Truth Serum

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Hey I am so happy to start getting requests and am so lucky to have people with so much creativity reading this. This one was a request made by VarianWolf thank you so much for requesting this if you would like me to change something or if it's not up to your expectations please tell me. I don't wanna start talking too much so let's start.
After all the events that happened everyone could agree on one thing and that was how absolutely tired you all were. After getting back to Corona they asked Varian about what happened when she kidnapped him so he answered.

"She made me drink my own Truth Serum and it's still working and I don't know how long it will last actually-" he took out a piece of paper after writing some things down he gasped. "What." He looked absolutely mortified.

"I.Have.To.Stay.This.Way.For.A.Whole.WEEK." That's when Eugene has to laugh at Varian's misfortune. "How do you know." Rapunzel did give a good point how did he know. "Seeing as she gave me so much and I remember how much was in there if my calculations are correct then the affect of the serum will last an entire week." He sighed .

"Varian i think you'll be perfectly fine it's not like you've got anything to hide from us right." You looked at him but quickly saw him look down. Everyone looked at him confused then he quickly yelled bye and ran.

Day Two of Serum

You and Varian decided to stay in Corona seeing gas Quirin expected him to be there and you're parents finally let you out of the house. Also you had to work on the issue with Cassandra and all but your focus was more on just taking a break everyone did the same. But for some reason Varian seemed to be avoiding you.

You'd enter a room and he'd quickly run out it made no sense. Was it because of his secret does he not trust you with it or. Whatever it is it seems like he needs some space so you allowed him to continue this weirdness.

Rapunzel POV
I saw Varian basically avoiding (Y/N) for no reason and I don't understand why she obviously decided to just leave it but I can't say the same. "Hey Varian!" I run up to him as he turns around "Hey Rapunzel." "Hey why've you been avoiding (Y/N)." He "oh I haven't been a-avoiding her." He struggles to keep it in what he wants to say but it still comes out.

"Ugh it's because I have a huge crush on her and if at some point I'm forced to tell her my true feeling because of the serum." He gasped and looked at me worried while I looked like the happiest person in the world "REALLY!!!"

"Well seeing as I took the serum I can't deny it but please don't tell anyone." I nod then run off I can't believe it this is the best news I've gotten in a while.

  ———————Time Skip ————————
Varian's POV
"You did WHAT." I cant believe it apparently tell nobody means tell Eugene, Lance, Red , and Angry. "I'm sorry but if it helps we all want to help you." I facepalm and much to my doom I see all of them walk up to me.

"Is it true?" "When will you tell her." "I never expected this from you goggles." After a bit everyone just looked at me waiting for some answer. "Well seeing as I can't lie then yes I do like her and I can't speak to her since I might be forced to reveal my feelings."

"We can he-" "NO oh um no no that's not needed I'll find a way by myself alone with no ones help." I slowly walked away. As much as I appreciate their help it could mess a lot up. Plus I want to do this alone but I do know I can't avoid (Y/N) all week so may as well just learn to live with this.

   ———————Next Day ————————

I was walking down the castle halls when I saw (Y/N) and decided to finally speak to her. It was rude to ignore her so we started a conversation and everything was normal till Eugene came with a smile I didn't like. "Varatos just who I was looking for come here." I walked up to him cautiously not sure what they're planning. "Can you remind me how you feel about (Y/N)" I quickly figured out what he was doing. He was trying to get me to admit it in front of her right now!!!

I wasn't going to allow that so I quickly covered my mouth and ran quickly into one of the rooms. "I like (Y/N) a lot maybe to the point where I might even be able to say... that I love her."

I sighed and walked out luckily no one was around to hear me. I quickly walked down the hall and outside. Maybe avoiding people would be the best choice at least Eugene for now.

I couldn't believe what I found out. As guilty as I am to have heard something so personal it's something I'm happy to hear. After Varian had run off I chased after him. I saw the room he went to and was about to knock to check if he's okay.

But right before I did he said something. " I like (Y/N) a lot maybe to the point where I might even be able to say...I love her." Your heart was beating faster then you ever thought it could.

The you heard him get ready to leave and you bolted. You couldn't believe it Varian your best friend likes you back. Now all you have to think of is some way to tell him you knew and feel the same.

———————Time Skip ————————

It took a while to put together but you finally had a plan. You got Rapunzel to ask Varian to meet up at the garden. Since you were nervous even though you knew he felt the same.

You saw him walk up to you and you smiled which made him feel better. You decided to just get it over with. "Hey I wanted to talk about something I heard the other day I would say be honest with me but you kinda don't have a choice."

"Um ok." "So I may or may not have heard you the other day when you ran off from me and Eugene and you admit your feeling." You spoke really quickly but you knew he understood it because his eyes were wide open. "And before you start making something up or try to explain yourself I want you to know... I feel the same."

"Wait you like me back!?" "Well duh didn't I just say that." You say trying not to laugh. He smiles "Yeah I do like you no I love you (Y/N) and I don't think I could feel the same for anyone else."

You smile and hug him everything he said was amazing the day was amazing. Heck you couldn't find one bad thing in those moments but the best thing is that you knew he was telling

The Complete Truth.

Yay I got another request done sorry it took a while I got a little busy. I know it may not meet your standards but I tried and am somewhat proud of it. Again if you don't like something or want to request something else please feel free to do so. That's all really also y'all are so amazing just know that. Hoped you enjoyed!!!

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