Different (Part 2)

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Im an Idiot. I'm sooooo sorry I suck at updating so much has been happening go in my personal life and I really wish I didn't suck . Anyways once again thanks Totally_Weird for requesting I love doing y'all's request. Also I have a question where are y'all from I know it sounds weird but it's just a question that I've wondered.
They were gonna start the interrogation in about five seconds. You were basically already having a panic attack. You didn't know how you were gonna explain this when you barely understood what was happening. You really wanted to jump out the window nearby in this moment. Cause the likelihood of you surviving that fall is higher than them understanding your story.

And then it happened the thing that will make this ten times worse . While you were internally having a mental breakdown. For some reason life just hates you and the mixture of the sun and moon stone was in view of everyone. And of course with your luck someone just HAD to notice.

"Hey look what she has on her necklace." Who else to notice but the person who's trust in you is as low as the bottom of the ocean. Cassandra saw the necklace and everyone turned and looked at it. Whilst you silently die well not die just panic.

And Apparently the stupid thing that got you in trouble in the first place. Understood the emotion it reacted to how you felt. And it trapped them in some cage. Apparently it's somehow connected to you. It released your hands so you started to hug yourself to feel some comfort.

Luckily Varian was kind and understanding .He saw you panicking and decided to try and help. Instead of thinking I was evil he said."Hey take a deep breath and focus. And maybe you can explain why you have that." Which warmed him shocked looks from everyone but you.

But you listened to him and calmed down. After that you explained the story and how your technically not supposed to be here at all. They slowly started to trust you and the cages started to disappear. You had finally calmed down and sat in a more normal position.

"Hey maybe we can try to help you find a way home." This made you smile softly but still a smile which didn't go unnoticed by a certain alchemist.

As a group they quickly decided Varian should work on it since the others had no idea on how to fix it. Also they thought you'd be most comfortable with him. Since he did help you which you didn't mind since he was one of your favorite characters.

So he started to question you and learn about both the situation your in and about you.

——————— Time Skip ———————

You'd been there for a while majority of the time you spent with Varian . You both got to know each other a lot more. If anything it made you like him more . You both also ended up becoming close friends.

"(Y/N)!" You could hear your best friend calling you from his lab. You quickly ran down "hey Varian." "I need do some tests on you okay?" You nod giving him permission to poke you.

He quickly finished the tests faster than you thought he would have . You then took time to notice how long he's been in here "Hey you sure you don't want to take a break." "Welll." You knew he wouldn't just agree since he loved his lab and staying in there but he needs a break.

You already started to drag him out of there. Not giving him much a choice. You drag him to a hill with the greenest grass you've ever seen and the best flowers.

You quickly lay down at the top and turn to him seeing him start to lay next you. You smile while he turns to you. You both started looking at the sky pointing at odd clouds and just talking.

That was an amazing day you both would never forget. And both of your feeling only grew that day you were talking for hours. Yet it was only talking it was the most fun you've had in a while. While Varian's stress left love came harder than ever.

——————— Time Skip ———————

"(Y/N) I have great news I finally found a way for you to get home!" You see everyone ready to say goodbye. You give them a soft smile slightly upset you were leaving.

You go around saying goodbye to everyone giving them hugs and kind words. Heck even Cassandra said she'll miss ya which was surprising from the first encounter with her.

Rapunzel have you the biggest hug and almost wouldn't let go. You got hugs from both Pascal and Rudiger. Maximus seemed slightly upset since you always snuck him apples.

And finally came the most difficult person to say goodbye to he was right next to your way back home ready send you through the portal.

He gives you a hug longer than the rest you feel tears staring to reach your eyes. But you wouldn't allow them to fall. Finally you both let go easily seeing that both of you were holding back tears.

You smile sadly knowing that you'd forever be away from each other hurt but you had to go home. He slowly walks you to the exit "Well this is it."

You both quickly hug one last time. Your heart screaming at you to stay with him but your mind knew you couldn't. So you slowly walk through the portal.

You turn and whisper a confession that probably no one could hear. And you thought you saw Varian's mouth moving like it whispered something to you but you couldn't tell. Little did you know he did the same thing both whispering an I love you sadly not heard by anyone.

You close your eyes due to the bright light. And when you open them again you see where you are. Everything looked the same and you knew.

You were back home

Im so sorry i didn't update trust me I beat myself up about it a lot. Anyways I hope you guys have an amazing day. Stay safe wear your mask. Hope you enjoyed!

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