A Return

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I've actually been updating these past days so I hope y'all have been enjoying that. Thank you so much Nezuko122894 for requesting Im so sorry it took so long. Anyone else waiting for their requests it should be done soon I am so sorry. I enjoyed writing this and sorry I'm not the best at a Yandere Varian. Anyways I hope y'all Enjoy!

WARNING:Yandere! Varian (which is new to me and I kinda suck at)


You couldn't believe what happened Lady Caine herself came alone. Not even to attack but to warn you guys . Recently you and the others have been looking for a pirate crew made out of Lady Caine and her recruits. And they have been doing some pretty bad things so you guys decided to help.

As weird as it sounds yes you were all basically looking for a ship full of enemy's. HOW FUN. Also you haven't seen them for years but they decided to make a comeback.

You were all getting ready to set sail when Lady Caine came to you. You all got ready for an attack but saw she was alone. Which was a bit odd and what she said next was even weirder.

"You will need to be careful." You all looked at her shocked.  That's when y'all knew something was wrong so you all asked what she was talking about. "There is someone on that ship they took control of my crew and kicked me off the stupid thing." Which only piqued the curiosity y'all had "Who is it and why are you telling us."

You still couldn't completely trust her it could be a trap. "I'm telling you because I don't want them to win." Okay so obviously it was more for her own satisfaction that made sense. "Who is it." You say finally deciding to speak up.


You couldn't believe it everyone had an expression of fear knowing how intelligent the boy was. But you had more of a surprised sad look. You were close to Varian you even liked him. But of course stuff happened and he became evil.

It had been years since you've seen him you grew up and developed more. And you could only imagine what he looks like. But you refused to fear him he was someone you cared about so much. It hurt yes him attacking was bad but it also hurt to lose him.

"Let's go." Everyone looked at you shocked you out of all of them were the one prepared to have face off with him of all people . You seemed so determined. So you all got in the boat and prepared to see the alchemist.

       —————— Time Skip   ——————

None of you knew what to expect he probably changed so much in the years that passed. And the next thing that happened was something no one really  expected. It was night time when you hear a bunch of people landing on your boat you turn and see...pirates.

You let out a sound of anger and quickly go to you room to get your weapon. When you see someone already in there. You almost didn't know who it was till he turned. Varian.

He had changed so much he was taller and instead of his old adorable self. He was a mixture of hot and cute weirdly at the same time. Something you'd never admit out loud you couldn't help but blush a bit. For some reason the feeling you had back then still hadn't completely faded.

He turns and lets out a deep chuckle "It's nice to see you (Y/N)" You couldn't help but get a little weaker at the way he said your name. You really hated yourself right now.

Sadly you reaction didn't go unnoticed by Varian who just smirked. But still you refused to let your guard down. You glared at him trying your best to remind yourself that he's the enemy.

He walks up to you which makes you stiff. "See you in a bit." And before you could do anything you pass out the last things you see are his eyes.

      —————— Time Skip   ——————

You woke up to see you were in a chair tied up. You look around and  immediately notice the silhouette in the corner . The person starts walk towards you.

There was a window letting in a bit of light from tonight's full moon. Luckily it let you see who it was and unsurprisingly it was Varian. You can see the evil smirk on his face which makes you mad but also internally fangirl.

"Where are my friends!?"  He lets out a small chuckle . "Calm down they're fine just in a different room." Which confuses you "Why did you separate us or more specifically me."

He chooses to ignore your question which slightly annoys you. "You really have changed (Y/N) you were beautiful back then but now..." he leans next to your face. "Well let's just say you did what I thought was impossible." "Which is?"

He kisses your cheek "become more beautiful obviously. You never were good at noticing things like this huh. You never even knew I liked you." You blushed and looked at him shocked from the news.

"Whaa" He grabs your chin and makes you look up at him "See and I have a feeling you felt the same way." You look up at him without much of a choice. You choose to study his face and see the differences. You see his messy hair and the still teal strip of hair you notice his now pierced ear. You notice his now sharpened jaw and thousands of freckles. His beautiful eyes. And pink lips the one you wanted to kiss but refused to do so.

He leans down still holding your chin and leaves a peck on your lips. "Yeah you definitely liked me and probably still do." You blush as he smirks his suspicion confirmed. You refused to show anything so you finally tried to get a grip.

"I wouldn't be to sure of that." You glare after your words trying your best to show how you wanted to feel. Sadly he really isn't affected by this but hears footsteps from a room nearby.

He quickly gets the both of you up and holds your wrists together you both walk up to the top of the ship to see Rapunzel and the others getting off the boat to leave. But they turn and see you their eyes widen.

You knew they wouldn't make it to you since Varian was already there and the crew was coming. So you quickly mouth for them to go. Rapunzel hesitates but listens since she saw your expression.

She mouthed that they'd be back for you which you quickly nod to. And that's it they left the rest of the crew saw this and seemed upset but were getting ready for next time. Seeing as you were still there they knew she wouldn't just leave you.

So they all left but Varian was still holding your wrists. He tightened his grip on them a bit letting you know he was a bit angry but it softened. You felt a breath on your neck "Looks like your stuck with me."

You blush from the feeling and your eyes widened surprised by his actions. You both make your way back to you room. You really hoped Rapunzel would be here soon. You don't know how much you can take.

I know it wasn't very Yandere but I'm kinda bad so sorry hopefully I do better if it ever comes up again. I did really enjoy writing it again thank you Nezuko122894 I hope you weren't disappointed or unhappy with the result. I think that's all hope you enjoyed!

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