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A/N Hi loves, I'm sorry this chapter got a bit delayed, I had school stuff and could not think of anything good to write. But here we are. Not a super long chapter, just some lightsaber stuff, and Temiri stuff, and Reylo softness before I get back into the Poe/Finn stuff which I enjoy bc Poe is a sarcastic little buddy and I have to be able to write some angst, I just don't wanna torture Ben and Rey. I'm still working on Rose's storyline if you have ideas lmk. I'm also still looking for a beta!!!! If you would be interested please let me know!!!! 

Also I changed my username it was @/AAfangir7 now I'm @ardent_angels  (if u know pride and prejudice... ardently <3) 

Also, disclaimer I know canonically Ilum got destroyed because it was Starkiller base but that takes all the fun out of kyber crystal hunting. So... Starkiller base was on a different planet and the Ilum adventure begins, I will not be taking criticism at this time. :)

Anyways. Give me feedback please please please it validates me and makes my day. Don't forget to vote and share. I love attention. 

Love you guys

xoxo, Abigail 


Ben drapes another cloak around my shoulders when he sees my violent shivering has not stopped. I can tell he can't decide whether he's more worried or amused, his force signature wavering between the two wildly.

He decides on amused.

"Whatever is wrong cyar'ika, are you cold?" He teases gently. I would very much like summon Leia's force ghost and ask her why she would ever teach Ben several different languages.

"I told Poe he was the most impossible man, but I take it back. It is you. I don't like the cold. I grew up in the desert. Snow is a menace to the galaxy, perhaps more than sand." I grumble, teeth chattering. The surface of the planet Ilum is in fact dreadfully cold, it is made of ice. And kyber crystal. Which is why we're here.

"I agree with Rey. It is very cold here." Temiri proclaims from down below. (He's not actually that short compared to me. But compared to Ben... the poor boy barely makes it above his hip. Chewie roars his agreement, then picks Temiri up in his furry arms, and lifts him onto his shoulders. Temiri buries himself in the soft fur and I wonder if younger Ben ever was the same with the wookie.

Ben pulls me close to his side, practically enveloping me in his arms.

"I'll keep you warm my darling." He purrs. Temiri makes retching noises.

"How much farther?" The little boy groans. He is also not used to the biting cold of the ice planet, growing up in the climate regulated city of Canto Byte.

"Not much farther now." Ben assures him. We continue our trek over the frozen ground, I glare at the white powder on the ground indignantly as it soaks through my boots. I had thought snow would be a novelty, but after Starkiller base, I rather hate the element. I would almost rather be back under the blistering sun of Jakku. Just as I'm about to remark as such, Ben stops us in front of a small entrance to a cave.

"After you princess." He mock bows.

"Don't call me that Solo."

"Whatever you wish, Solo." I flick my wrist and a snowball comes hurtling at his head. Temiri laughs with delight, moving his hand in a sloppier motion to send another projectile at Ben's chest.

Chewie roars in what sounds like a laugh.

The four of us enter the cave and I am instantly struck with the beauty of the crystalline spires that jutt up around us. The force pulses and hums through the multitude of kyber that is inset in the walls, jewel tones of every color glittering comfortingly. Temiri gasps.

"These are what make lightsabers?" He asks, sliding down from Chewbacca's shoulders. Ben nods.

"The crystal is the heard of the blade, the crystal is the heart of the jedi. Go and explore now young one, you will know when you have found the crystal that calls to you."

"Is that how it felt when you met Rey? Like your kyber crystal calling to you?" Temiri asks, mischievously. Ben laughs, deep in his throat.

"Something like that. Chewbacca will accompany you so you don't get lost." Temiri scampers off, Chewbacca loping behind him.

"If you make up some pet name about a crystal, I might stab you again." I warn, poking Ben's hip playfully.

"Well I wouldn't want that." He drawls, voice like nectar. It's impossibly unfair for him to have a voice that beautiful.

"What are we going to do about the new force-sensitives we find? Keep bringing them back to Ilum? It's not all that close to Coruscant. And I really hate the cold." I tug on a lock of my chestnut hair thoughtfully.

"It is tradition for a jedi to journey to Ilum with their master to search for their kyber crystal. But since you and I are not quite jedi, and our students won't be full jedi either... we could just bring a fair supply with us now. Come back later if needed. Now you should look for your new crystal. If that is still what you wish?"

"Yes." I have loved wielding the Skywalker blades, but I need something of my own now, something new, reflective of this new life I'm building. That we're building.

Ben laces our fingers together and we walk slowly around the cave of gems. I reach out with the force, first feeling the comforting familiarity of Ben's life force tied with mine, then searching for something else.

When I first feel the crystal calling out to me I am confused, for they feel just like the shift in the light when I saw Ben through the force connection when he arrived on Exogul, and all I could hear was the gentle rise and fall of his breath. When I reach the shiny rock that is whispering to me through the force I gasp gently. They are twin crystals, a golden color. They are not quite light, not quite dark. They feel like me, and they feel like Ben. I use the force to wiggle them out of the wall.

"A dual-bladed lightsaber. Such has not been seen for many years." Ben muses, peering down at me through thick lashes.

"I saw it in a vision. The dark vision. But all the same. These are right. And I was always much better at wielding my quarterstaff anyways." Ben chuckles at that. I drop the crystals into the pouch at my hip, then kiss him lightly on the lips.

"Thank you." I sigh into his lips.

"For what?" He mumbles back.

"Just... everything."

"Rey, I will be thanking you for being mine for as long as we live."

Stars, I love him.

"Have you decided what to do with the Skywalker lightsabers?" I ask into his impossibly broad chest.

"I had an idea." His eyes dance excitedly as he reaches to his hip to pull out a new singular blade. My breath hitches.

It's a crossblade, similar to the sith blade of Kylo Ren, but the hilt is that of the saber wielded by Luke ad Anakin. The intersecting cross I can sense is metal from Leia's lightsaber. Ben ignites the sword and it is a smooth blade of sapphire, devoid of the normal unsteady crackling of his previous lightsaber.

"The crossblade was rather a favorite of mine. Although I can't believe I never figured out it would be much less unsteady with two real crystals." He twirls the blade idly. "What do you think?"

"It's perfect." I nod approvingly, glad to see the resulting joy I sens through our bond at my approval.

"I miss them." Ben whispers, tucking my back against his abdomen, inhaling my hair deeply.

"I know. As do I. But they're never really gone, we know that." He kisses my hairline.

"Rey! Ben! I found it! It's purple! Do you see?" Temiri comes tumbling back into sight, triumphantly clutching the amethyst rock. Ben nods knowingly, kneeling down to look at the little boys find.

"Very impressive Temiri. You will build a great lightsaber."

"Rey!" Temiri was shy with me for a while, but now can barely contain his excitement.


"It's purple!"

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