Different (Part 1)

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I really do feel bad for how slow I've been but I'll figure a way to stay on track. This great chapter was requested by Totally_Weird I hope you're satisfied with the outcome please inform me if there's something you don't like or really want changed. Also thank you so much for requesting this.
Btw all art not mine


You were sitting on your couch being lazy as usual watching an amazing show. Sure usually people your age wouldn't be watching it but you didn't care. Tangled the series is something you've learned to love especially the characters. You've already watched season three and it kinda upsets you that you can't watch it anymore. You were checking your phone when you felt a breeze. You didn't leave the window open at  least not that you remember.

That's when you see it anybody else would have been confused but you saw the combination of the moon and sun drop. It came through the recently opened window. You immediately felt the need to grab it. Which you did and not even a second later your surrounded by a blinding light which makes you automatically cover your eyes.

You start to feel dizzy you put your hand on your forehead and you feel yourself fall. Your out like a light. What feels like seconds to you but was probably longer than that. You wake up to someone shaking your shoulder and the biggest thought in your head was. WHERE THE HECK AM I ?! The last you remember you were at home. And this place was definitely not home. After looking around you start to notice your surroundings more.

This shouldn't have been possible maybe the place is just similar but your denial ends immediately when you see who shook your shoulder. Right next to you was Hook Hand which let you know where you are. You started to internally panic but you couldn't say anything or he'll think your insane.

You also noticed your change in clothes which made you feel more comfortable knowing no one would look at you for wearing weird clothing. You were wearing a black corset tank top with flowy pants basically looking like a skirt. A cape with a hood so you could cover your face if needed. And the mixture of the moon and sun drop was now a necklace on you. Which you decided for now should be hidden under your shirt.

You then noticed Hook Hand trying to grab your attention also asking if you were okay. You finally get a hold of yourself "oh um I'm sorry and yeah I'm fine" "oh okay well I gotta head to Corona now hope your okay." That's when it hits you and you can't stay there you know nothing about the place your in.

Plus you want to get home and who in this world would be able to do that. Well since it's the show who's the smartest character? Varian could help you or at least finding the characters you know would at least help you figure things out. Which led you to your decision.

"Hey!Can I come with?"

———————Time Skip ————————

You were almost in Corona and you and Hook Hand actually became good friends. He even introduce you to the people in the Tavern. You decided to hang around the Tavern with Hook Hand . It was hard not freaking out every five seconds . But you had to continue the act of not scared or allowing yourself freaking out.While you were walking you started singing since usually that calms you down. Especially when they were songs from the show . So you started singing With You By My Side quietly. With your hood up because you were awkward when you sang in front of people.

That's when it happened sadly you weren't singing quiet enough because Cassandra heard the song that only 3 people should know. Even though in your mind hundreds to thousands of people know it.

"Hey! How do you know that song" you wanted to run but you knew she'd catch up. You kept quiet silently panicking but Hook Hand didn't "Hey! What's going on"

You couldn't believe you made that mistake and now you could be in deep trouble. Sure you know these people as friendly but you also know they can be intimidating if they REALLY wanted to. But then you remember you know what these people are like. You know what happened to them you watched it. But they know nothing of you it helped you be more confident.

Yes you can be kinda shy but you won't be pushed around ever. And as much as you love these characters. If it's needed you were ready to stand up to them. But you hope it won't come to that since again you love the characters well now people.

After a quick conversation Cassandra ends up walking both of you to the castle. You were trying your best to gain all your confidence cause you knew you'd need it.

You get to the castle your hood thankfully covering your face. Cassandra brings you to a room and sits you down in a chair. She calls Rapunzel and Eugene over and starts whispering to them. You could only guess she was telling them of what you did.

They came over Rapunzel trying her best to not just start interrogating. She was trying to be nice "Hey um do you mind putting down your hood." You decide to be stubborn and look down .

That's when Cassandra just comes up to you and pulls down your hood. They looked shocked and quickly noticed how you were quite young. So you looked straight in their eyes making sure you showed no emotion.

Right now anything could throw them off or convince themselves of something that's not true. They all backed up and whispered luckily loud enough so you can hear.

"Cass she's just a kid." Cassandra quickly looked in your direction. "Yeah but so was Zhan Tiri." You rolled your eyes of course she'd think that. They whispered something quickly this time you couldn't hear it.

They came back over just as Cassandra was about to say something he slams the door open. "I JUST WANTED TO TELL YOU ABOUT THIS GREAT INVENTION I MADE!!!!" You turn and see him Varian who looks cuter than you thought. He sees the odd scene in front of him.

"U-um what's going on?" He looks you in the eyes and blushes which you didn't notice. Since you were trying to stop your own blush. They end up pulling him out and explaining everything.

They come back and you can tell that they had lots of questions . "Where are you from?" Cassandra asks quickly which you simply answer. "No where near here." Which seems to somewhat frustrate her "How did you know that song?" And you tried thinking of an excuse.

But then to your luck Rapunzel asks another question "What's your name?" Well there's nothing wrong about that so you just answered honestly.

"(Y/N)" and you knew these questions would last a while. But what you didn't know was your necklace could be seen. Luckily not noticed yet but

That wouldn't last

To be continued...
Again so sorry I haven't updated I'll keep it up and hurry up. Also to anyone who requests stuff I'm working on it. I hope Totally_Weird liked how it came out thank you for requesting.

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