getting in trouble. "No not really but just in case I convinced Shorty to set them off since that's what Eugene told me to do." Which caused both of you to start laughing.

————————Time Skip———————

It was nighttime and everyone was on the bottom of a hill with one huge tree the hill was covered in flowers. They were all there to see how Varian's plan went. Well everyone except Shorty,Varian, and (Y/N). Shorty was going to set them off while you and Varian would watch it from the top next to the tree.

Varian wanted to be there just incase it didn't work so they get a better view of what went wrong.And you were there to support him and make sure he's perfectly fine. But even if he didn't need you there you'd like to be with him the beginning of the year.

"Its almost time!!!" Rapunzel was excited to see the result then again everyone else was too. That's when everyone started a count down.






Happy New Year!!!"

Everyone looked up to see beautiful lights exploding in the air. Which provided the result that Varian got this one right. Everyone started oohing and aahing (idk how to spell).

You smile and look to Varian "It looks amazing." You turn to him only to see him staring at you. He smiles and leans in. You follow and you kiss not for to long but still  absolutely perfect. You smile at him "Happy New Year."

                           "Happy New Year"

Sorry it's not absolutely perfect but I tried. Sorry I couldn't post it earlier but I'll try my best to keep posting consistently. Hope you enjoyed!!!

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