Project (Modern Au)

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This one wasn't a request if I misspell things correct me. Also I don't know the artist.
Hope you enjoy!!!
Your POV
I'm so tired. I knew sleeping at 3am was a horrible idea but do I ever listen to myself no. I always end up regretting it. I join my friend Jess at a table in our Chemistry class god I suck in this subject. I usually keep grades up but this class has been a struggle. It's not my fault our teacher has such a monotone voice. It just makes us all so bored and usually causes me to daydream.

"What happened to you. You look like something ran over you twice." I groan and rub my eyes like I'm trying to make them restart. "You know (Y/N) if you just fixed your sleeping schedule you wouldn't be half dead in school."

I look at her with a bit of annoyance. "Your acting like I haven't tried but it's just so hard". Great I'm so tired I started to whine. Just when Jess is about to start a lecture on not being rude and to not whine our teacher walks in.

"Okay class today you will start a project with a partner" Everyone starts to look and choose their partners. Me and Jess nod to each others but then our teacher starts again. "Quiet down class you will be having assigned partners." Everyone groans i look at Jess with a sad look.

He starts to pair people up blah blah Jess and Courtney blah blah (Y/N) and Varian bla- Wait. I must of heard him wrong because I think he said Varian. Just then someone walks up to my table "Looks like we're partners." Varian states with a smile oh no.

It's not that I don't like Varian honestly we've never talked really. But everyone knows Varian's amazing skills with chemistry. Which will make me look like a complete idiot when we're working together. He takes a seat next to me and I look away I'm not exactly amazing with new people me being super awkward at times.

I was hoping this project would be a short one but then I hear. "You will be working on this project for the next month all details are online." Oh please help me Jesus. I don't know Varian to well but this project is a big one and affects our grade majorly. We won't have much time in class so we're gonna have to meet somewhere probably at one of our houses.

"So I think we should start on the project now to make sure we don't leave it off . So you wanna meet at my house after school?" Varian says a little nervously and ends with a smile. I wonder why he sounded so nervous. "Uh yeah sure here's my number send me the address." My parents usually don't mind if I go to a friends house especially when it's for projects so. Let's see how this'll end up.

————————Time Skip———————

I knock one the door I hope I got the right house this time. I was so tired that I read a house number wrong and accidentally knocked on an old lady's home. The door opens and I see a man "what could I do for you?" I look at him nervously "um is Varian here I'm here to work on our project." "Oh yes he told me about this my names Quirin Varian's in his room first door on the left he's probably doing something with alchemy" Quirin muttered the last part but I still heard it.

I walk to the room he directed me to and took a deep breath. I knocked "Hey Varian it's me (Y/N)." A couple seconds after he opens the door and smiles . "Hey (Y/N)" He says with a dorky smile. Now when I really look at him he's honestly kinda cute. What am I saying I just started talking to this boy and now I'm thinking about how absolutely adorable he is wait ugh.

"So shall we get started." We both take a seat at his desk. "Before we start I just want you to know I'm not exactly the best at the subject so sorry if I seem kinda dumb." Varian looks at me and smiles. "I think you'll be fine and if you need some help I'll be happy to explain anything if necessary." I looked at him surprised at his kindness ."I'd like that."

————————Time Skip———————

Me and Varian decided to take a small break. I laid on the bed while he started to go on about his love for alchemy. The look in his eyes is absolutely adorable wait ugh I'm doing it again . Sadly my tired body was screaming at me to sleep before I knew it I was fast asleep.

Varian's POV
I started to talk about the chemical compound of the pink goo I made to (Y/N). When I looked over to her only to see her asleep. I chuckled I started to observe her features. She looks so beautiful both when she's sleeping and awake. She looks so calm and at peace I dreaded having to wake her up. Ugh what am I thinking we just started talking.

Her head fell on my shoulder since I was sitting next to her. I didn't know what to do. I end up laying my head on her's and drifting off to sleep

————————Time Skip———————
Someone was shaking me trying to wake me up. I open my eyes and process the position I'm in. Oh god Varian was the one to wake me up but the main thing I noticed was how I was right next to him with my head on his shoulder. "Sorry I fell asleep-" "It's okay" I looked out the window "I should be heading home now we can continue the project tomorrow if that works for you." I turn to Varian hoping I'm not blushing. "Yeah that works."

————————Time Skip———————

Me and Varian were looking over the project since it was due tomorrow. Over the time we worked on this I've grown a small crush on Varian... okay maybe a huge one. Jess found out since she knows me like the back of her hand and immediately started to tease me.

But how was I not supposed to fall when he's just that adorable honestly it should be illegal. "I think that's it." Varian says relaxing more into his chair. I looked at him and it looked like he was thinking about something very deeply. "Um hey Var you good?" "Um (N/N) there's something I want to tell you and I don't want it to effect our friendship." I gave him a look that says go on. "I-I like you (Y/N) and i mean more than just a friend." He says looking down ready to get hurt.

I could not believe what I just heard I took a moment to process what he said. I look at him he had his head down with a piece of hair covering his eye. Even sad he looks adorable but I don't like to see Varian sad. "Var I'm gonna be honest this'll effect our friendship.." he looked even sadder oh that hurt. Did he really think I would reject him.

"Because Varian... I like you too." He takes a few seconds to process but when he does he looks up. With the biggest most dorkiest smile I've ever seen. He grabs me and kisses me which I obviously kiss back.

"So (Y/N) (L/N) will you do me a pleasure and be my beautiful girlfriend." I laugh "sure" he smiles and kisses me again.

But I knew when people knew of our relationship the happiest person would be Jess. Which I was right when she found out the next day let's just say she was super happy.
I'm so tired but can't fall asleep it's 3am god.
Anyways I hope you liked it have a great day or night or just great everything.

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