Best Friend

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Hey I decided to try my best and make more story's especially longer ones.This may not be the best but I'll try my best.I decided to add more on the animals since I don't really include them. Also thank you for the people actually reading this the note and my actually one shots. By the way thanks to the people who said they either are gonna request or have remember I'm always open for requests since sometimes I get brain dead 😂.
You have known Varian almost all your life and to say you were close is the understatement of a lifetime. You both had been there for each other for almost everything. Through all that time you grew a small crush on him. You would say that you were his best friend but even you knew that Varian's best friend is obviously Ruddiger.

Honestly Ruddiger has even helped you in ways. He's always been trustworthy in his weird raccoon way. So if you ever need to tell somebody something but don't want them to try and get involved you go to him. For some reason it seems like he understands.

Getting off track you wanted to confess to Varian about your feeling towards him but just didn't know how. As much as you would personally like to tell him you're too awkward and you've never been good with talking about stuff like this.

It's not that you don't trust Varian or aren't confident around him it's more like you're cautious. So many things could happen if you told him in general. Saying it out right means you'd see his reaction. Which you wouldn't be prepared for good or bad.

So what is the best non verbal way to tell him. Well the easiest way was a note. But then comes the hard part what would you write. You couldn't come up with anything so you think of what could help you. That's when it came to mind well more like someone.

   ————————Time Skip———————

"What do you think I should write Ruddiger?" You went to Varian's lab since you knew he was helping his dad for about an hour. Just in case you asked Ruddiger to come with you not knowing if he'd come back early. Luckily Ruddiger likes to wander so Varian wouldn't suspect it much.

"I've been crushing on Varian for a while now but still don't know how he feels he can either feel the same making me the happiest girl in the universe or he can reject me making me go to a heartbroken depressed state I may not come out of...But we'll see."  You started brainstorming many ideas coming up but none you thought worked. All you had on the paper was your name even that took you awhile first name and last name or just first name. You settled for both.

"I don't know Ruddiger I'm not even sure if I should confess when I really think about it why would Varian like me he's smart,kind,helpful, and so many other things it'd take me a whole day to list and I'm just me I wish I could just tell him that... I love him."

You look down at your sheet of paper to see much to your surprise you wrote it all down. It was very heartfelt but not something you'd like him to hear if he was to reject you. So you crumble it up and toss it to your side.

You take a deep breath and look at Ruddiger who was trying his best to support you the entire time. "I think this was a bad idea thanks for trying to help me Ruddiger but I don't think it'll turn out well."

Ruddiger sits on your shoulder while you pet him on your walk to Varian's. You give him an apple as a thanks he rubs his head against your face just to make sure you're doing ok. You give him a smile before putting him down to let him go home while you head towards your house.

Ruddiger knew Varian would take a while so he ran back to where you both came from he picked up the piece of paper. As much as he didn't like doing this without you knowing he knew once he did it both of you would be happy.

He quickly ran back home happy with what he was gonna do. He always knew he was Varian's best friend. Being his best friend he would do whatever he thought was best for him and he knew this would make him happier than anything else at the moment

   ————————Time Skip———————
Varian's POV
Varian was working on another experiment when he thought of something. "Hey Ruddiger what do you think if I mix th-." That's when he noticed his missing friend.

"Come to think of it I haven't seen Ruddiger since I came back where is he." He mutters to himself while looking around. Usually Ruddiger would be with Varian by then but he wasn't which made Varian worry over his furry friend.

He leaves the lab and looks outside just then Ruddiger goes up to him. "There you are I was looking for you!" Ruddiger pulled on his sleeve as a signal he wanted to show him something. " What is it bud."

Ruddiger runs but quickly comes back with a crumpled piece of paper. Out of curiosity from his best friend bringing him this when he was so determined to show him. He opened it and tried his best to straighten it out.

What he read on the paper surprised him but now he knew what he'd have to do.

   ————————Time Skip———————
(Y/N)'s POV
You were thinking over what to do about your crush. Then Ruddiger came up to you "Hey bud!" He always made you happier. But then again he did that for everyone he likes. You take a closer look at him then notice a note around his neck.

"What's this bud?" You reach to his neck and carefully take it off making sure it wouldn't harm him. You opened it and you didn't know what to think.

Hey (Y/N) I know this may be short notice but could you meet me at our hangout. I have something important to tell you so please meet at about 6.

You were happy you got to see him but what if it was something bad that happened. Whatever it was you would be there for him. He is one of your closest friends after all.

   ————————Time Skip———————

You made you're way behind some vines to the lake  almost nobody ever went to. Even if it is unpopular it's absolutely beautiful and a nice hangout where you and Varian come quite often. You both had a lot of memories here some good some bad but all amazing.

You look around and see Varian he looks back at you and smiles. Well at least now you know nothing bad happened. "Hey thanks for coming on such short notice." He seemed a little nervous which even though it was cute you wondered why.

"It was no problem but what did you need to tell me." He pulls out a crumpled piece of paper and hands it to me. "I may have read this..."You open it and recognize it immediately. It was the note you wrote the one where you were talking about Varian.

You quickly look away to avoid as much eye contact as possible. "(Y/N) I am so lucky to even be friends with you. You're a beautiful girl and you've been there for me since day one. You're talented,helpful,supportive, and so many other things. But the point is I love you and I don't think anything will change that."

You quickly look back up at him and tackle him with a hug. "You don't understand how happy I am." Which got him to chuckle "I think I do."
A couple minutes passed when something came to mind "Hey Varian how'd you find the note?" "Oh um Ruddiger brought it to me."

From that day forward you and Varian we're both happy together and you had Ruddiger to thank for it. I mean what did you expect Ruddiger has been thinking of a way to get them to see that they like each other for a long time. He will always be one of the most amazing best friend anyone can have we all know that.

Yay I did another long one happy to be back. Thanks for everyone reading honestly surprised once again thanks to the people who said they either are gonna request or have remember I'm always open for requests since sometimes I get brain dead 😂. Hope you enjoyed!!!

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