The Loyal Pupil (Part 2)

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I decided to finally add the next part to this cause I did enjoy writing this. I hope you guys don't get impatient if you made any requests. I'll try my best to post more but it depends how busy i get. Also this will take place in the last episode (I finally watched it)

WARNING: Season 3 spoilers (BIG SPOILS)


Over time you and Varian got closer to the point where you guys were best friends . And over that time you started to have feeling for him. But you knew that it might not work because of your future. It's complicated but now you had the return to The Snuggly Duckling.

You walked in to see Rapunzel starting a song and Varian started playing the piano. You never knew he could do that but it only made you like him more . He ended up singing a bit and you loved his voice. You also loved seeing Corona work together.

"This is a good group you got here." Everyone was ready and walked out while you looked towards the princess. That's when you noticed what Eugene did and it made you worry.

That's when you hear about their plan to go to Lord Demanitus's tomb. "Can I go?" You quickly asked " It would be an honor to say goodbye in a more correct manner than how I did last time."

———————Time Skip ————————

You were nearing the tomb and all you had to do was climb a little. That's when you hear the funny conversation about the tree. But then you notice Eugene and you can tell what he's about to do so you decide to wait. You knew he was going to inform Varian about his worries and you knew Varian wouldn't take it well.

After Eugene starts climbing up you stop Varian. "Hey I know you don't like what you just heard but you know Eugene is only looking out for everyone." He looked upset which quickly made you feel horrible. You gave him a hug to comfort him which he returned.You wanted that moment to last forever just you two holding each other . But of course it couldn't so you both made your way up acting as if what just happened didn't happen at all.

Once you got up you saw what you thought you'd never see his tomb. You were always the person your loyal to A LOT of respect sometimes even over doing it . So you automatically took a knee as a show of respect . Which weirded Eugene out but the others didn't mind. You watched as they figure out the way in.

You walked in and of course it was filled with monkeys as you expected. "Of course." You lightly laugh as they annoyed Eugene. For some odd reason all the monkeys seemed to like you instead of being territorial they gladly hung around you. You were so preoccupied hanging in the trees with the monkeys (maybe sharing bananas) that you didn't really notice the commotion around you.

Not until monkey came up to you with a book which you knew you needed. You saw everyone looking worn out. "We need to get that book-" "You mean this book" Everyone looked at you with surprise "HOW DID YOU GET IT" "A monkey brought it to me for some reason they seem to like me." Just then a monkey comes down offering a banana which you accepted. They looked even more shocked.

So you just hand them the book which they quickly gave it to Varian to figure out. After figuring out a plan you all head back.

———————Time Skip ————————

You all got back to camp you noticing a cute Rapunzel and Eugene moment which made you happy. You then saw Varian giving his dad his helmet which you knew what Varian did to the helmet.Simply because you know your friend/crush. Still they had a good father and son moment which was good.

Right before charging you pulled Varian out "I know what you did and I'm happy you were smart enough to make the choice .One you shouldn't feel bad about. Also if anything happens today just know I really care about you" You walk off ready to fight without giving him the chance to say anything.

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