A Return Pt.2

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Sorry for taking a long time to write much of anything I've had both difficulties and blessing over the past week and balancing both is a struggle. But luckily I'll try to make it up to y'all . Again the first part was requested but I couldn't help and make a pt.2. Also a lot of you asked for it so it's here.


You were stuck in a room tied up and yet still no sign of escape, The only sign of light being a small window covered with bars. Completely out of reach and the only thing telling you the time of day. Almost no one has seen you in two days which was when you were left behind. The only evidence of people have been the hands of someone who passes you food and loud voices.  Honestly you wished it could stay like that forever alone in the room. But you knew Varian would come and visit you, and you knew it wouldn't be good.

You kept repeating to yourself to not let him gain any control that he changed he's not the same. You don't know what tricks he'll pull.  Just then the thing you've spent two days preparing for came into the room. You put a straight face on and mentally prepare yourself for what's to come. You knew even if you had spent two weeks preparing you still wouldn't have been ready. You hear the door shut but refuse to turn and see who it is. You already knew who it was because no one ever entered the room. The only one who could is someone you don't wanna see.

Your suspicions were confirmed when the person began to move forward and you quickly noticed the teal streak. You immediately felt the need to hide feeling both hatred and attraction for the boy.  But you decided to focus on the hatred rather the attraction for obvious reasons. You quickly glared at him seeing the smirk on his face sadly that's all that you could really see with such little amount of light.

He took a couple confident steps forward walking around you like you were his prey. Which it honestly felt that way weirdly. Yet you kept your head up even when he started to walk behind you. You quietly took a deep breath afraid of what would happen next. You felt his hand land softly on your head as he brushed through your tangled hair. Which felt relaxing in a way which made your head lean into it a bit but you quickly regained your composure.  Making yourself sit up more but of course he noticed.

He walked in front of you leaning down looking at your face. He stopped moving right in front of your face so close you could feel his breath on your face. But you looked down avoiding eye contact at all costs.

He grabbed your chin forcing you to look at him. He lightly brushed his finger across your lips. Your breath hiccuping when it happened but still not showing any emotions. He looked into your eyes almost like he was looking for something you tried your best to come across as angry.

He smirked making your emotions rise in both a good and bad way. "My sweet (Y/N) it's been a long time hasn't it." You glared at him but you couldn't help but admit to yourself that you missed his voice. He releases your chin walking a bit away looking through the window. "So long and so much has changed hasn't it."

"Well you definitely have." Your voice slightly weak because of what little water they provided. "Oh look who finally decided to talk." You roll your eyes quickly deciding it best to keep quiet. He turned back to you a serious look on his face.

"So after all these years." You look at him slightly confused still trying to hold your anger and only go off that. But you couldn't help and observe him again. His height towering over you. His entire body matured greatly and it was incredibly evident in a good way. Yet his teal streak and light blue eyes were the same as you remembered.

"You like me don't you." He said a smirk started to reappear. You quickly look away hiding your blush you knew he was right but you refused to admit it. He chuckled already knowing the answer. He started to walk back towards you.

"You know all those years ago I liked you a lot but I always thought I had no chance. But now look at us I think maybe I do have a chance." He said his face in front of yours once more. He grabbed your chin and pulled both of your faces closer together. Your lips basically a centimeter away. "Oh I definitely think I have a chance." He pulled your face into a kiss one that you weren't sure how to react to. But your body immediately followed the temptation to kiss back.

You couldn't help but admit that it was amazing surprisingly not a kiss out of rage or anger. You knew for a fact that there was no anger in that kiss and you hated it. It was passionate lasting for about a minute till you both pulled away. Both of you out of breath and you kept staring at each other.

You finally decided to try and stop Varian's mistakes. " Varian why? Why did you have to change to this. You've hurt so many people why continue." For a moment you saw the old Varian the pain throughout the years truly hitting. You knew he never truly wanted this. But he quickly pushed the thought away and shook his head.

"Goodbye (Y/N) I'll be back another day." You knew he was trying to avoid the conversation. So he got up and quickly left not paying attention to anything just wanting to leave. He left incredibly quickly maybe too quickly and that was a mistake on his part. Because he dropped somethings and when you noticed it you knew you could finally escape.

You picked up what he dropped a pocketknife one that mostly thieves use. The one thing that gave that away was the lock pick attached to it. You guessed he used it to rob or escape from places. Either way it would be your ticket out. You quickly cut any restrictions he had on you. Finally feeling the possibility of freedom you quickly picked the lock and quickly walked through the boat.

It was late so no one was out everyone was sleeping so you went to the kitchen to grab supplies. You grabbed water and food luckily finding a blanket and other stuff lying around and taking them. You found the life boats and quietly got in one you lowered it into the water and hesitated. You didn't know what would happen to you. Where would you go? Would it be safer there? Would it be better here with...Varian?

With all those thoughts in your head you quickly made up your mind. You cute the ropes with the pocket knife and started rowing away from that stupid boat. You were free of course you were still lost but no longer kept in a room as some prisoner. You left behind whatever was on that boat ready for whatever was next. You could only hope Rapunzel ever found you and that they'd get to Varian. Hopefully he'd be fine as well as much as you hated it you care about him. But those aren't things you'd be getting any answers to anytime soon.

Hopefully what's coming won't be bad and maybe just maybe you'll see them again all of them.

Yay I finally got a chapter out sorry for the requests I just HAD to write this. I have been having some... difficulties but nothing I can't handle. I'll work more on these and maybe fix past ones. I hope you enjoyed!

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