New Bait

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Im so happy I actually started again . And I hope I keep this up. Weirdly I've been listening to Christmas music during writing I know it's weird but it makes me happier so. Also thanks to AylaBennetSlytherin For requesting this. Hope you enjoy!

You couldn't believe the situation. Varian someone you cared so much about was now attacking the place you called home. Varian someone you saw as kind and smart. You had to admit that you admired him a lot for multiple reasons. He also unknowingly stole your heart and you saw him as more than just a friend for a while now. But here he was doing something you thought he'd be incapable of doing.

Rapunzel told you to stay inside since she saw you as a little sister. She always tried her best to keep you out of trouble. She's said it herself that it'd tear her apart if something happened to you. Plus both her parents basically saw you as a second daughter when they met you.

You looked outside seeing fog everywhere. Barely making anything visible. Sometimes you'd see peeks of Rapunzel's long hair or a black shadow passing by but that's it. You hoped nothing bad would happen to Rapunzel or one of your best friends.

You were so focused and worried that you didn't hear the door open behind you nor the footsteps that followed. But you immediately turned when you heard a voice. "Hello my dear (Y/N)." You recognized the voice almost immediately.

You used to love to hear that voice but now it confused you in so many ways most would feel fear but you wouldn't. You see Varian with his mask on before he throws a green substance at you . After that you only see darkness.

——————— Time Skip ———————

You open to see your surroundings you quickly recognized Varian's Lab. You turn and see the boy you only imagined you'd be seeing again. The smart,adorable boy that's been missing. But also the boy who caused mayhem, stole and kidnapped you.

The boy you knew changed so much but you still couldn't hold back the feelings you had for him. The ones you knew you should no longer have he attacked everyone but you still loved him something you wish wasn't true.

You kept thinking about what he did trying to back away the feelings you had but still it didn't work. He turns and sees you awake " oh great your awake." He smirks "Varian!" You almost scold him you had the right to be at least a little angry HE KIDNAPPED YOU.

You noticed the rope around your hands. Which you mentally complained about the bruise it'll leave later. " I'm really sorry I had to include you in this but how else would I get the princess here. You quickly looked at him.

"Varian you know this is wrong-"NO (Y/N) you can't tell me what's wrong or right. I have to get the princess here her unbreakable hair is the only thing that could break the amber that trapped my father. I tried to ask in a civil manner. But that obviously didn't work so I found a way around. And after I get what I want Corona will pay for turning their backs on me." He says all this in a evil tone one you thought you'd never hear from him.

He pulls the veil revealing his father your eyes widen. But you knew you had to try so you shake of the shock." Varian stop this now you know this won't fix anything nothing good would ever come out of this. Where's the kind Varian I know he would never do this. Where is he Varian? Your hurting people instead of trying to find a better solution."

His eyes widen and for a split second you see the Varian you missed the one people thought had disappeared . He turns and stands right in front of you. "No you didn't know me then and you never did heck you probably didn't even like me you can't say that. The Varian you thought you knew is gone if it means I get my revenge. You didn't know me."

You didn't know what pushed you to do it but you did it. You glare at him with all your emotion taking a step forward. "Varian don't you dare say that. You don't get to say that. Don't say I didn't know you or liked you or whatever else cause you wanna know something Varian I love you and yes I still love you even after all you've done it's still there. But continue this and ... I don't know if that'll stay."

He looks at you shocked by the new found information. You saw him the kind boy he was and he didn't know what came over him. But he kissed you deeply and full of emotion which you kissed back without a thought. You both separate after a bit.He seems even more shocked by what he did but quickly gets over it.

"I love you too." He admits something you thought you'd never hear him say. You stare at each other but then his attention is on the noise outside hearing Corona meaning they were coming for you. He turns back to you "I'm sorry but I have to."

And in that moment you knew nothing could change his answer to you. The chance of peace with him was gone. He was going to do this no matter what. You knew Rapunzel would stop him successfully. But it hurt knowing the one you love was too into something so negative that peace was no longer an answer. And that he'd go through so much you didn't know what'd happen to him after. You felt a tear slip from your eye and down your cheek "I am too."

Another chapter I'm on a roll here I know it seemed kinda shorter sorry about that. I really enjoyed writing this. Thanks again AylaBennetSlytherin . Also I hope you've like the past updates I've had I loved writing all of them. Hope you all enjoyed!

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