Catch of the Day

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Wow I'm writing a lot which is great but dang. Anyways thanks VarianWolf for requesting I really enjoyed writing this one. Also who els has been watching Tik Tok nonstop for quarantine.

3rd POV
You all went to save Varian from Cassandra since she kidnapped him . You went with Rapunzel since you wanted to reach him as quick as possible.After the incantation Varian started getting pushed away cause the force. That's when a rock came down and hit him. Cassandra turned to him angry that he gave Rapunzel the information she needed.

"You pesky raccoon boy!" Then he fell you looked down and saw Lance caught him. He then passed out .After that all you guys really did was go home. You explained to them that Varian had a rock hit his head. So it explained why he passed out and how it could actually do damage.

You were all worried about him but you had to focus on getting home.

——————— Time Skip ————————

It was the next day and almost immediately you got up and got ready. You quickly went to where Varian was staying. You quietly open the door and look at the bed.... no one was there.

You started to panic but you started to think. He must be with the others. He probably woke up and they were all talking. You go where you heard everyone talking so you walk in.

But you still didn't see Varian "hey have you guys seen Varian." They turn and look at you like you were crazy. "(Y/N) he's in bed you know he hit his head remember." You looked at them confused you started to panic again.

"Uh he wasn't there." You all ran to the room and looked again. Yup he wasn't there "then where could he be?" That's when you all heard pans from the kitchen and yelling.

You all ran to the kitchen only to see Nigel and the King. Nigel was yelling at Varian to stop . That's another thing you all saw Varian was crawling on all fours eating out of the trash.

He got scared because of the Nigels yelling since it was directed at him. So he looks around and sees you. He quickly runs on all fours and hides under your dress. You looked at him shocked by the behavior. "Varian?"

But instead of words he makes a weird noise one you recognize it's the same one Rudiger makes. You all gasp you all figured out the rock made him forget everything. That includes you guess right being human.

Rapunzel stays to explain what happened to Varian and why he was acting this way. Now that they stopped yelling at him he was calm. So he ran out after Rudiger. Which meant you'd all have to find him again.

——————— Time Skip ————————

Great news you found Varian and he found a raccoon costume. So now he looks like a raccoon. He left to sleep in an apple tree with Rudiger. So they were both sleeping soundly.

You all started talking about ways to fix the issue. While your backs were turned they woke up and started to walk around the forest. Luckily not to far.

Varian was looking around for apples when he notice a big man about to capture Rudiger. He quickly pushes him out of the way and the man captures Varian instead.

He chuckles and takes him to his cart full of animals. Rudiger followed the direction then went for help. He found you all and started to point and make a lot of noise.

You turn to the tree and notice Varian's gone "Guys!" They all turn and notice his disappearance. "Rudiger is he in trouble." Rudiger nods then starts to lead them to the hunters house.

They quickly figured out the man was a hunter (since he had a sign say he was)and that his name was...Hunter. They quickly make their way in and Hunter stabs a knife into the table. "Hey um we heard you caught a raccoon and we kinda need him." The man looks at Rapunzel "he sorry but that won't be happening ."

They kept trying but Hunter just wouldn't negotiate. So they decided they'd have to sneak him out. They had to wait for night time so it'd be harder to get caught and for their plan to work.

You all snuck in and went to the place he stored animals. You guys looked around it and saw so many poor animals. They were all held here without a choice that's when you found Varian. You quickly unlocked it but as you unlocked it.

An alarm went off Rudiger set off an alarm Hunter came in and started to attack. Apparently he had friends and other hunters came to fight as well. Rapunzel and Eugene fought against them. You punched a guy who was trying to grab Varian.

You didn't know a man was running up from behind. You turn around luckily Varian tackles the guy he comes back to you still acting like a raccoon. So you give him a pet.

You all continued to fight until Rapunzel ties them up with a rope she found. After they were taken care of you set all the animals free in the wild. You just grabbed the last animal.

You were leaving the house with Varian following you turn to look at Varian when a big rock falls on his head. He passes out you called the others and they (Eugene) carries him back to Corona.

You never left his side and held his hand. After a while you fell asleep still holding his hand while you sat on a chair. You felt him move so you woke up and his eyes open "(Y/N)?"

You looked at him shocked "you remember me?" He looks confused "obviously what hap-." That's when it comes to him he starts to blush "did I actually do all that." You shyly nod he looks embarrassed.

"Oh my-" you laugh at his face "hey it could've been worse." You give him a kiss on the cheek "it's nice to have you back." He smiled and his blush only grew. He will forever be your raccoon boy.

I can't believe I wrote so much in a day. I really enjoyed writing this thanks again VarianWolf For requesting. I hope you enjoyed!

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