Different (Part 3)

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I actually got into the mood of writing and surprisingly got to finish the third part. Yay 2 chapters in one week. Which I was excited for thank you to Totally_Weird for requesting this series I loved writing it. I hope you enjoy how it came out.


You were back home messing with your necklace. For some reason the stone never left and stayed with you. It was also a reminder that what you went through wasn't just a dream. It really happened which you still couldn't believe.

You thought for sure you would've been happy to be home. But there was one thing you couldn't get out of your mind better yet there was one person you couldn't get out of your mind.

Varian. He was your best friend and someone you grew feelings for. The fact that you were both forever separated broke your heart. You could never be near him again. You would never hear him and his scientific rants. Nothing.

No matter what you were doing all you'd think about was him. You wish you had the guts to tell him how you felt. Cause now you could never do that.

You looked down at the necklace holding it with both hands. Trying to look at every small detail wondering how such a small stone created such amazing memories.

You'd always look back at the memories and people  you'd forever cherish. Rapunzel, Cassandra, Eugene, Red , Angry, Lance, and everyone. They were so nice and were all there for you.

But most of all Varian was there for you. You could only imagine how lucky you'd be if you could be in both places. But sadly things don't go that way. You kept staring at the necklace. And the only thing going through you're head was.

I wish I could be with Varian again.

And like some weird miracle you saw that bright light. The one you wished you'd see again happened. You closed your eyes still surprised on how bright it was.

And when you open your eyes you see it the world that confused you before. It brought so much joy and before you could even think about what you were doing. You were running to a place you recognized and loved so much.

You were on your way to see Varian . You pass Rapunzel and her friends and they look at you shocked to see you back. But you ignore them you had to see your best friend you had to tell him.

You see the lab knowing he's always in there and run down the steps. And you see him with no hesitation you run and hug him.

He turns only to see you his eyes are wide open. Since everyone thought you'd be gone forever. Both of you look at each other "I love you" at the same time you both say those three words . You looked at each other in shock but before any more words can be said.

He pulls you in and kisses you which you quickly reciprocated. Him being this close and right in front of you brought comfort. Being in front of the person you thought you'd never see again. Made you so happy.

You both felt all the emotions in that one kiss. You hear footsteps coming down the stairs. But you were focused on Varian's arms holding you close and the kiss you thought you'd never get.

You hear gasps near by and you both quickly separate and turn to see who it was. It was Rapunzel and the gang all looking happy although both Cassandra and Eugene had smirks on their faces. "Finally." Which kinda sounded like a complaint

Both your faces turn red. Varian's arm was on your shoulders still holding you. So you turn and put your face in Varian's chest trying to avoid embarrassment. Which Varian smiles at seeing your actions and thinking about how adorable you are.

     ———————Time Skip ——————

Luckily Varian being the adorable nerd he is figured out that the stone let's you travel to both worlds whenever you want. So you can be with your family and friends while also being with your other friends and your boyfriend.

Oh yeah both you and Varian were now dating which apparently everyone was waiting for. You turned to see your dork of a boyfriend working on another project again he needed a break.

Everyone knew it so you decided to try and help him. You walk up to him and give him a kiss on the cheek which quickly grabs his attention. Both of you loved affection so it was an easy way to get the others attention since you both weren't completely used to it.

"Maybe you should take a break." You had already started to pull him away from he work as you said this. "Wellll" You give him puppy eyes which you knew he'd never say no to. So he just smiles and let's you lead him.

You were back to the hill you had both went to last time. Still having perfect grass and beautiful flowers. You both lay down with your head on his chest and him holding you.

You both talked the day away staring at the clouds and just talking. Although it may seem small to most this day is one more you'd never forget just you and your boyfriend happy and talking to each other.

From some serious topics to the stupidest it was something you'd always enjoy. You had amazing friends in both worlds and you could be with your family. And best of all you could be with your amazing boyfriend.

You were together no longer separated both happy and no longer had to regret keeping their feeling a secret. You were definitely gonna have trouble your boyfriend being in another universe you'd make due.

Those things would be thought out later but either way you wouldn't end your relationship for anything. You were definitely an odd couple both from different worlds. But it was fine you were okay with different.

I can't believe I finished it that quickly hopefully I keep this streak up. This is where this series ends I loved writing it and I'm so happy it ended up being happy. I hope you enjoyed!

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