Festival Fun

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Sorry this took a while I took a break and I had to get used to in person school. Also personal reasons things I don't wanna get into. Thank you guys so much to whoever is reading I'm surprised you actually enjoy what I write. Anyways this was requested by sun-alnair thank you so much for requesting. I hope you enjoy!


You were completing some chores since you didn't want to get in trouble. When Rapunzel came up to you "Hey (Y/N)!!!" You turned and smiled "Hey Rapunzel."

"So I was talking to Cass today and we were talking about the festival coming up again. Like how beautiful it'll be and all the food and the lights at the en-." You turn to her with a face that showed you knew where this was going.

"Just get to what you're gonna say." She smiled hoping for a good response. "I think you should go!" You looked at her and pertended to think about it "hmmm how about...no." She pouted "Pleaseeeee I really think you would enjoy it."

You turn the other way continuing your chores. You weren't that into festivals and celebrating you were a hard worker. You didn't like wasting too much time on other things especially that festival you've avoided going  for years. It was a big and loud.

Sometimes a little too much so yes you'd probably enjoy it a little bit. But you'd rather complete your work. You shake your head rejecting her offer again. "(Y/N)! Please I think you'd really like it. Andddd maybe you can spend some time with Variannnnn."

You blush quickly you and Varian were very competitive at times. That's how you met at a science expo and over those moments. You learned a lot about him and over time you started to have feeling for him.

You shake your head trying to focus and not get lost in your thoughts. "Oh um Varian's going?" You ask trying to keep yourself together making sure you weren't blushing too much.

"YUP!" She said popping the p you make it look like you were thinking again. "I'll think about it." That's how she knew you were going. She knew you'd go since you'd said you'd think about it. Knowing you it basically means yes.

~~~~~~~~~~~~ In Old Corona ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Hey Kid!" Varian turned hearing Eugene call his name. Well more like call him not his name but same difference. He turned to him "Oh hey!" He quickly smiled at him.

"Soo Rapunzel brought up that the Festival was coming up and I think you would do great going." Varian looked around putting a hand on his neck. "I don't think I'll be going."

Eugene quickly looked at him looks like this'll be harder than he thought. "Why not? I mean it'd be Team Awesome both there at the Festival." Varian tilted his head a bit "Yeah but I was working on a project and it's almost done and I kinda wanna work on it."

Eugene started to panic he thought for sure the kid would've agreed. He quickly came up with an idea and started smirking. "Welll i think you should go I mean everyone's gonna be there. Including (Y/N)" Varian started blushing but he tried to seem uninterested.

"W-well I mean that does sound interesting I'll think about it." Eugene knew he'd come he said he'd think about it. He's coming that was certain. Which meant they had a lot of work to do.

——————— Time Skip ————————

It was the day of the festival and everything was set up. Including Rapunzel's hidden spots to spy on things. Yes it may sound odd but she had to make sure the two would stick together all day.

She told you to meet her nearby the cupcake stand Eugene of course did the same with Varian. She knew for a fact you couldn't ignore cupcakes. So that would be a start and would hopefully lead to a full day together.

She saw you walk up next to the stand already looking at the food . (I relate) She saw Varian walk nearby and bump into you. You turned and looked at each other slightly blushing. He apologized for bumping into you.You assured him it was fine since no one got hurt. He smiled and Rapunzel fought her need to squeal.

"Hey um have you seen Rapunzel ?" He shakes his head "nope have you seen Eugene?" You shake you head since you haven't seen him anywhere. You both conclude they're probably with each other. Which is why they aren't showing you were both about to look for them.

But you suddenly remember the cupcakes "hey how about we get some cupcakes then maybe look for them." He smiled since he would honestly enjoy it. "Yeah definitely." You both get a cupcake and talk while eating.

You both were slightly shifting nearer to each other without knowing. You were both laughing and teasing each other. Having already finished the cupcakes and you wouldn't stop looking at each other.

You both hear music start which causes the both of you to turn to the center. You see people dancing and clapping you forgot how much you loved the dancing at the festival. Varian sees your smile and grabs your hand. Feeling some confidence in him he starts to pull you where the dancing was.

You laugh and start dancing with him you smile and laugh. You couldn't help but love life in those moments. Surprisingly you both stayed consistent and finished correctly. You hug him tightly and he happily hugs back.

You separate a bit still incredibly close to each other's faces and without thinking you both kiss. It was quick and sweet you both separate surprised by the action that just took place. You make a quick decision and kiss him again quickly "I like you."

He smiles relieved and kisses you "I like you too." You smile and continue your day. It was amazing playing games losing majority of them. More food and dancing. The whole thing was amazing and you couldn't be happier.

You both went to the docks and got in a boat. You started to row as lanterns started to appear in the sky. You were cuddled up to Varian happy he looked at you softly smiling.

"(Y/N) will you be my girlfriend." You smile and nod quickly giving him a quick kiss. You continue cuddling ready for this new relationship and what's to come.

The both of you later figured out that Rapunzel and Eugene probably planned on leaving you two alone. But you both didn't mind if anything you had to thank the both of them. For now though you were content just sitting there with each other.

Again sorry it took so long I'll try to focus more on this. I truly do enjoy writing it's just some things happen. sun-alnair thank you again for requesting. I hope you all enjoyed!

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