Dangerous Game

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Surprise an update yes I'm actually updating shocking. Thank you so much to MaryDarkheart  For requesting Im sorry if I didn't come out right I don't know like anything about D&D. So if you actually play D&D I'm sorry if it's inaccurate or completely wrong I'm super inexperienced. I still liked writing it.Hope you enjoy.

Modern Au!


3rd POV
Everyone sat at the table ready to continue the game they started a while ago. The gang (Rapunzel, Eugene Cassandra, Varian.) wanted to have a game to play for whenever you guys have free time.And Varian being had the idea of  D&D aka Dungeons and Dragons.

At first they weren't too interested until they actually learned about the game and all the factors. And after a while everyone was hooked and you guys ended up playing it all the time. You guys always went to someone's house and played the game for hours. Like today you were all at Varian's house since his dad was out.

Rapunzel being one of the most creative people on the planet. Was chosen as the Dungeons Master while everyone else were players of course.

Your character was princess she was also strong and independent. You were traveling and you were ready for anything . And for some reason the DM chose to have some trouble along the way. You were separated from the other three since you left  to do one thing. You were simply buying some stuff when you guess you were recognized.

Being a princess made you a target. Since your kingdom had plenty of enemies. And that tended to  cause some problems for you. You tried to run away but apparently there were more people waiting for you all around. And that's it you were surrounded .

You were captured of course and sadly you couldn't escape.  You had already tried to escape but it didn't work out so well. They tied you up in a cave and the people who captured you stayed nearby. They didn't trust you so they never left your side for a moment.

It took a bit to be saved since both Cassandra and Eugene we're arguing with each other. Luckily unlike the other two Varian was ready to help and wanted to save you immediately. After some time he got their attention and got them in on his plan. So they all started to make their way to you.

Once they got there they started to fight the people that captured you. The DM decided to block Cassandra and Eugene from the cave they were still fighting majority of the people outside. But they were both separated from you thankfully Varian was still there.

Varian was the best at the game since he's been playing longer than you guys. He quickly got rid of the two guys that kidnapped you and made his way to you. He untied you and you quickly got up ready to escape the stupid cave.

You both quickly start to make your way out but then Rapunzel ...I mean the DM locked them in a different room. At this point you know she has some weird plan. The walls started to cave in you  both looked at each other . Eugene and Cassandra seem to know what's happening since they started to smirk.

"You won't be able to leave until you confess something to each other. You both know what it is so just say it." You both turn and look at the DM like she was insane. A million things went through your head what did you tell them what could they possibly kn-

That's when it hit the both of you. Oh no you both told her that you liked each other. Well for Varian they kinda figured it out by his actions. And made him admit it but you told both Cass and Rapunzel. You needed advice but now you're regretting it.

You stare at each other blush on both your faces you both didn't know what to say. Should you admit it or should you be stubborn. "Times ticking." You both see you're both about to die that's when Varian breaks "I like you and yes like like you."

You look at him shocked you were speechless then you remembered you had to do the same thing. "Me too." Thats when the walls had stopped moving and opened the exit. You both got your heads straight again and met up with the others.

You guys played peacefully for an hour after that. There was occasional teasing from Eugene and Cass. Whenever you and Varian's eyes met you'd both start blushing.

You guys finished up and everyone got ready to leave. You decided to stay for a bit more for obvious reasons. You watch as your three older friends leave.

You turn to Varian and go back inside the both of you went to his room to chill for a bit. "So about earlier." You decided to confront the possibly awkward conversation. Varian turns to you nervous about this conversation.

"I meant it." He quickly says "huh." You look at him confused by this random comment. "I meant what I said. Did you?" He looked down like he was ready for a rejecting. You lift his chin and step closer "I like you Varian a lot." He seemed slightly shocked by the news. That's when you lean in and kiss him.

After a bit he seemed to focus and he started to reciprocate the kiss . You put your arms around his neck and he holds your waist. After a bit you both separate needing a thing called oxygen.

You could feel his breath but neither of you moved back. "So would the princess like to have a boyfriend?" He asked shyly you smile happy this was actually happening.


Again if it doesn't go with the game I'm sorry I tried to figure it out and watched some videos to understand it. It's mainly out of imagination so hopefully I imagined right. I really enjoyed this again thank you so much MaryDarkheart for requesting.
Hope you enjoyed!

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