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"Kriff. Look at us Rey. We are attending a wedding." Ben remarks in awe. I stare at him blankly. 

"This isn't exactly the first wedding we've attended darling." I remind him. In fact, the number of weddings after the end of the war had been obscenely high. Not that I can say anything, my very own wedding being one of many. 

"Well yes. But isn't it nice? To do things so-" He looks at me with those warm brown eyes of his, "Domestic?" 

I look down at baby Nova in my arms, and the twins who are pulling each others hair. 

"We have three kids. Our whole life is domestic." 

But I know what he means. 

Ben, a broken, tortured boy, sent away by his parents, manipulated by a voice from the shadows, betrayed by his masters and raised to be nothing more than a destroyer of worlds. A pawn in a darker game. 

Me. An orphaned girl in a barren wasteland wanting nothing more than someone to come back to love her, a family. Another pawn, a piece to be cast aside if I proved to be no longer useful. 

And now. 

A family. 

Ben smiles, knowing what I'm thinking about. (He always knows. We are one and the same after all, tied, bonded, together.) 

Gentle music starts to play and I clasp Ben's hand tightly in mine as Rose walks down the aisle, Finn holding her arm. 

Hux looks positively strangled when he sees Rose in her dress, her half-crescent necklace shimmering brightly around her neck. 

Poe looks like he's trying not to laugh. 

The twins even stop their fidgeting for a moment to watch the bride. I beam warmly at my friend. 

Another wedding. 

One of many born out of the peace and love we continue to spread through the galaxy. 

Ben leans closer to graze his lips over my earlobe. I lean into his breath instantly. 

"I love you." He whispers. As if I don't know. But I could hear it over and over and over. 

I turn my head to his, softly kissing his cheek and whispering back,

 "I love you too." 

A/N where's the plotline? I don't know either!!!! 

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