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A/N Update up a little earlier lovelies, here's that little wedding thing :) If you're enjoying, leave a comment, a vote, share it idk, hope you're having a wonderful day. Follow me on twitter @/phanalaam for updates on new chapters and also to talk to me abt stuff. (Also tell me if you like the stormpilot subplot or no) Love you all.

Xoxo, Abigail 


The wedding is at its heart, unnecessary. Ben and I have already been bound together, paired by an all powerful force, vows are technically just tradition. Nevertheless, I want to make the promises, I want him to know this is my choice.

Poe and Finn's ship arrives, I run barefoot to greet them, but when the ships lands, the first person out is Rose.

"Rose!" The spunky girl and I did not spend much time together, but enough for me to know she is loyal and kind, I consider her a great friend.

"Rey!" She embraces me warmly. "I hope you don't mind me coming, but I had an errand I needed to run on Canto Byte, and I really just wanted to come to the wedding. Do you have a dress? Can I meet Ben?"

"Of course I don't mind you coming. It's lovely to have you here, although I fear the wedding will be much simpler then perhaps you are imagining. I do have a dress. And you can meet Ben. What was your errand on Canto Byte?" Rose looks sheepish.

"I promised some children there I would rescue them. Some of them might be force sensitive, I don't think all of them are. There's only five but I just thought you could take them with you. To your new training place. Which I'm hoping can be a new hub for the resistance?"

"They're here now?"

"They're here now." Poe exits the ship, A tiny boy with wild red curls on his shoulders, and an older girl with matching hair clinging to his leg. My heart swells. Finn comes out chasing three more children, two boys and a girl. I can sense immediately the oldest boy is well versed with the force.

"Sorry we didn't warn you." Poe glances my way apologetically, then yelps in pain as the boy on his shoulders yanks on his hair. I shake my head.

"It's perfectly all right. We would love to bring them with to Coruscant. And the Resistance's help in rebuilding the city would be greatly appreciated." One of the children starts trying to climb on BB-8.

"Oh thank you Rey! I'm so glad to see you, I can't believe these two idiots were going to leave without me." Rose's eyes water gratefully.

"Neither can I. And besides I need one girl at my wedding."

"Well hello there." A silky voice from behind. I spin around to see Ben a few feet away, casually staring down the oldest boy from before, the one I sensed was gifted in the force.

"Can I tell you a secret?" The boy asks.

"Yes." Ben crouches down and beckons the boy closer.

"I'm a rebel." He whispers conspiratorially. Ben's mouth quirks up.

"Are you now?"

"Yes. And I am very useful I can float things with my mind." Ben arches his eyebrows in mock surprise, for I am sure he could already feel the tendrils of force around the small child.

"That's very impressive-ah..."

"My name's Temiri. What's yours?"


"Ben, the pretty girl with the nice eyes is staring at us. And Rose, Finn and Poe." Ben lifts his eyes to mine and they are glittering.

"That they are. We should probably go over and be polite shouldn't we?"

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