The Loyal Pupil (Part 1)

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This is partially just made up based off the tiny clips I've seen of season three final parts and what randomly came to mind. I know a lot of this isn't true (I think) and some of my details will be wrong. But I wrote this cause it's just something I thought I'd enjoy writing and wanted to share. Basically the reader being one of Lord Demanitus pupil except you were one of the only ones that stayed loyal. You were his favorite anyways. I'm sorry if you don't enjoy it and there will be tiny spoiler for season 3 but only based off of small clips I've seen cause I can't get a hold on full episodes just yet I don't think I'd be ready anyway. Also sorry this was long.

Warning:Minor Season 3 near final spoiler
I woke up and knew everything that happened. Knowing how Cassandra betrayed Rapunzel to when Zhan Tiri escaped by manipulating people. And here I was waking up in front of Rapunzel ,Eugene, Red, Angry, Lance, and Varian.

The only reason you knew of them is because you watched the fight start and how Zhan Tiri came back. But other than main details you didn't really know these people. But you worked yourself to the bone for too long to not be able to work with strangers. Even in the darkest of times when all of the other pupils left you still stood by. Becoming one of the only people Lord Demanitus trusted.

So you knew majority of his secrets you even know that he sent a message to the people in front of you to know you were good. Even though you were young you were one of the smartest and most loyal of all pupils.

"Who are you!?" I believe it was the one they refer to as Angry. "Look I know if I tell you who I am it'll be difficult to understand so please give me a minute to explain." They all nod and look at you suspiciously "oh do you by chance have a note given to you by I don't know... Lord Demanitus on you or."

Of course Eugene still had it and out of curiosity gave it to you. "Thank you so I'm basically one of Lord Demanitus pupils but before you attack me I am one of the only ones that stayed loyal." "And what makes you think we'll believe you." You turn to the one that gave you the note.

"I knew you were gonna say that. Well being one of the only people that stood by him he showed me multiple secrets including the way he hides secret messages." You carefully opened the paper to the middle very carefully and gave it to Eugene who read it out loud.

If you are reading this you most likely have met up with (Y/N) she's not very known but helped me a lot when defeating Zhan Tiri. You can trust her and if you're reading this either Zhan Tiri was released or she got lucky but I don't believe the second choice is possible. She should be able to help you.
Ps:(Y/N) it's nice knowing you can read this please help these people no worries they're completely trustworthy.
Eugene knew he couldn't deny the truth because he knew how that monkey worked and the handwriting was identical. But for precaution they went to Xavier to make sure they went in and left you outside but you still heard the conversation.

"Yes there was only one pupil that stayed loyal to him their name was (Y/N) (L/N) if you would like I could tell you her legend." That's when you decided to take a chance and walk in "well if we're talking about my legend then I would wanna know too." Xavier looked surprised to see you but just accepted it he did though identify you were the true (Y/N) since the legend always included the birth mark on your shoulder.(your choice)

"I'll tell it as if you weren't here because that just makes it easier." You nod in understanding.

"A long time ago Lord Demanitus found the way of trapping Zhan Tiri away and also keeping everyone safe but this plan wasn't full proof. No one can just go away without something else. But he didn't want to put any lives in danger so he stuck to his plan. It would've taken longer but his pupil maybe even companion at this point helped him she was young but brilliant and stood by him no matter what. She heard of the probability of the plan and added a part of her own without Demanitus knowing. They started to put it to work and it was working they started to trap Zhan Tiri but (Y/N) spotted a place he could escape from and put her plan into place. She added herself as a sacrifice to be stuck the same way but away from Zhan Tiri she wouldn't grow ,she wouldn't notice anything around her, there was no time where she was going but she did it to help and repay all Lord Demanitus has done for everyone. Legend says she left a note for Demanitus himself.
I know you're not happy with this but It was the best way. Don't think of me too much old man life's too short. Maybe some day I'll escape but most likely not. I'm just happy I could assist in the way I did I believe I've proven that maybe I could become more than a pupil but I don't know maybe I have a lot more ahead."

"But either way I don't regret what I did even if some see it as stupid I would rather risk my life than see so many people hurt... sorry didn't mean to interrupt I just remembered everything I wrote such a long time ago." Everyone looked at you shocked simply because it was unexpected.

"Why aren't you known more." You shrugged "hey I was gone for years don't ask me." After that we all knew since all the things that happened today we'd all need at least a little bit of rest.

————————Time Skip————————

You were outside looking up at the sky and thinking about Demanitus he was a great teacher and helped you so much. He made you think in different more unique ways and just be better in general. In a way he became close to heart since you decided to be loyal to him no matter what the other pupils decided.

And now he's gone no way to contact him at least not in your mind. But you knew it'd happen someday it's just you only woke up with a bunch of people some you haven't even talked to. Your thoughts were interrupted as you looked to see who spoke "Hey."

It was Varian he seemed to be the person more on smarts maybe even science which you weren't that bad at. "What are you doing out here?" He takes a seat next to you as you answer "Just thinking."

For some reason you got good vibes from him almost like you could trust him no matter what.
I decided to be Evil and leave it there I know this didn't have much Varian but coming up with a backround and life story for someone was fun. I'm truly sorry but it started to get long so I decided to split it into parts. I know my writing isn't best either and storylines weird but for the sake of the story oh well. By the way I just came up with it and wanted to write it so bad so sorry I know I'm just ugh but I hope in some way you liked it. I'll try my best to update soon so. Hope you enjoyed!!!

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