The Best Type of Escape

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I'm so sorry this took so long to come out. I got so distracted and I know I can't make any excuses but this is more of an explanation. I swear I'll try better to be more organized and try to update more often. Anyways if anything seems odd its probably because I'm writing this on a different piece of technology. But this one was requested by animatedvision I know you requested this a while ago but again I got distracted. Anyways I hope you enjoy!!!

Btw one kinda bad word but it's only Hell so not really anything big.


Sometimes you truly couldn't believe your family and how rude they are. Your family works for the royals as they call them but you prefer saying that they work at the palace. They always wanted you to be as proper as possible which you didn't agree but went along with it. That's something you could put up with. But for some reason your family loved drama and took every opportunity to stir the pot.

And after some time you couldn't take it anymore so you went to the only relaxed family you had. Your uncle Xavier. A good thing your family taught you was to always work so you took up the opportunity as your uncles apprentice. After a while of sweeping the shop and cleaning the forges. You started to help with more serious things like what your uncle works on which you enjoyed a lot.(had to search that up)

You loved being there with your uncle helping him out you felt like it was a safe place. Him telling you of so many legends each one getting better while you check everything's in order. It was relaxing and something you loved and treasured. Sadly you have to visit your family at least once a month and that was today. You did it as a small way to show you somewhat cared and because they'd cause an issue if you didn't.

You walked into the castle wanting to get this over with . Luckily before you meet your destruction the princesses fiance walks up to you. After weeks of trying to only be professional with him he got to you and knows all about your predicament. He helps you breathe before and helps the princess not notice the negativity. Even though he accidentally told her last month which means... she'll probably ask you about. This is what you wanted to avoid but at this point it seemed impossible.

"The princess needs to speak to you." You take a deep sigh and start to walk with Eugene who was leading you. "Hey (Y/N)" The princess always had a big smile on her face when she greeted you. Its kinda like a reminder that not everyone's as bad as your family. You smile happy with this distraction from your family. "Hello princess." "You know you can just call me Rapunzel." You nod and she continues "So I've heard you've been having an issue with your family for a while now? Apparently it was enough to make you leave so I just wanna know what happened."

Obviously you couldn't lie or anything like that and of course your family will kill you if you tell her. But right now you kinda stopped caring about their opinions. "My family isn't exactly kind of course they act the part but sometimes they just like to create an issue. There's honestly nothing anyone can do and I much rather just keep staying with my Uncle Xavier. Sometimes not all family issues can be solved especially when there's two sides and only I stand on the opposite. You can try and see for yourself but I'd much rather you don't try to do anything with it. Especially since my families getting worse with every visit."

With that you take your leave preparing for your personal hell. You walk into the room where your parents are alone. Luckily your parents aren't the worst they aren't good but still they're your parents so they show you love from time to time. "Oh honey it's so good to see you again how are you doing?" You knew they weren't actually asking how you were it's just a normal thing people do. Everyone thought of you a little more negatively since you left.

"Oh honey why didn't you put makeup on!?" And here it comes your moms weird habit of caring on how I look but oh well. "Also have you fattened up lately!? I told you not to eat too many baked goods !!!" Oh great now you know what everyone's gonna be doing. Your mom helps you get an insight on what everyone will be doing without her even noticing what she did. Apparently today is find something wrong with (Y/N). So much fun.

You walked around to see who else you could find you found your Aunt and Cousin cleaning a bit. "Oh (Y/N) look how much you've...grown!" Your cousin glared at you. Apparently when you were younger everyone thought you were the "attractive" one (out of ALL cousins) and they still think that. But since you left they don't say stuff like that anymore and try not to complement you at all . If anything they insult you every chance they get instead of time to time.

———————— Time Skip ————————

You couldn't believe it after a day of insults it was only one that truly broke you. You started remembering what they told you.

"Ugh look at you you're a mess you'll NEVER be any Different. Honestly what's wrong with you! You are the biggest mistake this family has ever had!!!"

After that you ran out with tears in your eyes. You saw the princess look at you with worry but at the moment all you cared about was getting away. You hurry to the quickest escape but then you bump into someone. "Sorry" they help you stand up and notice your tears. "Are you okay!?" You look up to see an adorable boy who seemed to be around your age.

You nod but it was obvious he didn't believe so he pulled you away from the castle and into the forest where you found an open field. You both sat down "What's wrong? It's okay if you don't tell me I just wanna help" That broke you so you told him and he listened.

Apparently he already knew your uncle and they had to work together for some treasure type thing? Anyways after your outbreak he comforted you and he helped you feel cared for. After that you learned more about him Apparently he's an alchemist and one of the princesses friends. After cleaning your tears you both got up and walked back to the castle hand in hand. You went with him because you wanted to spend more time with Varian. While he came to say hello to the princess.

"(Y/N)!!! I was so worried I saw you run out looking so hurt are you okay!?" You smiled and nodded. Just then you noticed your hand was still connected to Varian's. You knew you were blushing and Rapunzel looked at what you seemed to be staring at and smiled.Varian seemed to notice the princesses reaction and looked . He starts blushing but lucky for you he didn't let go.

After that Varian would visit your uncles place. You would both hang out around Corona or just listen to your uncles legends. Either way you were both happy and you ended up with a crush. But after a while of having that crush you came out with something better. A boyfriend and he cared for you just as much as you cared for him.

Every month if you were gonna try to visit your family he'd be there for you. You couldn't ask for anything more.
He was an escape

Once again I'm sorry it took so long I'll try my best to have new chapters more often. I'm always open to requests and I'm now apart of a joined account Nerdy_Bandkid_ . Anyways I thank you so much for reading.

Hope you enjoyed!!!

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