Valentines Day (short)

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I just remembered it's Valentine's Day and hurried to write a story. God I'm so dumb after this a story that was requested should be coming out soon. This story is based off of a legend of the oldest valentine . Basically Enamored with his jailor's daughter, Valentine reportedly sent her a letter before his execution. I hope you enjoy!!!
Varian's POV
I needed to start to think of a way out. No doubt that Rapunzel already thinking of some way to get him out. But getting in here is actually quite difficult. So as a back up he had to find some way out.

But he's been thinking for hours and every single way to make a possible escape is impossible. Someone put a lot of thought into making this room for prisoners.

This wouldn't have happened if maybe they went to a different place. They didn't know that the Kingdom of Alias didn't exactly like strangers. And they especially didn't know they didn't like magic. Luckily they didn't find Rapunzel magic but they mistook Varian's Alchemy for potions.

He was looking around for an escape when a young girl came in. She seemed somewhere around his age and to say she was beautiful was an understatement. "Here's you're food." He expected her to leave after but she stayed.

"Why are you locked up in here you seem innocent also you don't seem like the kind of person to do something wrong." He sighed should he really be trusting a stranger but then again he has nothing better to do. So he explained his situation to her making sure to inform her he's no witch.

Well I wish could try and convince him not to execute or punish you . But I know he won't even listen to his own daughter". He looked at her surprised "You're his daughter !?" She smiled at him "yeah I am." She grabbed his arm "I promise I will find a way to make this right."

Varian stuck out his hand "Varian." She smiled even wider "Y/N"

————————Time Skip————————

You and Varian had gotten closer over time and you kinda grew a crush on him. You're father was always so protective of you. You never had the chance of having a significant other.

You got in touch with Varian's friends and told them he's safe and you were both coming up with a plan to escape. You were listening to your father when he spoke words that you never knew you feared the most. "And the prisoner will be executed for witchcraft."

You knew Varian knew and that you couldn't see him much. Your hope started fading. You were in your room when a letter was slipped under the door.

Dear (Y/N) aka my VALENTINE
I know you've probably been informed about my near future. It's sad to say nothing will work here no plan. I just wanted to let you know that these few days we've had together have been some of the best . I am not going to lie I love you and nothing will change that.
You nearly cried you can't leave him out there to die so you came up with a plan. You'd have to get Rapunzel in on it which after seeing the note they were all ready for it. Maybe they felt like rushing now but you had to get to work.

————————Time Skip————————

3rd POV
The guards dragged him up to platform they always did private execution for witches. In case they'd try and attack people who came to watch. They forced him to put his head on the stone table. And got ready for the normal routine.




Stuffing it was a dummy all the guards looked around. The king was pissed "HOW DID HE ESCAPE!!!" Just then a guard came in out of breath "SIR your.. daughter..has...disappeared."

The king sent search party's for both you and Varian. You two escaped and used the dummy as a distraction. He used similar some machanics like he did for automaton to make it move.Rapunzel and the gang were ready to go running right when you got to them. You and Varian were both long gone.

But you were happy and cared for but most of all

You were loved in a way you never thought you            would have been.

I hope you enjoyed!!! sorry I was in kinda in a rush to get it down before Valentine's Day was over. I hope it wasn't too bad and another chapter should be out soon if I stay focused.
Hope you had a wonderful Valentines Day!!!

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