Impressed Meetings

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I just wanna thank anyone reading this I know I suck as a writer but hopefully I get better. So thanks for reading also you're amazing. Also tell me your opinion on this anything I should fix or really anything. (Btw I almost cried because I got one vote Thank you to whoever did that)


I'm  Cassandra's little sister I may love her to death and all but still show a little resent. You see Cassandra has always been amazing at most things while you can do a lot of the things she can. She did them first so no one really saw it as amazing after her. Especially my dad seeing as he's not easily impressed.

I was watching my sister and her friend talking well mainly Rapunzel talking Cass was trying to get work done. "Rapunzel I'm sorry but I can't hang out today I've got a lot of lady and waiting duties to do." "Aw I wanted to hang with you for our trip to Varian's now who am I supposed to hang out wit-" just then she sees me only then noticing I was in the room.

Oh no. I already planned stuff you see there's only one thing I can do that Cassandra can't. I play the violin and honestly I enjoy it a lot. It's the one thing I do that can't be compared to my sister. But I prefer to not go out and say it all the time but I don't mind people knowing. Especially since it still doesn't impress my dad since it's not very protecting or helpful at least in his eyes.

"Hey um and you are" right she hasn't exactly met me. "I'm (Y/N) Cassandra's sister." She looked shocked " wait Cass you have a sister." My sister nods "You already knew this." Rapunzel looked kinda confused then quickly put on a smile.

"So you wanna hang out with me and Eugene we're gonna visit our friend Varian." I kinda didn't want to but I knew she'd be disappointed and this is my chance to do things without my sister nearby. So I agreed let's hope I don't regret it.

————————Time Skip———————

"Okay so what's it like being related to a cold blooded snake I mean no offense but offense to Cassandra but it can't be the best." "I guess I'll be honest I love her and she's great but sometimes a little to great." Rapunzel look at me with curiosity and notices my sad look. She was about to start speaking but then "Oh look we're here." We all turn to see Old Corona well mainly just one place.

Rapunzel open the door I was about to go in further but Rapunzel stopped me. "Wait look out for the trip wire." After stepping over the trip wire we walk in. "Hey Varian" I turn to where Rapunzel was to see her talking to someone.

He looked about my age and honestly not to bad looking. Um I'll just ignore that thought for now. After greeting Rapunzel and Eugene he turns to me. "Hi I don't think I've met you I'm Varian." "Oh um ny names (Y/N)." Just when I thought maybe I can actually get to know someone Rapunzel spoke.

"She's Cassandra's sister." Oh god i didn't want to tell him till after a while now he's gonna question me on things about Cassandra. I turn to him worried for his next words "that's nice hey you wanna see what I've been working on." I couldn't believe it.

The first person that knew about Cassandra and didn't ask me about her. "For sure." I give him a smile mainly because I couldn't hold it back much longer. "Well come on then I am a man of science specifically Alchemy have been for a while so I have a lot to show you."

————————Time Skip———————

Rapunzel POV
We've been here for a while I've mainly only talked to Eugene. I turn to check on (Y/N) and Varian to see Varian showing (Y/N) all about alchemy and she seemed quite intrigued.

They were getting along great almost immediately to. Which is good since I rarely see either of them with friends. Especially friends their own age so it was nice to see. Now that I think of it I may know Varian well but I know nothing about (Y/N) interests.

Varian's POV
I've never met someone who's actually interested when I talk about alchemy. But (Y/N) has been focused the entire time and has asked questions whenever she didn't understand something.

I really hope our friendship lasts I really enjoy being able to talk to someone about alchemy. At least she actually listens instead of getting bored and drifting off. Not that I mind when people do that.

I see Rapunzel walk up to us so I stop talking so we can both hear what she says. "Hey (Y/N) I forgot to ask what are your interests or hobbies obviously you do a lot of what Cass does but what else." I actually have wondered that out of curiosity I look to (Y/N) for an answer.

Today is crazy people are actually asking things about me. If this is a dream I swear when I wake up. "Oh um I play the violin from time to time." Rapunzel looks at me surprised but Varian looked in awe. If they wanna hear me play I brought my violin since I planned on playing it before this. But I'll only play if they ask.

"Hey um can you maybe play for me sometime?" I look at him to see a little blush he had an adorable small but shy smile on his face. I love this boy so much .... I'll ignore my thoughts now.

"Well if you want we can now I brought it on the carriage (idk the what the vehicles back then are called cariban??)" They both looked and nodded. So after you get it you start to play.

(Song above if you can't see it search up Bourree on YouTube or anything I only chose this cause I'm playing it at school)

When I finished Rapunzel started clapping. "Wow (Y/N) that was amazing." I couldn't handle the blush that came to my face I rarely get compliments. "That was great (Y/N) I don't think I've ever heard something so great." I look at Varian if anything I blush more.

"Oh we better get going (Y/N) catch up with us outside." I see her drag Eugene out with her. "I hope we can become closer friends." I look at him and nod I could tell that we'd be really good friends. Which I don't think I could ask for more.

And done not my best work but it's there. I hope you enjoyed and once again I'm so grateful for the people reading this. Happy Holidays can't believe they're so close yay.

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