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okay sorry chapters come out at freaky hours. apparently I get my best writing flow at 1 am. But anyways, here you go, it got a leetle steamy but also fluffy, idk, hope you enjoy. 


I have finished what my grandfather started, but not in the way I ever imagined. There is no monarchy, no hate, and anger, and fear lording over the galaxy. I have fallen in love with a girl, as he did, and I will spend my whole life, our life, loving Rey from Jakku, unconditionally.

When we finally break apart for air I pull Rey into my chest. I want her close to me, I want to feel our hearts beating as one. I duck my head into the curve of her neck, whispering kisses on the silky skin. She snakes under my sweater, around my back. Her fingers are warm, lined with the healed over scabs of battle.

Always so much fighting.

I like the not fighting with her, battling over who will turn, the taking, the hurt.

"Ben." She whispers into my scalp.

"Yes." My voice is hoarse, I have not spoken in a while. Rey swings her other leg around my waist, straddling me.

"Ben." She kisses me again and it tastes like hope.

"Ben." A kiss on my forehead.

"Ben." On my cheek.

"Ben." The corner of my mouth.

"Ben." The tips of my fingers.

She's kissing me, and it tastes like hope, and I forget the name of Kylo Ren.

"Ben." I can barely take it anymore, everything about her is so soft, my companion in the force, to smooth over the broken pieces, the bits of my heart I tore apart.

"Ben." She kisses my neck and she's saying my name and I'm so sorry, but she forgives me, she always forgives me.

I pull her up so we're both standing, always keeping my hands somewhere on her, the touch, the stability, it reminds me that we are one, we are bonded, and it's okay now.

She doesn't have to be brave, she melts in my arms.

I am not a monster to her, her kisses are more fitting for a prince.

"Ben." Rey's saying my name, my name, and it sounds different when she says it. Not a lost cause, not a dead son, but a hero, and I want her to say it over and over and over again until I can believe she is speaking about me.

I pick her up by the waist and push her up against the wall, leaving my legs slightly apart for hers to fit between. Her arms move around my neck. I look into her eyes and it is home, always, looking into her eyes searching for something.

I am not searching anymore.

"Rey." I breathe out. And then I kiss her, I kiss her hotly, and roughly, I kiss her with everything I have, with years of hate and fear and darkness falling away, leaving only Rey. Rey, and I. Rey and Ben. Her waist is so small beneath my hands, she is so small, but so powerful, so brave, always so brave my Rey.

I am kissing her and it tastes like hope.

"I love you." My heart is racing and I lay out the words for her, and they aren't quite right, almost too simple for the oceans raging inside me.

"I love you too." She wipes away my tears, and we hold each other, here in the hellish light, and we're not fighting anymore. 

 I'm just a boy, and she's just a girl, and we're in love, and when we kiss it tastes like hope. 

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