Good Run...Away

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I know I'm not exactly doing this in order but I'm mainly focusing on what I can get done correctly the quickest. I don't want to upset any of you and I hope I don't honestly I've just had a lot going on. Anyways this was requested by MagicMelody17 hope you like how this came out.

Warning Contains: Fluff/ Slight-Lime (Not that much)



You can't believe you actually made it out you escaped home finally. As much as you loved it there especially with your family.There were things that you just couldn't deal with anymore. I mean you were royalty and had amazing powers you really started get a hang of. But of course there were costs to that. You were tired of all the suitors especially how much arrogance those boys had. And how much of a backward mind the advisors had.

So you prepared yourself by getting less noticeable clothes and packed important things to help like money. Then you got into a portal and escaped leaving the mystical realm . Luckily you got your friend to cover with some good excuses only for a bit so then they wouldn't catch you. You walked around and saw a village while walking you figured out the villages name was Corona.

While walking you run into a boy he looked to be around your age. He was slender with fair skin, light freckles, shaggy black hair that had an odd but nice teal streak and beautiful light blue eyes. Basically he was really cute at least in your mind.

He helped you up and asked if you were okay which of course you said you were. "Hey! I haven't seen you around here." "Yeah I'm new." That's how he ended up giving you a tour and how you met your future best friend.

————————Time Skip ———————

It's been a couple of days of this new place and over that short amount of time you and Varian started becoming closer friends. Turns out the both of you had a great interest in alchemy and you really enjoyed hanging out with him. But it didn't feel right not telling him about your home and your powers. So you decided to risk it and tell him of course he was one of the nicest people you've ever met. But you never know how someone will react to news that big.

I mean its not often that someone has powers especially as dangerous as yours. You had the power of the dragon in other words fire. Luckily you knew how to control it so it wasn't that dangerous.

You went to Varian's Lab and saw him writing things in a notebook probably alchemy stuff. And as much as you wanted to ask about it to learn more you had to focus. So you waited for him to finish or at least near it while thinking about what you were gonna say. He stood up and you coughed hoping that he'd notice luckily he did. "Hey (Y/N)!" "Hey Varian." You walked up to him nervous but you kept your focus "Hey um I w-wanna tell you something "

——————— Time Skip ———————

Surprisingly he took it well he was also excited to see your powers and he understood why you did it. Sure you two were very different you technically being a princess and him a formal villain. Oh yeah he told you his own 'secret' which of course you understood. That day you two became closer friends and over more time you even grew feelings for him.

You loved hanging out with Varian , petting Ruddiger, and on rare occasion talking to Quirin. Those things helped you know that you made the right choice. Of course you kept in contact with the magic realm as much as possible without giving away your position. The first letter from your parents was them being mad that you left without telling and worried but they got over it and understood why you did what you did. All they wanted to do was keep in touch and know your safe.

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